Rauzy class cardinality

Cardinality of Rauzy classes

The following functions implement algorithms relative to article [Del13] and [Boi13] where are given formulas for the cardinality of Rauzy classes of permutations.

  • c: number of standard labeled permutations

  • d: spin difference of standard labeled permutations

  • gamma_std: number of standard permutations (with given profile and marking)

  • gamma_irr: number of irreducible permutations (with given profile and marking)

  • delta_std: spin difference for standard permutations (with given profile and marking)

  • delta_irr: spin difference for irreducible permutations (with given profile and marking)


Vincent Delecroix


Iterator through the pair of partitions (q1,q2) such that the union of the parts of q1 and q2 equal p.


sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc
sage: list(rcc.bidecompositions(Partition([3,1])))
[([], [3, 1]), ([3], [1]), ([1], [3]), ([3, 1], [])]
sage: list(rcc.bidecompositions(Partition([2,1,1])))
[([], [2, 1, 1]),
 ([2], [1, 1]),
 ([1], [2, 1]),
 ([2, 1], [1]),
 ([1, 1], [2]),
 ([2, 1, 1], [])]

Number of labeled standard permutations with given profile

There is an explicit formula for this number

\[c(p) = \frac{2 (n-1)!}{n+1} \left( \sum_{q \subset (p_2,p_3,\ldots,p_k)} (-1)^{s(q)-l(q)} \binom{n}{s(q)}^{-1} \right).\]

Though, for huge partition p this is not very useful. This function implements an induction formula to compute c(p).


sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc

Partition of length 1:

sage: n = 7
sage: rcc.c([n]) == 2 * factorial(n-1) / (n+1)
sage: all(rcc.c([n]) == 2 * factorial(n-1) / (n+1) for n in range(11,18,2))

Partitions of length 2 with two odd numbers:

sage: p = [5,3]
sage: n = sum(p)
sage: b = binomial(n,p[0])
sage: rcc.c(p) == 2 * factorial(n-1) * (1 + 1 / binomial(n,p[0])) / (n+1)

sage: p = [13,5]
sage: n = sum(p)
sage: b = binomial(n,p[0])
sage: rcc.c(p) == 2 * factorial(n-1) * (1 + 1 / binomial(n,p[0])) / (n+1)

Partitions of length 2 with even numbers:

sage: p = [4,4]
sage: n = sum(p)
sage: b = binomial(n,p[0])
sage: rcc.c(p) == 2 * factorial(n-1) * (1 - 1 / binomial(n,p[0])) / (n+1)

sage: p = [10,2]
sage: n = sum(p)
sage: b = binomial(n,p[0])
sage: rcc.c(p) == 2 * factorial(n-1) * (1 - 1 / binomial(n,p[0])) / (n+1)

Add marked points to an integer partition:

sage: p = [3,2,2]
sage: n = sum(p)
sage: all(rcc.c(p + [1]*k) == factorial(n+k-1) / factorial(n-1) * rcc.c(p) for k in range(1,6))
surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality.check_marking(p, marking)[source]

Tiny internal function that checks that marking is compatible with p.


A 3-tuple.


sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc
sage: p = Partition([3,2,2])
sage: rcc.check_marking(p, (1,3,1))
(1, 3, 1)
sage: rcc.check_marking(p, (1,3,2))
(1, 3, 2)
sage: rcc.check_marking(p, (1,3,3))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: marking[2] is not good
sage: rcc.check_marking(p, (1,3,-1))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: marking[2] is not good
sage: rcc.check_marking(p, (2,3,2))
(2, 3, 2)
sage: rcc.check_marking(p, (2,3,3))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: wrong marking type 2
surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality.check_std_marking(p, marking)[source]

Tiny internal function that checks the validity of marking on the partition p.


sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc
sage: p = Partition([3,2,2])
sage: rcc.check_std_marking(p, (1,3,1))
(1, 3, 1)
sage: rcc.check_std_marking(p, (1,3,0))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: marking[2] is not good
surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality.collapse(p, i, j)[source]

Collapses the i-th term and the j-th term of a permutation


  • p - a partition

  • i,j - two different indices of p


  • a partition


sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc
sage: p = Partition([4,2,1])
sage: rcc.collapse(p, 0, 1)
[5, 1]
sage: rcc.collapse(p, 0, 2)
[4, 2]
sage: rcc.collapse(p, 1, 2)
[4, 2]

Difference between the number of odd spin parity and even spin parity standard labeled permutations with given profile

There is an explicit formula

\[d(p) = \frac{(n-1)!}{2^{(n-k)/2}}\]

where n is the sum of the partition p and k is its length.


   sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc
   sage: p = [3,3,1]
   sage: rcc.d([3,3,1]) == factorial(6) / 2**2
   sage: rcc.d([13]) == factorial(12) / 2**6

