Database of reduced origamis.
Origamis are cover of the torus over one point. The group `SL(2,\ZZ)` act on them
(as their mapping class group). This file contains the implementation of a
database of these SL(2,Z)-orbits. To do concrete computations with origamis see
The database of origamis contain information about `SL(2,\ZZ)` orbits of the
origamis that are *arithmetic Teichmueller curves*.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
The most useful way to explore the database through queries. We develop several
examples below and refer to the documentation in the method
:meth:`OrigamiDatabase.query` for the complete specifications.
Let us start by finding the two exceptional surfaces whose Teichmueller curves
have a complete degenerate Lyapunov spectrum: the Eierlegende Wollmilchsau and
the Ornythorinque::
sage: D = OrigamiDatabase()
sage: q = D.query(sum_of_L_exp=1)
sage: q.number_of()
sage: o0, o1 = q.list()
sage: o0
sage: o1
sage: o0.is_isomorphic(origamis.CyclicCover([1,1,1,1]))
sage: o1.is_isomorphic(origamis.CyclicCover([1,1,1,3]))
We show two methods to get information on a given query:
:meth:`~OrigamiQuery.number_of` and :meth:`~OrigamiQuery.list`. To simply
display the result on the screen in a table, one can use
:meth:`~OrigamiQuery.show` of :class:`OrigamiQuery`::
sage: q.show()
r=1234 5678 u=1537 2846
r=123456 789abc u=17593b 284c6a
We can display much more information by modifying the displayed columns::
sage: q.cols('nb_squares', 'stratum', 'component', 'regular', 'quasi_regular')
sage: q.show()
Nb squares Stratum Comp. Regular Quasi regular
8 H_3(1^4) c True True
12 H_4(2^3) even False True
And the complete list of columns in the database is obtained through::
sage: D.cols()
Now, we do some simple counting of the number of primitive arithmetic
Teichmueller curves. Let us first check the classification of arithmetic
Teichmueller curves in H(2) from Hubert-Lelievre and McMullen::
sage: A = Stratum([2], k=1)
sage: for n in range(3, 17):
....: q = D.query(stratum=A, nb_squares=n)
....: print("%2d %d"%(n, q.number_of()))
3 1
4 1
5 2
6 1
7 2
8 1
9 2
10 1
11 2
12 1
13 2
14 1
15 2
16 1
And look at the conjecture of Delecroix-Lelievre in the stratum H(1,1)::
sage: A = Stratum([1,1], k=1)
sage: for n in range(4,20):
....: q = D.query(stratum=A, nb_squares=n, primitive=True)
....: print("%2d %d"%(n, q.number_of()))
4 1
5 1
6 2
7 2
8 2
9 2
10 2
11 2
12 2
13 2
14 2
15 2
16 2
17 2
18 2
19 2
You can get an overview of the content of the database::
sage: D.info()
genus 2
H_2(2)^hyp : 205 T. curves (up to 139 squares)
H_2(1^2)^hyp : 452 T. curves (up to 80 squares)
genus 3
H_3(4)^hyp : 163 T. curves (up to 51 squares)
H_3(4)^odd : 118 T. curves (up to 41 squares)
genus 6
H_6(10)^hyp : 46 T. curves (up to 15 squares)
H_6(10)^odd : 4 T. curves (up to 11 squares)
H_6(10)^even : 33 T. curves (up to 12 squares)
Total: 4688 Teichmueller curves
Here is a last example of the list of regular origamis (i.e. such that their
group of translation acts transitively on the set of squares)::
sage: q = D.query(regular=True)
sage: q.cols('nb_squares', 'stratum', 'automorphism_group_name')
sage: q.show()
Nb squares Stratum Automorphism
6 H_3(2^2) S3
8 H_3(1^4) D8
8 H_3(1^4) Q8
10 H_5(4^2) D10
12 H_4(1^6) A4
.. TODO::
Compute also the index of the image in SL_2(Z/NZ) where N is the congruence
level. This can be discriminated by looking at the action on (Z/NZ)^2 (which
should be transitive in the case of SL_2(Z/NZ). There are some inverse theorems
in Gaby thesis.
