Individual origamis and Teichmüller curves¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 1)
Dense origamis
An origami is a pair (r, u) of permutations up to conjugacy.
The canonical representative of an origami is computed by an
independent C program in normal_form.c
A pillowcase cover is a quadruple (g_0, g_1, g_2, g_3) of permutations
such that the product g_0 g_1 g_2 g_3 is the identity. It is sometimes
called a 4-constellation. The canonical representative of a pillowcase cover
is computed by an independent C program in normal_form.c
- class surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_dense.Origami_dense_pyx¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 405)
Origami or square-tiled surface.
An origami is a flat surface which is a covering of a once-punctured torus. It can be described either by a pair of permutations, up to simultaneous conjugacy in the symmetric group, or by a subgroup of finite index of the free group on two generators, which is the fundamental group of the once-punctured torus.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: Origami([2, 1, 3], [3, 2, 1]) (1,2)(3) (1,3)(2)
- absolute_period_generators()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 3334)
Return a generating set of the absolute periods of this origami.
To each curve on an origami, we can associate its holonomy (that is an element of ZZ times ZZ). This function returns a generating set of the module generated by holonomies of closed curves.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3,4)(5,6)', '(1,5)(2,6)') sage: o.absolute_period_generators() [(2, 0), (2, 0), (0, 1), (0, 1)]
- as_graph()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 1980)
Return the graph associated to self
The graph associated to an origami is the graph on [1, …, N] for which the edges correspond to the action of the permutations r and u.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: G = o.as_graph(); G Looped multi-digraph on 3 vertices sage: G.vertices(sort=True) [0, 1, 2] sage: G.edges(sort=True) [(0, 1, 'r'), (0, 2, 'u'), (1, 0, 'r'), (1, 1, 'u'), (2, 0, 'u'), (2, 2, 'r')]
- automorphism_group()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 2825)
Return the automorphism group of the origami as a permutation group.
The automorpism group of a translation surface is the set of affine diffeomorphisms which have a trivial linear part. For an origami, it corresponds combinatorially to the centralizer of the group generated by the permutations
that define this origami.EXAMPLES:
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami
The L with 3 squares has no automorphisms:
sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: G = o.automorphism_group() sage: G.order() 1
This 4-square square-tiled surface in H(1, 1) has non trivial automorphism for which the quotient is a torus with two squares:
sage: o = Origami('(1,2)(3,4)', '(2,3)') sage: G = o.automorphism_group() sage: G.order() 2 sage: oo = o.quotient(G) sage: oo (1,2) (1)(2)
- connected_components()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 2030)
Return the list of connected origami that composes this origami.
- cover(sr, su, check=True, as_tuple=False)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 2695)
Build the (ramified) cover of this origami by sr and su.
sr, su - two list of N permutations where N is the number of squares of this origami
check - whether or not check the input
as_tuple - assume that sr and su are list of tuples of the same length and corresponds to permutations of [0, …, d-1] (much more efficient in time)
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)'); o (1,2)(3) (1,3)(2) sage: o.cover(['(1,2)', '', ''], ['', '', '']) (1,5,4,2)(3)(6) (1,3)(2)(4,6)(5)
- cylinder_decomposition()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 3122)
Return the cylinder decomposition of the standard form of this origami.
A list of cylinders where each cylinder is a 6-tuple
(bot, top, w, h, bot_twist, top_twist)
are list of right squares adjacent to singularities (the order is in the direction of the permutationr
of the origami)w
are width and height of the cylinderbot_twist
are twist between the minimum square number and the minimum square number adjacent to a singularity.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: r = '(1,2,3,4)(5,6)' sage: u0 = '(1,5)(2,6)(3)(4)' sage: u1 = '(1,5,2,6,3,4)' sage: Origami(r, u0).cylinder_decomposition() [([(1, 3)], [(3, 1)], 2, 1, 0, 0), ([(3, 1), (5, 5)], [(5, 5), (1, 3)], 4, 1, 0, 0)] sage: Origami(r, u1).cylinder_decomposition() [([(1, 6)], [(3, 1)], 2, 1, 0, 0), ([(3, 1), (5, 4)], [(1, 6), (5, 4)], 4, 1, 0, 1)]
- cylinder_diagram(data=False)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 3219)
Return the cylinder diagram corresponding to the horizontal direction.
, also return the list of lengths of separatrices, the heights of cylinders and the twists.The cylinder diagram of a completely periodic surface encodes the combinatorics of cylinders and saddle connections. From a cylinder diagram and its metric data, it is possible to build the surface back.
- boolean (default: False) - if True, return the cylinder diagrams, the lengths, the heights and twists.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami
The two examples in the stratum H(2):
sage: o1 = Origami('(1,2,3)', '(2,3)') sage: o1.stratum() H_2(2) sage: c1 = o1.cylinder_diagram() sage: c1.ncyls() 1 sage: c1.nseps() 3 sage: o2 = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: o2.stratum() H_2(2) sage: c2 = o2.cylinder_diagram() sage: c2.ncyls() 2 sage: c2.nseps() 3 sage: r = (1, 2, 0, 4, 5, 6, 3) sage: u = (1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 0, 6) sage: o = Origami(r, u, as_tuple=True) sage: c, lengths, heights, twists = o.cylinder_diagram(True) sage: c.cylcoord_to_origami(lengths, heights, twists) == o True
- genus()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 3391)
Return the genus of the origami
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: o.genus() 2 sage: o = Origami('(1,2)(3,4)', '(1,3)') sage: o.genus() 2
- gl2z_edges()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 1642)
Return the GL(2,ZZ) action on the GL(2,ZZ)-orbit of this origami.
The action is returned as a pair of dictionaries
(l_edges, i_edges)
representing the action of the following two generators for GL(2, ZZ):\[\begin{split}L = \begin{pmatrix}1&1\\0&1\end{pmatrix} I = \begin{pmatrix}0&1\\1&0\end{pmatrix} \quad \text{and} \quad\end{split}\]BEWARE: Do not modify these dictionaries!
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: l, i = o.gl2z_edges() sage: for oo in sorted(l): print("(%s,%s) -> (%s,%s)" % (oo.r(), oo.u(), l[oo].r(), l[oo].u())) ((2,3),(1,2)) -> ((2,3),(1,2,3)) ((2,3),(1,2,3)) -> ((2,3),(1,2)) ((1,2,3),(2,3)) -> ((1,2,3),(2,3))
- horizontal_cycle_representatives()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 1306)
sage: from surface_dynamics import Origami sage: Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)').horizontal_cycle_representatives() [0, 2]
- horizontal_symmetry()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 1251)
Return the origami (r, u^{-1}).
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3)(5,6)', '(1,4)(3,5,7)') sage: oh = o.horizontal_symmetry(); oh (1,2,3)(4)(5,6)(7) (1,4)(2)(3,7,5)(6)
We check that it commutes with vertical symmetry of the cylinder diagram:
sage: ch1 = o.cylinder_diagram().horizontal_symmetry() sage: ch2 = oh.cylinder_diagram() sage: ch1.is_isomorphic(ch2) True
- horizontal_twist(width=1, cylinder=None)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 1352)
Return the origami
(r, r^{-width}u)
which is obtained by the action of an horizontal twist of widthk
on this origami.INPUT:
- integer (default: 1) - the width of the twistcylinder
- integer orNone
) - if notNone
performs a twist only in the band of squares that containi
. In that case, it is not a SL(2,R)-deformation.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3,4,5,6)', '(1,7)') sage: o (1,2,3,4,5,6)(7) (1,7)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) sage: o.horizontal_twist() (1,2,3,4,5,6)(7) (1,6,5,4,3,2,7) sage: o.horizontal_twist(-1) (1,2,3,4,5,6)(7) (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) sage: o.horizontal_twist(6) == o True sage: S = SymmetricGroup(5) sage: r = S('(1,2,3)(4,5)') sage: u = S('(1,4)(2,5)') sage: o = Origami(r, u) sage: o.horizontal_twist(-1, 1) == o.horizontal_twist(2, 1) == Origami(r, S('(1,2,3)') * u) True sage: o.horizontal_twist(-2, 1) == o.horizontal_twist(1, 1) == Origami(r, S('(1,2,3)')^2 * u) True sage: o.horizontal_twist(-3, 1) == o.horizontal_twist(-3, 1) == o True
- intermediate_covers(degree=None)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 2518)
Return the list of intermediate covers of this origami.