Adding marked points::

   sage: p = [5,3,3]
   sage: n = sum(p)
   sage: all(rcc.d(p + [1]*k) == factorial(n+k-1) / factorial(n-1) * rcc.d(p) for k in range(1,6))
surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality.delta_irr(profile, marking=None)[source]

Spin difference for the given profile and marking


sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc

The non connected strata in genus 3:

sage: from surface_dynamics import Stratum

sage: c_odd = Stratum([2,2], k=1).odd_component()
sage: c_hyp = Stratum([2,2], k=1).hyperelliptic_component()
sage: c_odd.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 294 permutations
sage: c_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 63 permutations
sage: rcc.delta_irr([3,3]) == 294 - 63

sage: c_odd = Stratum([4], k=1).odd_component()
sage: c_hyp = Stratum([4], k=1).hyperelliptic_component()
sage: c_odd.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 134 permutations
sage: c_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 31 permutations
sage: rcc.delta_irr([5]) == 134 - 31

A non connected strata in genus 4:

sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rdc
sage: a = Stratum([6], k=1)
sage: c_hyp = a.hyperelliptic_component()
sage: c_odd = a.odd_component()
sage: c_even = a.even_component()
sage: c_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 127 permutations
sage: c_hyp.rauzy_class_cardinality()
sage: c_odd.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 5209 permutations
sage: c_odd.rauzy_class_cardinality()
sage: c_even = a.even_component()
sage: c_even.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 2327 permutations
sage: c_even.rauzy_class_cardinality()
sage: 5209 - 2327 - 127
sage: rdc.delta_irr([7])

An example with a very big Rauzy class:

sage: c = Stratum([6,6], k=1).odd_component()
sage: c.rauzy_class_cardinality()
surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality.delta_std(profile, marking=None)[source]

Return the difference odd-even in the given stratum


  • p - partition with odd terms

  • marking - a 3-tuple (1, n1, a) or (2, n1, n2)


sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc

A ValueError is raised if the partition does not fulfill the requirement:

sage: rcc.delta_std([5,2])
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: the profile (=[5, 2]) must contain only odd numbers

Non connected strata in genus 3 has two connected components distinguished by their spin parity:

sage: from surface_dynamics import Stratum
sage: cc_odd = Stratum([2,2], k=1).odd_component()
sage: cc_hyp = Stratum([2,2], k=1).hyperelliptic_component()
sage: d_odd = cc_odd.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d_hyp = cc_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d_odd
Rauzy diagram with 294 permutations
sage: d_hyp
Rauzy diagram with 63 permutations
sage: n_odd = sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d_odd))
sage: n_hyp = sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d_hyp))
sage: n_odd - n_hyp == rcc.delta_std([3,3])

sage: cc_odd = Stratum([4], k=1).odd_component()
sage: cc_hyp = Stratum([4], k=1).hyperelliptic_component()
sage: d_odd = cc_odd.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d_hyp = cc_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d_odd
Rauzy diagram with 134 permutations
sage: d_hyp
Rauzy diagram with 31 permutations
sage: n_odd = sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d_odd))
sage: n_hyp = sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d_hyp))
sage: n_odd - n_hyp == rcc.delta_std([5])
surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality.gamma_irr(profile=None, marking=None)[source]

Number of permutations for the given profile and marking


  • profile - an integer partition such that its sum plus its length is congruent to 0 modulo 2

  • markings - None, an element of the profile or a 3-tuple


sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc

The connected strata in genus 3:

sage: from surface_dynamics import Stratum

sage: c = Stratum([1,1,1,1], k=1).unique_component()
sage: c.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 1255 permutations
sage: rcc.gamma_irr([2,2,2,2])

sage: c = Stratum([2,1,1], k=1).unique_component()
sage: c.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 2177 permutations
sage: rcc.gamma_irr([3,2,2])

sage: c = Stratum([3,1], k=1).unique_component()
sage: c.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 770 permutations
sage: rcc.gamma_irr([4,2])

The non connected strata in genus 3:

sage: c_odd = Stratum([2,2], k=1).odd_component()
sage: c_hyp = Stratum([2,2], k=1).hyperelliptic_component()
sage: c_odd.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 294 permutations
sage: c_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 63 permutations
sage: rcc.gamma_irr([3,3]) == 294 + 63

sage: c_odd = Stratum([4], k=1).odd_component()
sage: c_hyp = Stratum([4], k=1).hyperelliptic_component()
sage: c_odd.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 134 permutations
sage: c_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 31 permutations
sage: rcc.gamma_irr([5]) == 134 + 31
surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality.gamma_std(profile, marking=None)[source]

Return the number of standard permutations of given profile


  • profile - an integer partition such that the its sum plus its length is congruent to 0 modulo 2

  • marking - either None, an element of the profile or a 3-tuple (1, n1, a) or (2, n1, n2)


sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc

A ValueError is raised if the partition does not satisfy the requirement:

sage: rcc.gamma_std([5,2])
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: the sum of the profile (=[5, 2]) plus its length must be congruent to 0 modulo 2

The Rauzy classes associated to connected strata in genus 3:

sage: from surface_dynamics import Stratum
sage: cc = Stratum([1,1,1,1], k=1).unique_component()
sage: d = cc.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d
Rauzy diagram with 1255 permutations
sage: sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d)) == rcc.gamma_std([2,2,2,2])

sage: cc = Stratum([2,1,1], k=1).unique_component()
sage: d = cc.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d
Rauzy diagram with 2177 permutations
sage: sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d)) == rcc.gamma_std([3,2,2])

sage: cc = Stratum([3,1], k=1).unique_component()
sage: d = cc.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d
Rauzy diagram with 770 permutations
sage: sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d)) == rcc.gamma_std([4,2])

The non connected strata in genus 3:

sage: cc_odd = Stratum([2,2], k=1).odd_component()
sage: cc_hyp = Stratum([2,2], k=1).hyperelliptic_component()
sage: d_odd = cc_odd.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d_hyp = cc_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d_odd
Rauzy diagram with 294 permutations
sage: d_hyp
Rauzy diagram with 63 permutations
sage: n_odd = sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d_odd))
sage: n_hyp = sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d_hyp))
sage: n_odd + n_hyp == rcc.gamma_std([3,3])

sage: cc_odd = Stratum([4], k=1).odd_component()
sage: cc_hyp = Stratum([4], k=1).hyperelliptic_component()
sage: d_odd = cc_odd.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d_hyp = cc_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d_odd
Rauzy diagram with 134 permutations
sage: d_hyp
Rauzy diagram with 31 permutations
sage: n_odd = sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d_odd))
sage: n_hyp = sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d_hyp))
sage: n_odd + n_hyp == rcc.gamma_std([5])
surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality.marking_iterator(profile, left=None, standard=False)[source]

Returns the marked profile associated to a partition


sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc
sage: p = Partition([3,2,2])
sage: list(rcc.marking_iterator(p))
[(1, 2, 0),
 (1, 2, 1),
 (1, 3, 0),
 (1, 3, 1),
 (1, 3, 2),
 (2, 2, 2),
 (2, 2, 3),
 (2, 3, 2)]
surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality.number_of_irreducible_permutations(profile=None, marking=None)

Number of permutations for the given profile and marking


  • profile - an integer partition such that its sum plus its length is congruent to 0 modulo 2

  • markings - None, an element of the profile or a 3-tuple


sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc

The connected strata in genus 3:

sage: from surface_dynamics import Stratum

sage: c = Stratum([1,1,1,1], k=1).unique_component()
sage: c.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 1255 permutations
sage: rcc.gamma_irr([2,2,2,2])

sage: c = Stratum([2,1,1], k=1).unique_component()
sage: c.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 2177 permutations
sage: rcc.gamma_irr([3,2,2])

sage: c = Stratum([3,1], k=1).unique_component()
sage: c.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 770 permutations
sage: rcc.gamma_irr([4,2])

The non connected strata in genus 3:

sage: c_odd = Stratum([2,2], k=1).odd_component()
sage: c_hyp = Stratum([2,2], k=1).hyperelliptic_component()
sage: c_odd.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 294 permutations
sage: c_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 63 permutations
sage: rcc.gamma_irr([3,3]) == 294 + 63

sage: c_odd = Stratum([4], k=1).odd_component()
sage: c_hyp = Stratum([4], k=1).hyperelliptic_component()
sage: c_odd.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 134 permutations
sage: c_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 31 permutations
sage: rcc.gamma_irr([5]) == 134 + 31
surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality.number_of_standard_permutations(profile, marking=None)

Return the number of standard permutations of given profile


  • profile - an integer partition such that the its sum plus its length is congruent to 0 modulo 2

  • marking - either None, an element of the profile or a 3-tuple (1, n1, a) or (2, n1, n2)


sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc

A ValueError is raised if the partition does not satisfy the requirement:

sage: rcc.gamma_std([5,2])
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: the sum of the profile (=[5, 2]) plus its length must be congruent to 0 modulo 2

The Rauzy classes associated to connected strata in genus 3:

sage: from surface_dynamics import Stratum
sage: cc = Stratum([1,1,1,1], k=1).unique_component()
sage: d = cc.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d
Rauzy diagram with 1255 permutations
sage: sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d)) == rcc.gamma_std([2,2,2,2])

sage: cc = Stratum([2,1,1], k=1).unique_component()
sage: d = cc.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d
Rauzy diagram with 2177 permutations
sage: sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d)) == rcc.gamma_std([3,2,2])

sage: cc = Stratum([3,1], k=1).unique_component()
sage: d = cc.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d
Rauzy diagram with 770 permutations
sage: sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d)) == rcc.gamma_std([4,2])