is specified, only intermediate covers of given degree are returned.EXAMPLES:
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(3,4,5)', '(1,2,3)(4,6,7)(5,8,9)') sage: for oo in o.intermediate_covers(): ....: print(oo.nb_squares()) ....: print(oo) ....: print("- - - - - -") 1 (1) (1) - - - - - - 3 (1)(2)(3) (1,2,3) - - - - - - 9 (1)(2)(3,4,5)(6)(7)(8)(9) (1,2,3)(4,6,7)(5,8,9) - - - - - - sage: o.intermediate_covers(degree=3) [(1)(2)(3) (1,2,3)]
- inverse()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 1180)
Return the origami (r^{-1}, u^{-1}) which corresponds to the action of -Id on the origami.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3)', '(1,2)') sage: o (1,2,3) (1,2)(3) sage: o.inverse() (1,3,2) (1,2)(3)
We check that it commutes with the inverse operation on cylinder diagrams:
sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3)(5,6)', '(1,4)(3,5,7)') sage: os = o.inverse(); os (1,3,2)(4)(5,6)(7) (1,4)(2)(3,7,5)(6) sage: c = o.cylinder_diagram() sage: cs1 = o.cylinder_diagram().inverse() sage: cs2 = os.cylinder_diagram() sage: cs1.is_isomorphic(cs2) True
- is_connected()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 2010)
Check whether the origami is connected or not
It is equivalent to ask whether the group generated by r and u acts transitively on the {1, dots, n}.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: o.is_connected() True sage: o = Origami('(1,2)(3,4)', '(1,2)', check=False) sage: o.is_connected() False
- is_hyperelliptic(stratum=False)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 2348)
Return True if this origami is hyperelliptic
is set toTrue
, then return also the corresponding stratum of quadratic differentials this origami is a cover from.EXAMPLES:
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami, origamis sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: o.is_hyperelliptic() True sage: o.is_hyperelliptic(stratum=True) (True, Q_0(1, -1^5)) sage: o = origamis.Podium([3, 3, 2, 1]) sage: o.is_hyperelliptic() False sage: o.is_hyperelliptic(stratum=True) (False, None)
- is_isomorphic(other, certificate=False)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 2050)
Isomorphism test
sage: from surface_dynamics import Origami sage: o1 = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: o2 = Origami('(1,2)', '(2,3)') sage: o3 = Origami('(1,3)', '(1,2)') sage: o1.is_isomorphic(o2) and o2.is_isomorphic(o1) True sage: o1.is_isomorphic(o3) and o3.is_isomorphic(o1) True sage: o2.is_isomorphic(o3) and o3.is_isomorphic(o2) True sage: from surface_dynamics.misc.permutation import perm_conjugate sage: for a,b in [(o1,o2),(o2,o1),(o1,o3),(o3,o1),(o2,o3)]: ....: m = a.is_isomorphic(b, certificate=True)[1] ....: assert perm_conjugate(a.r_tuple(), m) == list(b.r_tuple()) ....: assert perm_conjugate(a.u_tuple(), m) == list(b.u_tuple())
- is_normal()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 2668)
Tests if this origami is a normal cover of the torus
An origami is normal if the subgroup of F_2 that defines the cover is normal. It is equivalent to say that the order of the automorphism group equals the number of squares or that the automorphism group acts transitively on the squares.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami, origamis sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: o.is_normal() False sage: o.is_regular() False sage: o = origamis.Escalator(4) sage: o.is_normal() True sage: o.is_normal() == o.is_regular() True
- is_orientation_cover()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 2169)
Return true if the origami is an orientation cover of a quadratic differential.
It is equivalent to say that -1 is in the Veech group.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: o.is_orientation_cover() True sage: r = '(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)' sage: u = '(3,5,7,9,4,8,10)' sage: o = Origami(r, u) sage: o.is_orientation_cover() False
- is_primitive(return_base=False)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 2461)
An origami is primitive if it does not cover an other origami.
An origami is primitive if the action of the monodromy group has no non trivial block.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: o.is_primitive() True sage: o = Origami('(1,2)(3,4)', '(1,3,5,6)(2,4)') sage: o.is_primitive() False
- is_quadratic_cover()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 2169)
Return true if the origami is an orientation cover of a quadratic differential.
It is equivalent to say that -1 is in the Veech group.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: o.is_orientation_cover() True sage: r = '(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)' sage: u = '(3,5,7,9,4,8,10)' sage: o = Origami(r, u) sage: o.is_orientation_cover() False
- is_quasi_primitive()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 2485)
An origami is quasi primitive if it is reduced and all intermediate covers are of genus 1.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)(3,4)', '(1,3)') sage: o.is_primitive() False sage: o.is_quasi_primitive() True sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3,4)(5)(6)', '(1,5)(3,6)') sage: o.is_primitive() False sage: o.is_quasi_primitive() False
- is_quasi_regular()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 2651)
An origami (r, u) is quasi-regular if the normal closure of the commutator c = rur^{-1}u^{-1} is contained in the automorphism group.
Equivalently, a quasi-regular origami is a translation surface which is a normal cover of a torus ramified over several rational points.
- is_reduced()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 1012)
Test of reducibility
An origami is reduced, if it is not a ramified cover of a bigger torus with only one ramification point. In other terms, it is equivalent to say that the period of the origami generates ZZ^2.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: o.is_reduced() True sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3,4)(5,6)', '(1,5)(2,6)') sage: o.is_reduced() False sage: o = Origami('(1,2)(3,4)', '(1,3,5,6)(2,4)') sage: o.is_reduced() False sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3,4)(5,6)', '(1,5)(2,6)') sage: o.is_reduced() False sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3,4)(5,6)', '(1,5)(2,6)') sage: o.is_reduced() False sage: o = Origami('(1)(2)(3)', '(1,2,3)') sage: o.is_reduced() False
- is_regular()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 2623)
An origami is regular if its automorphism group acts transitively on the squares.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami, origamis sage: o = origamis.EierlegendeWollmilchsau() sage: o.is_regular() True sage: o.is_normal() True
sage: o = Origami('(1,3,2,4,5,6)', '(1,5)') sage: o.is_regular() False sage: o.is_normal() False
- lattice_of_absolute_periods()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 957)
Return (a, t, u) for a standard basis of the lattice of absolute periods.
The corresponding standard basis is ((a, 0), (t, u)).
The lattice of absolute periods of an origami is the sublattice of ZZ^2 generated by the holonomy vectors of loops drawn on it. Any sublattice of ZZ^2 has a standard basis consisting of a horizontal vector (a, 0) and a nonhorizontal vector (t, u), where a, t, u are integers satisfying
0 <= t < a
and0 < t
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)(3,4)', '(2,3)') sage: o.lattice_of_absolute_periods() (2, 0, 1) sage: r = '(1,2)(3,4)(5,6)(7,8,9,10)(11,12)' sage: u = '(1,3,5,7)(2,4,6,8)(9,11,10,12)' sage: o = Origami(r, u) sage: o.lattice_of_absolute_periods() (2, 1, 2)
- lattice_of_periods()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 930)
Return (a, t, u) for a standard basis of the lattice of periods.
The corresponding standard basis is ((a, 0), (t, u)).
The lattice of periods of an origami is the sublattice of ZZ^2 generated by the holonomy vectors of its saddle connections. Any sublattice of ZZ^2 has a standard basis consisting of a horizontal vector (a, 0) and a nonhorizontal vector (t, u), where a, t, u are integers satisfying
0 <= t < a
and0 < t
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: o.lattice_of_periods() (1, 0, 1) sage: r = '(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)(10,11,12)(13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21)' sage: u = '(1,14,21,19,8,3,10,5,12,4,11,6)(2,15,16,17,18,7)(9,13,20)' sage: oy = Origami(r, u) sage: oy.lattice_of_periods() (3, 2, 1)
- lattice_of_quotients(verbose=False)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 2574)
Return the lattice of quotients of this origami.
The set of quotients of an origami contain a maximal element (itself) and a minimal element (the 1-torus). More generally, it is organised as a lattice.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: P = o.normal_cover().lattice_of_quotients(); P Finite lattice containing 6 elements sage: for p in P: ....: print("%d %s" % (p.nb_squares(), p.stratum_component())) 6 H_3(2^2)^odd 3 H_2(2)^hyp 3 H_2(2)^hyp 3 H_2(2)^hyp 2 H_1(0)^hyp 1 H_1(0)^hyp sage: o = Origami('(1,2)(3,4)', '(1,3)') sage: o.lattice_of_quotients() Finite lattice containing 3 elements
- lyapunov_exponents_approx(nb_iterations=20480, nb_experiments=4, only_mean=True, seed=None, nb_vectors=None, nb_vectors_p=None, nb_vectors_m=None, involution=None)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 1778)
Approximation of Lyapunov exponents of the Kontsevich-Zorich cocycle.