The non connected strata in genus 3:

sage: cc_odd = Stratum([2,2], k=1).odd_component()
sage: cc_hyp = Stratum([2,2], k=1).hyperelliptic_component()
sage: d_odd = cc_odd.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d_hyp = cc_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d_odd
Rauzy diagram with 294 permutations
sage: d_hyp
Rauzy diagram with 63 permutations
sage: n_odd = sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d_odd))
sage: n_hyp = sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d_hyp))
sage: n_odd + n_hyp == rcc.gamma_std([3,3])

sage: cc_odd = Stratum([4], k=1).odd_component()
sage: cc_hyp = Stratum([4], k=1).hyperelliptic_component()
sage: d_odd = cc_odd.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d_hyp = cc_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d_odd
Rauzy diagram with 134 permutations
sage: d_hyp
Rauzy diagram with 31 permutations
sage: n_odd = sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d_odd))
sage: n_hyp = sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d_hyp))
sage: n_odd + n_hyp == rcc.gamma_std([5])
surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality.spin_difference_for_irreducible_permutations(profile, marking=None)

Spin difference for the given profile and marking


sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc

The non connected strata in genus 3:

sage: from surface_dynamics import Stratum

sage: c_odd = Stratum([2,2], k=1).odd_component()
sage: c_hyp = Stratum([2,2], k=1).hyperelliptic_component()
sage: c_odd.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 294 permutations
sage: c_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 63 permutations
sage: rcc.delta_irr([3,3]) == 294 - 63

sage: c_odd = Stratum([4], k=1).odd_component()
sage: c_hyp = Stratum([4], k=1).hyperelliptic_component()
sage: c_odd.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 134 permutations
sage: c_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 31 permutations
sage: rcc.delta_irr([5]) == 134 - 31

A non connected strata in genus 4:

sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rdc
sage: a = Stratum([6], k=1)
sage: c_hyp = a.hyperelliptic_component()
sage: c_odd = a.odd_component()
sage: c_even = a.even_component()
sage: c_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 127 permutations
sage: c_hyp.rauzy_class_cardinality()
sage: c_odd.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 5209 permutations
sage: c_odd.rauzy_class_cardinality()
sage: c_even = a.even_component()
sage: c_even.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 2327 permutations
sage: c_even.rauzy_class_cardinality()
sage: 5209 - 2327 - 127
sage: rdc.delta_irr([7])

An example with a very big Rauzy class:

sage: c = Stratum([6,6], k=1).odd_component()
sage: c.rauzy_class_cardinality()
surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality.spin_difference_for_standard_permutations(profile, marking=None)

Return the difference odd-even in the given stratum


  • p - partition with odd terms

  • marking - a 3-tuple (1, n1, a) or (2, n1, n2)


sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc

A ValueError is raised if the partition does not fulfill the requirement:

sage: rcc.delta_std([5,2])
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: the profile (=[5, 2]) must contain only odd numbers

Non connected strata in genus 3 has two connected components distinguished by their spin parity:

sage: from surface_dynamics import Stratum
sage: cc_odd = Stratum([2,2], k=1).odd_component()
sage: cc_hyp = Stratum([2,2], k=1).hyperelliptic_component()
sage: d_odd = cc_odd.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d_hyp = cc_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d_odd
Rauzy diagram with 294 permutations
sage: d_hyp
Rauzy diagram with 63 permutations
sage: n_odd = sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d_odd))
sage: n_hyp = sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d_hyp))
sage: n_odd - n_hyp == rcc.delta_std([3,3])

sage: cc_odd = Stratum([4], k=1).odd_component()
sage: cc_hyp = Stratum([4], k=1).hyperelliptic_component()
sage: d_odd = cc_odd.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d_hyp = cc_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d_odd
Rauzy diagram with 134 permutations
sage: d_hyp
Rauzy diagram with 31 permutations
sage: n_odd = sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d_odd))
sage: n_hyp = sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d_hyp))
sage: n_odd - n_hyp == rcc.delta_std([5])
surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality.split(p, k, i=0)[source]

Splits the i-th term of p into two parts of size k and n-k-1

There is a symmetry split(p, k, i) = split(p, p[i]-k-1, i)


  • p - a partition

  • k - an integer between 2 and p[i]

  • i - integer - the index of the element to split

OUTPUT: a partition


sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc
sage: p = Partition([5,1])
sage: rcc.split(p,1,0)
[3, 1, 1]
sage: rcc.split(p,2,0)
[2, 2, 1]
sage: rcc.split(p,3,0)
[3, 1, 1]