An origami defines a Teichmuller curve in the moduli space of translation surfaces. The Kontsevich-Zorich cocycle above this Teichmuller curve (for the Haar measure) has the following form
\[1 = \lambda_1, \lambda_2, ... \lambda_g, -\lambda_g, ..., -\lambda_2, -\lambda_1 = -1\]This function return the approximations of lambda_2, lambda_3, …, lambda_g) as a list.
- integer (default: 2**17) - the number of iterations performed in the algorithmnb_experiments
- integer (default: 4) - the number of experiments to performonly_mean
- boolean (default:True
) - ifTrue
, return the list of mean exponents, otherwise return a list of lists.nb_vectors
- integer (default: genus-1) - the number of vectors to considerinvolution
- permutation or boolean - ifTrue
or an inan involution for the origami with derivative either 1.nb_vectors_p
- if involution is not None, then it will be interpreted as the number of + and - vectors to consider.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)(3,4)(5,6)', '(2,3)(4,5)') sage: lexp = o.lyapunov_exponents_approx(nb_iterations=2**21) sage: lexp # random [0.6666, 0.3333] sage: len(lexp) 2 sage: o = Origami('(1,2)(3,4)(5,6)(7,8)(9,10)', '(2,3)(4,5)(6,7)(8,9)') sage: s = SymmetricGroup(10)('(1,10)(2,9)(3,8)(4,7)(5,6)') sage: lexp = o.lyapunov_exponents_approx(involution=s, nb_iterations=2**21) sage: lexp # random ([0.6000, 0.2000], [0.8000, 0.4000]) sage: print(len(lexp[0]), len(lexp[1])) 2 2
- mirror()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 1281)
Return the origami (u, r)
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3,4)', '(1,5)'); o (1,2,3,4)(5) (1,5)(2)(3)(4) sage: o.mirror() (1,5)(2)(3)(4) (1,2,3,4)(5)
- monodromy(relative=False)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 2775)
Return the monodromy group of the origami.
The monodromy group of an origami is the group generated by the permutations
from which it is defined.INPUT:
– ifTrue
return the monodromy relative to the largest torus over which this origami is a cover (possibly ramified over several points)
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: G = o.monodromy() sage: G Permutation Group with generators [(1,2), (1,3)] sage: G.order() 6
- nb_squares()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 627)
Return the number of squares.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: o.nb_squares() 3
- nb_vertices()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 3622)
Return the number of singularities of this origami
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: o.nb_vertices() 1 sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3)(4,5,6)', '(3,4)') sage: o.nb_vertices() 2
- normal_cover()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 2759)
Return the normal cover of this origami.
- num_cylinders()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 3202)
Return the number of cylinders of this origami.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami, origamis sage: Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)').num_cylinders() 2 sage: origamis.Stair(5).num_cylinders() 3 sage: Origami('(1,2)', '(1)(2)').num_cylinders() 1
- optimal_degree()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 984)
Return the optimal degree of this origami.
The optimal degree of self is the degree of the map to the largest torus.
Any origami X to T factors as i circ pi_{opt} where i is an isogeny. The optimal degree is the degree of pi_{opt}.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami, origamis sage: E = origamis.EierlegendeWollmilchsau() sage: E.optimal_degree() 2 sage: o = Origami('(1,2)(3,4)', '(2,3)') sage: o.optimal_degree() 2 sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: o.optimal_degree() 3
- orientation_data(points=False, verbose=0)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 2194)
Return the list of quadratic stratum and ramification data associated to the orientation quotients of this origami. If the origami is primitive, then there is at most one orientation quotient.
Each element of the list is a 3-tuple containing:
a quadratic stratum
the list of degrees of zeros which are ramified in the covering (consider only integer points)
the partition of half-integers points which are mapped to poles (middle of squares, horizontal edges, vertical edges)
- boolean (default: False) - return singularitiy tuples and not only degrees
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami
The stratum H(2) contains two families of primitive origamis for an odd number of squares. Every surface in H(2) is a covering of a quadratic differential in Q(1,-1^5). The ramification data gives an invariant for those families:
sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3,4,5)', '(2,1)') sage: o.stratum_component() H_2(2)^hyp sage: o.orientation_data() [(Q_0(1, -1^5), (2,), (1, 3, 1))] sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3)', '(1,4,5)') sage: o.stratum_component() H_2(2)^hyp sage: o.orientation_data() [(Q_0(1, -1^5), (2, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1))] sage: o = Origami('(1)(2)(3,4)(5,6,7)', '(1,2,3)(4,5)(6)(7)') sage: o.stratum_component() H_3(4)^hyp sage: o.orientation_data() [(Q_0(3, -1^7), (0, 4, 0), (3, 1, 1))] sage: o = Origami('(1)(2)(3)(4,5)(6,7)', '(1,2,3,4)(5,6,7)') sage: o.stratum_component() H_3(4)^hyp sage: o.orientation_data() [(Q_0(3, -1^7), (4,), (3, 1, 3))] sage: o = Origami('(1)(2)(3)(4,5)(6,7)', '(1,2,3,4)(5,6)(7)') sage: o.stratum_component() H_3(4)^hyp sage: o.orientation_data() [(Q_0(3, -1^7), (4,), (5, 1, 1))] sage: o = Origami('(1,2,4)(3,6,5)', '(1,3)(2,5)(4,6)') sage: for q, _, _ in sorted(o.orientation_data()): print(q) Q_1(4, -1^4) Q_1(4, -1^4) Q_1(4, -1^4) Q_0(1^2, -1^6)
- period_generators()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 849)
Return a list of periods that generate the lattice of periods.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,3,6)(2,5,7)(4)', '(1,2,4,3,5,6,7)') sage: sorted(o.period_generators()) [(-1, 2), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0)] sage: r = '(1,17,6,18,10,8)(11,2,12,5,7,9)(15,16)(3,13)(14,4)' sage: u = '(1,11,15,3,14,10,7,6,12)(17,2,16,13,4,8,9,18,5)' sage: o = Origami(r, u) sage: o.stratum() H_2(2) sage: sorted(o.period_generators()) [(-2, 2), (0, 2), (0, 3), (2, 0), (2, 0), (4, 0)] sage: o = Origami('(1)(2)(3)', '(1,2,3)') sage: o.period_generators() [(1, 0), (0, 3)] sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,2)') sage: o.period_generators() [(2, 0), (-1, 1)]
- pgl2z_edges()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 1715)
Return the PGL(2,ZZ)-action on the PGL(2,ZZ)-orbit of this origami.
The action is returned as a pair of dictionaries
(l, i)
representing the projective action of the matrices:L = [1 1] [0 1]
I = [0 1] [1 0]
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: l, i = o.pgl2z_edges() sage: len(l), len(i) (3, 3)
- plot(**args)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 3001)
Plot self.
The positions of each square follow a naive algorithm. If you believe that a better picture exists look at the method .set_positions()
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import origamis sage: o = origamis.Escalator(3) sage: o.plot() # not tested (problem with matplotlib font caches) Graphics object consisting of 71 graphics primitives
- psl2z_edges()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 1742)
Return the PSL(2,ZZ)-action on the PSL(2,ZZ)-orbit of this origami.
The action is returned as a triple of dictionaries
(l, r, s)
representing the projective action of the matrices:L = [1 1] [0 1]
R = [0 1] [1 1]
S = [0 -1] [1 0]
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: l, r, s = o.psl2z_edges() sage: len(l), len(r), len(s) (3, 3, 3)
- quotient(H=None)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 2865)
Return a quotient of self by the group
.The group
must be a subgroup of the automorphism group of this origami. IfH
is None, it is set by default to the full automorphism group.EXAMPLES:
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)(3,4)', '(2,3)') sage: G = o.automorphism_group() sage: G.order() 2 sage: oo = o.quotient(G) sage: print(oo) (1,2) (1)(2) sage: oo.genus() 1
- r()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 750)
Return the right permutation of the origami.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3)', '(1,2)') sage: o.r() (1,2,3)
- r_inv()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 763)
Return the inverse of the right permutation of the origami.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3)', '(1,2)') sage: o.r_inv() (1,3,2)
- r_inv_tuple()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 681)
Return the inverse of the right permutation as a tuple on {0, …, n-1}
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3)', '(1,2)') sage: o.r_inv_tuple() (2, 0, 1)
- r_orbit(i)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 656)
Return the orbit of
under the r permutation as a list.EXAMPLES:
sage: from surface_dynamics import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: o.r_orbit(0) [0, 1] sage: o.r_orbit(1) [1, 0] sage: o.r_orbit(2) [2]
- r_tuple()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 641)
Return the right permutation of the origami as a tuple on {0, …, n-1}
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: o.r_tuple() (1, 0, 2)
- reduce()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 2385)
Return a reduced origami isomorphic (up to SL(2, QQ) action) to that origami.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)(3,4)', '(1,3,5,6)(2,4)') sage: o.lattice_of_periods() (1, 0, 2) sage: o.reduce() (1,2)(3) (1,3)(2) sage: o = Origami('(1,2)(3,4,5,6)', '(1,3,5)(2,4,6)') sage: o.lattice_of_periods() (2, 0, 1) sage: o.reduce() (1)(2,3) (1,2,3) sage: o = Origami('(1,2)(3,4,5,6)', '(1,3,4,5)(2,6)') sage: o.lattice_of_periods() (2, 1, 1) sage: o.reduce() (1)(2,3) (1,2,3)
- relabel(return_map=False, inplace=False)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 1139)
Relabel self
– return the labelizationinplace
– modify self, the default is False. It might be dangerous to set it True as an origami is hashable and the hash is modified by this operation.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3,4)(5,6)', '(2,5)(3,6)') sage: o2, p = o.relabel(return_map=True) sage: old_r = o.r_tuple() sage: old_u = o.u_tuple() sage: new_r = o2.r_tuple() sage: new_u = o2.u_tuple() sage: all(p[old_r[i]] == new_r[p[i]] for i in range(6)) True sage: all(p[old_u[i]] == new_u[p[i]] for i in range(6)) True
- rename(name)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 2768)
- set_positions(pos=None)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 2950)
Set positions of the squares for plotting.
- list of pairs of coordinates, one for each square
- show()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 3112)
Show a picture of this origami.
- sl2z_edges()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 1682)
Return the action of SL(2, Z) on the SL(2, Z)-orbit of this origami.
The action is returned as a triple of dictionaries
(l, r, s)
representing the action of the matrices L, R, S, where:L = [1 1] [0 1]
R = [1 0] [1 1]
S = R * ~L * R = ~L * R * ~L = [0 -1] [1 0]
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1)(2,3)(4,5)', '(1,2,3,4)(5)') sage: l, r, s = o.sl2z_edges() sage: len(l), len(r), len(s) (12, 12, 12) sage: all(l[s[l[s[l[s[o]]]]]] == s[s[o]] for o in l) True
- stratum(fake_zeros=False)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 3359)
Stratum of this origami.
– boolean (defaultFalse
) whether the stratum should include zeros of order 0 corresponding to the regular corners of the origami.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: o.stratum() H_2(2) sage: r = '(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)' sage: u = '(1,2,3,4,12)(5,7)(6)(8,10)(9)(11)' sage: o = Origami(r, u) sage: o.stratum() H_4(3, 2, 1) sage: o.stratum(True) H_4(3, 2, 1, 0^3)
- stratum_component(fake_zeros=False, verbose=False)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 2095)
Return the component of stratum this origami belongs to.
– (boolean, defaultFalse
) whether the stratum should include 0 degree order
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: o.stratum_component() H_2(2)^hyp sage: r = '(1)(2)(3,4)(5,6,7,8)(9,10)' sage: u = '(1,2,3,5,6,10)(4,9)(7,8)' sage: Origami(r, u).stratum_component() H_4(2^3)^even sage: Origami(u, r).stratum_component() H_4(2^3)^even sage: r = '(1,2,3,4,5)(6,7,8,9,10)' sage: u = '(1,6)(2,10)(3,9)(4,8)(5,7)' sage: o = Origami(r, u) sage: o.stratum_component() H_5(4^2)^odd sage: r = '(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13)' sage: u1 = '(1,2,3,4,13)(5,12)(6,11)(7,10)(8,9)' sage: u2 = '(1,2,3,4,13)(5,6)(7)(8,9)(10,11)(12)' sage: u3 = '(1,2,3,4,13)(5,12,10,9,6,11,8,7)' sage: o1 = Origami(r, u1) sage: print(o1.stratum_component(), o1.stratum_component(True)) H_5(4^2)^hyp H_5(4^2, 0^3)^hyp sage: o2 = Origami(r, u2) sage: print(o2.stratum_component(), o2.stratum_component(True)) H_5(4^2)^odd H_5(4^2, 0^3)^odd sage: o3 = Origami(r, u3) sage: print(o3.stratum_component(), o3.stratum_component(True)) H_5(4^2)^even H_5(4^2, 0^3)^even
- sum_of_lyapunov_exponents()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 3518)
Return the sum of Lyapunov exponents for this origami
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: o.sum_of_lyapunov_exponents() 4/3 sage: o = Origami('(1,2)(3,4)', '(2,3)') sage: o.sum_of_lyapunov_exponents() 3/2
- teichmueller_curve¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 3481)
Return the teichmueller curve of this origami
The result is cached for future usage.
See also
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: t = o.teichmueller_curve() sage: t Teichmueller curve of the origami (1)(2,3) (1,2)(3) sage: t.sum_of_lyapunov_exponents() 4/3 sage: for o in t.cusp_representatives(): ....: print(o[0]) ....: print(o[1]) (1)(2,3) (1,2)(3) 2 (1,2,3) (1)(2,3) 1
- to_standard_form(return_map=False)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 1102)
Return an isomorphic origami in standard form.
- boolean (default: False) - if True return the associated mapping
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: oo, m = o.to_standard_form(return_map=True) sage: ~m * o.r() * m == oo.r() True sage: ~m * o.u() * m == oo.u() True sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3)(4,5)(6)(7,8,9)', '(1,6,3,8,2,7,4,9)') sage: oo, m = o.to_standard_form(return_map=True) sage: ~m * o.r() * m == oo.r() True sage: ~m * o.u() * m == oo.u() True
- translation_group()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 2825)
Return the automorphism group of the origami as a permutation group.
The automorpism group of a translation surface is the set of affine diffeomorphisms which have a trivial linear part. For an origami, it corresponds combinatorially to the centralizer of the group generated by the permutations
that define this origami.EXAMPLES:
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami
The L with 3 squares has no automorphisms:
sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: G = o.automorphism_group() sage: G.order() 1
This 4-square square-tiled surface in H(1, 1) has non trivial automorphism for which the quotient is a torus with two squares:
sage: o = Origami('(1,2)(3,4)', '(2,3)') sage: G = o.automorphism_group() sage: G.order() 2 sage: oo = o.quotient(G) sage: oo (1,2) (1)(2)
- u()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 776)
Return the up permutation of the origami.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,2,3,4)') sage: o.u() (1,2,3,4)
- u_inv()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 789)
Return the inverse of the up permutation of the origami.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,2,3,4)') sage: o.u_inv() (1,4,3,2)
- u_inv_tuple()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 733)
Return the inverse of the up permutation as a tuple on {0, …, n-1}
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,2,3)') sage: o.u_inv_tuple() (2, 0, 1)
- u_orbit(i)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 708)
Return the orbit of
under the u permutation as a list.EXAMPLES:
sage: from surface_dynamics import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: o.u_orbit(0) [0, 2] sage: o.u_orbit(1) [1] sage: o.u_orbit(2) [2, 0]
- u_tuple()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 694)
Return the up permutation of the origami as a tuple on {0, …, n-1}
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: o.u_tuple() (2, 1, 0)
- veech_group()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 3407)
Return the Veech group of this origami.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: G = o.veech_group() sage: G Arithmetic subgroup with permutations of right cosets S2=(2,3) S3=(1,2,3) L=(1,2) R=(1,3)
Most geometric information on the quotient of the upper half plane by the Veech group can be recovered from
:sage: G.index() 3 sage: G.genus() 0 sage: G.ncusps() 2 sage: G.nu2() 1 sage: G.nu3() 0
As well as some arithmetic information:
sage: G.is_congruence() True sage: G.generalised_level() 2
Note that the fact of being congruent is rather exceptional:
sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3,4)', '(4,5)') sage: o.veech_group().is_congruence() False sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3,4,5)', '(5,6)') sage: o.veech_group().is_congruence() False sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3,4,5,6)', '(6,7)') sage: o.veech_group().is_congruence() False
- vertex_degrees(fake_zeros=False)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 3574)
Return the list of degree of the vertices
– boolean (defaultFalse
) whether we return also the 2 pi angle degrees
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami, origamis sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3,4,5)', '(1,5,3,2,4)') sage: o.vertex_degrees() [4] sage: o = origamis.ProjectiveLine(5) sage: o.vertex_degrees() [2, 2] sage: r = '(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)' sage: u = '(1,2,3,4,12)(5,7)(6)(8,10)(9)(11)' sage: o = Origami(r, u) sage: o.vertex_degrees() [3, 2, 1] sage: o.vertex_degrees(fake_zeros=True) [3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0]
- vertical_cycle_representatives()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 1329)
sage: from surface_dynamics import Origami sage: Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)').vertical_cycle_representatives() [0, 1]
- vertical_symmetry()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 1221)
Return the origami (r^{-1}, u).
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3)(5,6)', '(1,4)(3,5,7)') sage: ov = o.vertical_symmetry(); ov (1,3,2)(4)(5,6)(7) (1,4)(2)(3,5,7)(6)
We check that it commutes with vertical symmetry of the cylinder diagram:
sage: cv1 = o.cylinder_diagram().vertical_symmetry() sage: cv2 = ov.cylinder_diagram() sage: cv1.is_isomorphic(cv2) True
- vertical_twist(width=1, cylinder=None)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 1437)
Return the origami (ru^{-k}, u) obtained by the action of a vertical twist of width k on this origami.
- integer (default: 1) - the width of the twist
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3,4)', '(4,5,6,7)') sage: o.vertical_twist() (1,2,3,4,7,6,5) (1)(2)(3)(4,5,6,7) sage: o.vertical_twist(-1) (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) (1)(2)(3)(4,5,6,7) sage: o.vertical_twist(4) == o True sage: S = SymmetricGroup(5) sage: r = S('(1,4)(2,5)') sage: u = S('(1,2,3)(4,5)') sage: o = Origami(r, u) sage: o.vertical_twist(-1, 1) == o.vertical_twist(2, 1) == Origami(S('(1,2,3)') * r, u) True sage: o.vertical_twist(-2, 1) == o.vertical_twist(1, 1) == Origami(S('(1,2,3)')^2 * r, u) True sage: o.vertical_twist(-3, 1) == o.vertical_twist(-3, 1) == o True
- vertices(register_automorphism_action=False)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 3557)
- (default isFalse
) whether the action of the automorphism group of the origami is registered on the vertices
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import origamis sage: o = origamis.Escalator(4) sage: o.vertices() [vertex (1, 5), vertex (2, 6), vertex (3, 7), vertex (4, 8)]
- widths_and_heights()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 802)
Return the list of widths and heights of cylinder.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Origami sage: Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)').widths_and_heights() [(1, 1), (2, 1)] sage: Origami('(1,2)(3,4)', '(1,3,5)(2,4)').widths_and_heights() [(1, 1), (2, 2)] sage: Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3,4)').widths_and_heights() [(1, 2), (2, 1)] sage: Origami('(1,2)(3,4)', '(1,3,5,6)(2,4)').widths_and_heights() [(1, 2), (2, 2)]
- class surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_dense.PillowcaseCover_dense_pyx¶
- degree()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 4062)
The degree of the covering.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import PillowcaseCover sage: p = PillowcaseCover([2, 1, 3, 4], [3, 2, 1, 4], [4, 2, 3, 1]) sage: p.degree() 4
- g_tuple(i)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 4035)
Return a tuple.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import PillowcaseCover sage: p = PillowcaseCover([2, 1, 3, 4], [3, 2, 1, 4], [4, 2, 3, 1]) sage: p.g_tuple(0) (1, 0, 2, 3) sage: p.g_tuple(1) (2, 1, 0, 3) sage: p.g_tuple(2) (3, 1, 2, 0) sage: p.g_tuple(3) (3, 0, 1, 2) sage: p.g_tuple(4) Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: the index i (= 4) must be in {0, 1, 2, 3}
- nb_pillows()¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 3881)
Return the number of pillows.
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import PillowcaseCover sage: PillowcaseCover([0], [0], [0], [0], as_tuple=True).nb_pillows() 1 sage: PillowcaseCover([2, 1, 3, 4], [1, 3, 2, 4], [4, 2, 3, 1]).nb_pillows() 4
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_dense.lattice(vectors)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 111)
Return a triple (a, t, u) where ((a, 0), (t, u)) is a basis for the integer lattice generated by
sage: from surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_dense import lattice sage: lattice([(2, 0), (3, 1)]) (2, 1, 1) sage: lattice([(2, 0), (3, 1), (2, 1)]) (1, 0, 1) sage: lattice([(1, 2), (3, 6), (5, 10)]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: all input vectors are collinear
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_dense.origami_from_gap_permutations(r, u)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 82)
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_dense.origami_unpickle(r, u, pos, name)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 396)
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_dense.sl2z_orbits(origamis, n, limit)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 3800)
Action of the matrices l, r, s
sage: from surface_dynamics.all import Stratum sage: from surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_dense import sl2z_orbits sage: C = Stratum([2,2], k=1).odd_component() sage: origamis = C.origamis(10) sage: len(origamis) 8955 sage: slorbits = sl2z_orbits(origamis, 10, 0) sage: len(slorbits) 19 sage: sum(len(o[0]) for o in slorbits) 8955 sage: for n in range(6, 10): ....: print(len(C.origamis(n))) 69 270 1260 3384
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_dense.sl_orbit_from_gl_orbit(o, L, I)¶
File: surface_dynamics/flat_surfaces/origamis/origami_dense.pyx (starting at line 319)
Compute the SL(2, Z) orbit of the origami
knowing the action of GL(2, Z).TODO: this has nothing to do with origamis… but rather with the action of SL(2, Z), GL(2, Z) and PSL(2, Z).
- an origamiL
- the action of the matrix lI
- the action of the matrix i
On the following example, the SL(2, Z) action has two orbits whereas the GL(2, Z) action has only one:
sage: l_edges = {0:1,1:9,2:8,3:0,4:13,5:10,6:5,7:4,8:11,9:3,10:6,11:2,12:7,13:12} sage: i_edges = {0:10,1:5,2:12,3:4,4:3,5:1,6:11,7:9,8:13,9:7,10:0,11:6,12:2,13:8} sage: from surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_dense import sl_orbit_from_gl_orbit sage: s0 = sl_orbit_from_gl_orbit(0, l_edges, i_edges) sage: print(sorted(s0[0].items())) [(0, 1), (1, 9), (2, 8), (3, 0), (8, 11), (9, 3), (11, 2)] sage: print(sorted(s0[1].items())) [(0, 11), (1, 0), (2, 9), (3, 8), (8, 2), (9, 3), (11, 1)] sage: print(sorted(s0[2].items())) [(0, 2), (1, 8), (2, 0), (3, 9), (8, 1), (9, 3), (11, 11)] sage: s4 = sl_orbit_from_gl_orbit(4, l_edges, i_edges) sage: print(sorted(s4[0].items())) [(4, 13), (5, 10), (6, 5), (7, 4), (10, 6), (12, 7), (13, 12)] sage: print(sorted(s4[1].items())) [(4, 10), (5, 7), (6, 12), (7, 4), (10, 5), (12, 13), (13, 6)] sage: print(sorted(s4[2].items())) [(4, 7), (5, 13), (6, 6), (7, 4), (10, 12), (12, 10), (13, 5)] sage: s1 = sl_orbit_from_gl_orbit(1, l_edges, i_edges) sage: s0 == s1, s0 == s4 (True, False)
Teichmueller curves of Origamis.
- class surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.teichmueller_curve.Cusp(parent, origami, slope)[source]¶
A cusp in a Teichmueller curve.
width of the cusp
cylinder decomposition
a representative
- class surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.teichmueller_curve.TeichmuellerCurve[source]¶
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.teichmueller_curve.TeichmuellerCurveOfOrigami(origami)[source]¶
Return the teichmueller curve for an origami
- class surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.teichmueller_curve.TeichmuellerCurveOfOrigami_class(mapping, inv_mapping, l_edges, r_edges, s2_edges, s3_edges)[source]¶
- an_element()¶
Returns an origami in this Teichmueller curve.
Beware that the labels of the initial origami may have changed.
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: o = Origami('(1,2)','(1,3)') sage: t = o.teichmueller_curve() sage: t.origami() (1)(2,3) (1,2)(3)
- cusp_representative_iterator()[source]¶
Iterator over the cusp of self.
Each term is a couple
is a representative of the cusp (an origami) andw
is the width of the cusp (an integer).
- orbit_graph(s2_edges=True, s3_edges=True, l_edges=False, r_edges=False, vertex_labels=True)[source]¶
Return the graph of action of PSL on this origami
- return the list of origamis in the orbit
- origami()[source]¶
Returns an origami in this Teichmueller curve.
Beware that the labels of the initial origami may have changed.
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: o = Origami('(1,2)','(1,3)') sage: t = o.teichmueller_curve() sage: t.origami() (1)(2,3) (1,2)(3)
- plot_graph()[source]¶
Plot the graph of the veech group.
The graph corresponds to the action of the generators on the cosets determined by the Veech group in PSL(2,ZZ).
- stratum()[source]¶
Returns the stratum of the Teichmueller curve
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: o = Origami('(1,2)','(1,3)') sage: t = o.teichmueller_curve() sage: t.stratum() H_2(2)
- sum_of_lyapunov_exponents()[source]¶
Returns the sum of Lyapunov exponents for this origami
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
Let us consider few examples in H(2) for which the sum is independent of the origami:
sage: o = Origami('(1,2)','(1,3)') sage: o.stratum() H_2(2) sage: o.sum_of_lyapunov_exponents() 4/3 sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3)(4,5,6)','(1,5,7)(2,6)(3,4)') sage: o.stratum() H_2(2) sage: o.sum_of_lyapunov_exponents() 4/3
This is true as well for the stratum H(1,1):
sage: o = Origami('(1,2)','(1,3)(2,4)') sage: o.stratum() H_2(1^2) sage: o.sum_of_lyapunov_exponents() 3/2 sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)','(2,6)(3,7)') sage: o.stratum() H_2(1^2) sage: o.sum_of_lyapunov_exponents() 3/2
Kontsevich-Zorich formula
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.teichmueller_curve.TeichmuellerCurvesOfOrigamis(origamis, assume_normal_form=False, limit=0, verbose_level=0)[source]¶
Return a set of Teichmueller curve from a set of origamis
- iterable of origamisassume_normal_form
- whether or not assume that each origami is in normal formlimit
- integer (default: 0) - if positive, then stop the computation if the size of an orbit is bigger thanlimit
Database of reduced origamis.
Origamis are cover of the torus over one point. The group SL(2,ZZ) act on them (as their mapping class group). This file contains the implementation of a database of these SL(2,Z)-orbits. To do concrete computations with origamis see ?.
The database of origamis contain information about SL(2,ZZ) orbits of the origamis that are arithmetic Teichmueller curves.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
The most useful way to explore the database through queries. We develop several
examples below and refer to the documentation in the method
for the complete specifications.
Let us start by finding the two exceptional surfaces whose Teichmueller curves have a complete degenerate Lyapunov spectrum: the Eierlegende Wollmilchsau and the Ornythorinque:
sage: D = OrigamiDatabase()
sage: q = D.query(sum_of_L_exp=1)
sage: q.number_of()
sage: o0, o1 = q.list()
sage: o0
sage: o1
sage: o0.is_isomorphic(origamis.CyclicCover([1,1,1,1]))
sage: o1.is_isomorphic(origamis.CyclicCover([1,1,1,3]))
We show two methods to get information on a given query:
and list()
. To simply
display the result on the screen in a table, one can use
of OrigamiQuery
sage: q.show()
r=1234 5678 u=1537 2846
r=123456 789abc u=17593b 284c6a
We can display much more information by modifying the displayed columns:
sage: q.cols('nb_squares', 'stratum', 'component', 'regular', 'quasi_regular')
sage: q.show()
Nb squares Stratum Comp. Regular Quasi regular
8 H_3(1^4) c True True
12 H_4(2^3) even False True
And the complete list of columns in the database is obtained through:
sage: D.cols()
Now, we do some simple counting of the number of primitive arithmetic Teichmueller curves. Let us first check the classification of arithmetic Teichmueller curves in H(2) from Hubert-Lelievre and McMullen:
sage: A = Stratum([2], k=1)
sage: for n in range(3, 17):
....: q = D.query(stratum=A, nb_squares=n)
....: print("%2d %d"%(n, q.number_of()))
3 1
4 1
5 2
6 1
7 2
8 1
9 2
10 1
11 2
12 1
13 2
14 1
15 2
16 1
And look at the conjecture of Delecroix-Lelievre in the stratum H(1,1):
sage: A = Stratum([1,1], k=1)
sage: for n in range(4,20):
....: q = D.query(stratum=A, nb_squares=n, primitive=True)
....: print("%2d %d"%(n, q.number_of()))
4 1
5 1
6 2
7 2
8 2
9 2
10 2
11 2
12 2
13 2
14 2
15 2
16 2
17 2
18 2
19 2
You can get an overview of the content of the database:
sage: D.info()
genus 2
H_2(2)^hyp : 205 T. curves (up to 139 squares)
H_2(1^2)^hyp : 452 T. curves (up to 80 squares)
genus 3
H_3(4)^hyp : 163 T. curves (up to 51 squares)
H_3(4)^odd : 118 T. curves (up to 41 squares)
genus 6
H_6(10)^hyp : 46 T. curves (up to 15 squares)
H_6(10)^odd : 4 T. curves (up to 11 squares)
H_6(10)^even : 33 T. curves (up to 12 squares)
Total: 4688 Teichmueller curves
Here is a last example of the list of regular origamis (i.e. such that their group of translation acts transitively on the set of squares):
sage: q = D.query(regular=True)
sage: q.cols('nb_squares', 'stratum', 'automorphism_group_name')
sage: q.show()
Nb squares Stratum Automorphism
6 H_3(2^2) S3
8 H_3(1^4) D8
8 H_3(1^4) Q8
10 H_5(4^2) D10
12 H_4(1^6) A4
Vincent Delecroix (2011-2014): initial version
- class surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database.EnhancedSQLQuery(query_string, database=None)[source]¶
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database.L_exp_approx_to_data(t)¶
Convert a tuple of real numbers with same precision into a string.
The output string is a list of numbers written in base 36 (0, 1, …, 9, a, b, …, z) separated by space ‘ ‘. The first number is the precision of the real field. Then each real number consists of three numbers as sign, mantissa, exponent.
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb sage: odb.real_tuple_to_data((1.23,-4.0)) '1h 1 1ijk9vqiyzy -1g -1 18ce53un18g -1e'
We may check that the first part consists of the precision:
sage: Integer('1h', 36) 53 sage: RR.precision() 53
And then of the two real numbers we input:
sage: sign = Integer('1', 36) sage: mantissa = Integer('1ijk9vqiyzy', 36) sage: exponent = Integer('-1g', 36) sage: RR(sign * mantissa * 2 ** exponent) 1.23000000000000 sage: sign = Integer('-1', 36) sage: mantissa = Integer('18ce53un18g', 36) sage: exponent = Integer('-1e', 36) sage: RR(sign * mantissa * 2 ** exponent) -4.00000000000000
- class surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database.OrigamiDatabase(dblocation=None, read_only=True, force_creation=False, old_version=False)[source]¶
Database of arithmetic Teichmueller curves.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
To query the database the main method is meth:query:
sage: D = OrigamiDatabase() sage: q = D.query(genus=3, nb_squares=12) sage: q.number_of() 146 sage: l = q.list() sage: o = l[0] sage: o.genus() 3 sage: o.nb_squares() 12
For the precise usage of the method query, see the documentation of that function. Here is an example to show how to found the Eierlegende Wollmilchsau in the database from its property of complete degenerate spectrum:
sage: q = D.query(sum_of_L_exp=1, stratum=Stratum([1,1,1,1],k=1)) sage: len(q) 1 sage: o = q.list()[0] sage: o.is_isomorphic(origamis.EierlegendeWollmilchsau()) True
We check the classification of arithmetic Teichmueller curves in H(2) from Hubert-Lelievre and McMullen:
sage: A = Stratum([2], k=1) sage: for n in range(3, 15): ....: q = D.query(stratum=A, nb_squares=n) ....: print("%2d %d"%(n, q.number_of())) 3 1 4 1 5 2 6 1 7 2 8 1 9 2 10 1 11 2 12 1 13 2 14 1
To know all entries of the database look at meth:cols, meth:info or meth:help. The latter also provides a summary description of the columns.
- build(comp, N, force_computation=False, verbose=False)[source]¶
Update the database for the given component
up toN
squares.Note that in order to work the database should not be in read only mode.
- stratum or component of stratumN
- integerforce_computation
- force computation of data which may be yet in the database.verbose
- boolean - ifTrue
, print useful interactive information during the process.
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: import os sage: import tempfile sage: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: ....: db_name = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'my_db.db') ....: D = OrigamiDatabase(db_name, read_only=False) ....: D.build(Stratum([4],k=1).odd_component(), 8) # optional: gap_packages ....: D.info() # optional: gap_packages genus 2 ======= <BLANKLINE> genus 3 ======= H_3(4)^odd : 8 T. curves (up to 7 squares) <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> Total: 8 Teichmueller curves
- cols()[source]¶
Returns the skeleton of self (which is the list of possible entries).
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: O = OrigamiDatabase() sage: cols = O.cols() sage: "representative" in cols True sage: len(cols) 45
- help(cols=None)[source]¶
Print some help relative to the columns of the database.
is provided then gives help only for these columns.
- info(genus=None, dimension=None, print_all=False)[source]¶
Print the list of connected components and the number of squares up to which the database is filled.
- integer (default: None) - if not None, print only info for that genus.dimension
- Integer (default: None) - if not None, print only info for that dimension.print_all
- boolean (default: False) - print also the components for which nothing has been computed yet.
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: O = OrigamiDatabase() sage: O.info() genus 2 ======= ...
- max_nb_squares(comp=None)[source]¶
Returns the maximum number of squares for which Teichmueller curves have been computed.
is None (default), then returns the biggest integer for which the database contains all data up to that integer. Ifcomp
is a stratum or a component of stratum, then returns the maximum number of squares computed for that stratum.EXAMPLES:
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: O = OrigamiDatabase() sage: O.max_nb_squares(Stratum([2],k=1)) 139 sage: O.max_nb_squares() 11
- query(*query_list, **kwds)[source]¶
From a list of restriction, returns a list of possible entry in the database. By default, returns only the found origamis.
Where to find the possible entries self.cols() then a sign among ‘=’ (equality), ‘<>’ (difference), ‘<’, ‘>’, ‘<=’, ‘>=’ (comparisons).
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: D = OrigamiDatabase() sage: for o in D.query(stratum=Stratum([1,1], k=1), nb_squares=6): ....: print("%s\n---------------" % o) (1)(2)(3,4,5,6) (1,2,3)(4,5,6) --------------- (1)(2)(3)(4,5,6) (1,2,3,4)(5,6) --------------- (1)(2)(3,4)(5)(6) (1,2,3)(4,5,6) --------------- (1)(2)(3)(4,5)(6) (1,2,3,4)(5,6) --------------- (1)(2,3)(4,5)(6) (1,2,4)(3,5,6) ---------------
- rebuild(q=None, local_data=False, lyapunov_exponents=False, global_data=False, nb_iterations=4096, nb_experiments=5, verbose=False)[source]¶
Rebuild some of the data for the origami in the query
- a querylocal_data
- boolean - whether or not we rebuild local data.lyapunov_exponents
- boolean - whether or not rebuild lyapunov exponents approximation (time consuming).global_data
- boolean - whether or not rebuild global data (time and memory consuming).nb_experiments
- integers - option for the computation of Lyapunov exponents.verbose
- boolean - if True displays nice information in real time.
- update(other, replace=False, verbose=False)[source]¶
Update the content of this database with the content of another one.
- a query, an origami database or a path to an origami databasereplace
- boolean - whether or not replace entries which are yet in the database.verbose
- boolean - if True, displays information during the transfer.
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: import os sage: import tempfile sage: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: ....: db1_name = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'the_first_one.db') ....: db2_name = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'the_second_one.db') ....: D1 = OrigamiDatabase(db1_name, read_only=False) ....: D2 = OrigamiDatabase(db2_name, read_only=False) ....: D1.build(Stratum([1,1],k=1).unique_component(), 7) # optional: gap_packages ....: D2.build(Stratum([2],k=1).unique_component(), 5) # optional: gap_packages ....: D2.update(D1) # optional: gap_packages ....: D2.info() # optional: gap_packages genus 2 ======= H_2(2)^hyp : 2 T. curves (up to 4 squares) H_2(1^2)^hyp: 8 T. curves (up to 6 squares) <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> Total: 10 Teichmueller curves
- class surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database.OrigamiQuery(db, query_string, cols, **kwds)[source]¶
Origami database query.
A query for an instance of OrigamiDatabase. This class nicely wraps the SQLQuery class located in surface_dynamics.databases.database.py to make the query constraints intuitive and with as many pre-definitions as possible. (i.e.: since it has to be a OrigamiDatabase, we already know the table structure and types; and since it is immutable, we can treat these as a guarantee).
- cols(*cols)[source]¶
Get or modify columns.
In a sql query, it corresponds to the clause ‘SELECT’.
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: O = OrigamiDatabase() sage: q = O.query() sage: q.cols() ['representative'] sage: q.cols("nb_squares") sage: q.cols() ['nb_squares'] sage: q.cols("veech_group_index","primitive") sage: q.cols() ['veech_group_index', 'primitive']
- database()[source]¶
Returns the database of that query.
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: D = OrigamiDatabase() sage: q = D.query(stratum=Stratum([6], k=1)) sage: q.database() Database of origamis sage: q.database() is D True
- dict()[source]¶
Returns a list of dictionaries: col -> value.
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: D = OrigamiDatabase() sage: q = D.query(stratum=Stratum([1,1],k=1), nb_squares=8) sage: q.cols('teich_curve_genus') sage: q.dict() [{'teich_curve_genus': 1}, {'teich_curve_genus': 1}, {'teich_curve_genus': 0}, {'teich_curve_genus': 0}] sage: q.cols('pole_partition', 'primitive') sage: q.dict() [{'pole_partition': (0, 2, 2, 2), 'primitive': True}, {'pole_partition': (2, 0, 2, 2), 'primitive': True}, {'pole_partition': (0, 0, 2, 4), 'primitive': False}, {'pole_partition': (0, 0, 2, 4), 'primitive': False}]
- get_query_string()[source]¶
Output the query string in sql format.
This is the method where the attribute of this object are translated into a sql query.
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: D = OrigamiDatabase() sage: q = D.query(('stratum','=',Stratum([1,1], k=1)), ('nb_squares','<', 13)) sage: q.get_query_string() "SELECT representative FROM origamis WHERE stratum='1 1' AND nb_squares<13 ORDER BY nb_squares ASC" sage: q.order(("nb_squares",1),("pole_partition",-1)) sage: q.get_query_string() "SELECT representative FROM origamis WHERE stratum='1 1' AND nb_squares<13 ORDER BY nb_squares ASC,pole_partition DESC"
- list()[source]¶
Returns the list of entries of the query.
The output is either a list of objects if there is only one column for that query. Otherwise, it is a list of lists where each item is the entries of columns.
See also meth:dict to get a dictionary output.
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: S = OrigamiDatabase(read_only=False) sage: q = S.query(('stratum','=',Stratum([1,1],k=1)),('nb_squares','=',6)) sage: q.list() [(1)(2)(3,4,5,6) (1,2,3)(4,5,6), (1)(2)(3)(4,5,6) (1,2,3,4)(5,6), (1)(2)(3,4)(5)(6) (1,2,3)(4,5,6), (1)(2)(3)(4,5)(6) (1,2,3,4)(5,6), (1)(2,3)(4,5)(6) (1,2,4)(3,5,6)]
- order(*args)[source]¶
Get or modify order.
Order should be a list (col_name, +1) or (col_name, -1). First one means ascending and the second one descending. In a sql query, it corresponds to the clause ‘ORDER BY’.
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: O = OrigamiDatabase() sage: q = O.query() sage: q.order(("nb_squares",1),("pole_partition",1)) sage: q.get_query_string() 'SELECT representative FROM origamis ORDER BY nb_squares ASC,pole_partition ASC' sage: q.order(("nb_squares",-1)) sage: q.get_query_string() 'SELECT representative FROM origamis ORDER BY nb_squares DESC'
- show(**opts)[source]¶
Output a text array with the results of that query.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
There is a problem with show method the SQLQuery:
sage: O = OrigamiDatabase() sage: q = O.query(("nb_squares","=",6)) sage: q.cols(("stratum","sum_of_L_exp","L_exp_approx")) sage: q.show() Stratum Sum of L exp L exp approx --------------------------------------------------------------- ...
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database.are_skeleton_equal(sk1, sk2)[source]¶
Test whether the two skeleton
are equals.EXAMPLES:
sage: from surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database import are_skeleton_equal sage: sk1 = {'table1': {'col1': {'sql': 'TEXT', 'unique': True}, 'col2': {'sql': 'INTEGER'}}} sage: sk2 = {'table1': {'col1': {'sql': 'TEXT', 'unique': True}, 'col2': {'sql': 'INTEGER', 'unique': False}}} sage: are_skeleton_equal(sk1,sk2) True
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database.build_global_data(o, c=None)[source]¶
Compute the global data that are obtained from the Teichmueller curve of the origami
. If the Teichmueller curvec
is not provided, then it is recomputed from scratch (and may be long).EXAMPLES:
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: from surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database import build_global_data sage: data = build_global_data(o) sage: for item in sorted(data): print("%-25s %s" % (item, data[item])) max_hom_dim 2 max_nb_of_cyls 2 min_hom_dim 1 min_nb_of_cyls 1 minus_identity_invariant True sum_of_L_exp 4/3 teich_curve_genus 0 teich_curve_ncusps 2 teich_curve_nu2 1 teich_curve_nu3 0 veech_group_congruence True veech_group_index 3 veech_group_level 2
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database.build_local_data(o)[source]¶
Build local data for the origami
.The output is a dictionary that is intended to be used to feed the database of origamis. The local data are geometrical aspects (stratum, genus, …) the monodromy group (primitivity, orientation cover, …) and the automorphisms of
.See also
to construct Lyapunov exponents andbuild_global_data()
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: o = Origami('(1,2)','(1,3)') sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb sage: data = odb.build_local_data(o) # optional: gap_packages sage: data['stratum'] # optional: gap_packages H_2(2) sage: data['nb_squares'] # optional: gap_packages 3
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database.build_lyapunov_exponents(o, nb_iterations=65536, nb_experiments=10)[source]¶
Compute the lyapunov exponents for the origami
and update the database.EXAMPLES:
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)') sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb sage: data = odb.build_lyapunov_exponents(o) sage: data # abs tol .1 {'L_exp_approx': [0.333348091]}
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database.data_to_L_exp_approx(s)¶
Convert a string into a tuple of real numbers.
For the encoding convention, see meth:real_tuple_to_data.
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb sage: R = RealField(22) sage: t = (R(1), R(pi)) sage: s = odb.real_tuple_to_data(t) sage: tt = odb.data_to_real_tuple(s) sage: tt == t True sage: tt[0].parent() Real Field with 22 bits of precision sage: tt[1].parent() Real Field with 22 bits of precision
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database.data_to_integer_tuple(s)[source]¶
Convert a string into a tuple of integers.
For the encoding convention, see meth:integer_tuple_to_data.
sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb sage: t = (-12, 351234123, 45) sage: s = odb.integer_tuple_to_data(t) sage: odb.data_to_integer_tuple(s) == t True
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database.data_to_nb_cyls_spectrum(s)¶
Convert a string into a tuple of integers.
For the encoding convention, see meth:integer_tuple_to_data.
sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb sage: t = (-12, 351234123, 45) sage: s = odb.integer_tuple_to_data(t) sage: odb.data_to_integer_tuple(s) == t True
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database.data_to_real_tuple(s)[source]¶
Convert a string into a tuple of real numbers.
For the encoding convention, see meth:real_tuple_to_data.
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb sage: R = RealField(22) sage: t = (R(1), R(pi)) sage: s = odb.real_tuple_to_data(t) sage: tt = odb.data_to_real_tuple(s) sage: tt == t True sage: tt[0].parent() Real Field with 22 bits of precision sage: tt[1].parent() Real Field with 22 bits of precision
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database.data_to_representative(s)[source]¶
Convert data to representative.
For encoding convention, see meth:representative_to_data.
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database.data_to_small_positive_integer_tuple(s)[source]¶
Convert a string into a tuple of Integer.
For encoding convention, see meth:small_positive_integer_tuple_to_data.
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb sage: odb.data_to_small_positive_integer_tuple('14m') (1, 4, 22) sage: odb.data_to_small_positive_integer_tuple('') ()
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database.data_to_stratum(s)[source]¶
Convert a string into a stratum.
For encoding convention, see meth:stratum_to_data.
sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb sage: odb.data_to_stratum('f f 2') H_17(15^2, 2)
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database.format_pole_partition(p)[source]¶
Format into a nice readable string the pole partition.
sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb sage: s = odb.pole_partition_to_data((0,3,5,1)) sage: odb.format_pole_partition(s) '0 (3,5,1)'
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database.format_representative(s)[source]¶
Convert a string that encodes an origami into a human readable string.
The output form consists of the concatenation of the cycles without the parenthesis. In other words the permutation (1,5)(2)(3,7,4) will be convert into ‘15 374’.
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb sage: o = Origami('(1,2)','(1,3)') sage: s = odb.representative_to_data(o) sage: odb.format_representative(s) 'r=12 u=13'
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database.integer_tuple_to_data(t)[source]¶
Convert a tuple of arbitrary integers into a string.
The encoding consists in a string that are representation of the integers in base 36 separated by space.
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb sage: t = (0,-12435123,3) sage: s = odb.integer_tuple_to_data(t) sage: s '0 -7ej03 3' sage: list(map(lambda x: Integer(x,36), s.split(' '))) [0, -12435123, 3]
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database.nb_cyls_spectrum_to_data(t)¶
Convert a tuple of arbitrary integers into a string.
The encoding consists in a string that are representation of the integers in base 36 separated by space.
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb sage: t = (0,-12435123,3) sage: s = odb.integer_tuple_to_data(t) sage: s '0 -7ej03 3' sage: list(map(lambda x: Integer(x,36), s.split(' '))) [0, -12435123, 3]
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database.pole_partition_to_data(t)¶
Convert a tuple of integers between 0 and 35 to a string.
The encoding consists of a string of the same length as
where each character is the representation of the number in base 36 (0, 1, …, 9, a, b, …, z).EXAMPLES:
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb sage: t = (0, 35, 25, 2, 12) sage: s = odb.small_positive_integer_tuple_to_data(t) sage: s '0zp2c' sage: list(map(lambda x: Integer(x, 36), s)) [0, 35, 25, 2, 12]
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database.real_tuple_to_data(t)[source]¶
Convert a tuple of real numbers with same precision into a string.
The output string is a list of numbers written in base 36 (0, 1, …, 9, a, b, …, z) separated by space ‘ ‘. The first number is the precision of the real field. Then each real number consists of three numbers as sign, mantissa, exponent.
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb sage: odb.real_tuple_to_data((1.23,-4.0)) '1h 1 1ijk9vqiyzy -1g -1 18ce53un18g -1e'
We may check that the first part consists of the precision:
sage: Integer('1h', 36) 53 sage: RR.precision() 53
And then of the two real numbers we input:
sage: sign = Integer('1', 36) sage: mantissa = Integer('1ijk9vqiyzy', 36) sage: exponent = Integer('-1g', 36) sage: RR(sign * mantissa * 2 ** exponent) 1.23000000000000 sage: sign = Integer('-1', 36) sage: mantissa = Integer('18ce53un18g', 36) sage: exponent = Integer('-1e', 36) sage: RR(sign * mantissa * 2 ** exponent) -4.00000000000000
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database.representative_to_data(o)[source]¶
The maximum number of squares is 95. The encoding consists of the concatenation of the two permutations that define the origami.
- surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database.small_positive_integer_tuple_to_data(t)[source]¶
Convert a tuple of integers between 0 and 35 to a string.
The encoding consists of a string of the same length as
where each character is the representation of the number in base 36 (0, 1, …, 9, a, b, …, z).EXAMPLES:
sage: from surface_dynamics import * sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb sage: t = (0, 35, 25, 2, 12) sage: s = odb.small_positive_integer_tuple_to_data(t) sage: s '0zp2c' sage: list(map(lambda x: Integer(x, 36), s)) [0, 35, 25, 2, 12]