- Vincent Delecroix (2011-2014): initial version
# ****************************************************************************
# Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Vincent Delecroix <20100.delecroix@gmail.com>
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# https://www.gnu.org/licenses/
# ****************************************************************************
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
from pathlib import Path
from six.moves import range, map, filter, zip
from six import iteritems, string_types
from sage.rings.real_mpfr import RealField
from sage.rings.all import QQ, Integer
from surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami import Origami_dense_pyx
from surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.abelian_strata import Stratum
from surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.abelian_strata import ASC, HypASC, NonHypASC, EvenASC, OddASC
from surface_dynamics.misc.sql_db import SQLDatabase, SQLQuery
from . import __path__ as db_path
if len(db_path) != 1:
raise RuntimeError("problem with setting paths")
db_path = Path(db_path[0]).resolve()
ORIGAMI_DB_LOCATION = db_path / 'origamis.db'
# for primitive and primitive orientation cover
# classification of primitive group action in GAP (order < )
# (announced to be up 4096)
# gap.NrMovedPoints(G) : number of points on which the group act
# gap.PrimitiveIdentification(G) : the index in the primitive group database
# to get back the group:
# gap.PrimitiveGroup(gap.NrMovedPoints(G),gap.PrimitiveIdentification(G))
def are_skeleton_equal(sk1, sk2):
Test whether the two skeleton ``sk1`` and ``sk2`` are equals.
sage: from surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database import are_skeleton_equal
sage: sk1 = {'table1': {'col1': {'sql': 'TEXT', 'unique': True}, 'col2': {'sql': 'INTEGER'}}}
sage: sk2 = {'table1': {'col1': {'sql': 'TEXT', 'unique': True}, 'col2': {'sql': 'INTEGER', 'unique': False}}}
sage: are_skeleton_equal(sk1,sk2)
if set(sk1.keys()) != set(sk2.keys()):
return False
for table in sk1:
v1 = sk1[table]
v2 = sk2[table]
if set(v1.keys()) != set(v2.keys()):
return False
for col in v1:
w1 = v1[col]
w2 = v2[col]
if w1['sql'] != w2['sql']:
return False
if w1.get('index', False) != w2.get('index', False):
return False
if w1.get('unique', False) != w2.get('unique', False):
return False
if w1.get('primary_key', False) != w2.get('primary_key', False):
return False
return True
ORIGAMI_DB_skeleton = {'origamis': {
# Origami representative
'representative' : {'sql': 'TEXT', 'unique': True},
# Origami family
'primitive' : {'sql': 'BOOLEAN'},
'quasi_primitive' : {'sql': 'BOOLEAN'},
'orientation_cover' : {'sql': 'BOOLEAN'},
'hyperelliptic' : {'sql': 'BOOLEAN'},
'regular' : {'sql': 'BOOLEAN'},
'quasi_regular' : {'sql': 'BOOLEAN'},
# Topological identification
'stratum' : {'sql': 'TEXT', 'index': True},
'component' : {'sql': 'TEXT', 'index': True},
'genus' : {'sql': 'INTEGER', 'index': True},
'nb_squares' : {'sql': 'INTEGER', 'index': True},
'optimal_degree' : {'sql': 'INTEGER', 'index': True},
# Veech group data
'veech_group_index' : {'sql': 'INTEGER'},
'veech_group_congruence' : {'sql': 'BOOLEAN'},
'veech_group_level' : {'sql': 'INTEGER'},
'teich_curve_ncusps' : {'sql': 'INTEGER'},
'teich_curve_nu2' : {'sql': 'INTEGER'},
'teich_curve_nu3' : {'sql': 'INTEGER'},
'teich_curve_genus' : {'sql': 'INTEGER'},
# Geometry and Lyapunov exponents
'sum_of_L_exp' : {'sql': 'TEXT'},
'L_exp_approx' : {'sql': 'TEXT'},
'min_nb_of_cyls' : {'sql': 'INTEGER'},
'max_nb_of_cyls' : {'sql': 'INTEGER'},
'min_hom_dim' : {'sql': 'INTEGER'},
'max_hom_dim' : {'sql': 'INTEGER'},
'minus_identity_invariant' : {'sql': 'BOOLEAN'},
# monodromy data
'monodromy_name' : {'sql': 'TEXT', 'index': True},
'monodromy_signature' : {'sql': 'BOOLEAN', 'index': True},
'monodromy_index' : {'sql': 'INTEGER', 'index': True},
'monodromy_order' : {'sql': 'INTEGER'},
'monodromy_solvable' : {'sql': 'BOOLEAN'},
'monodromy_nilpotent' : {'sql': 'BOOLEAN'},
'monodromy_gap_primitive_id' : {'sql': 'INTEGER'},
'relative_monodromy_name' : {'sql': 'TEXT', 'index': True},
'relative_monodromy_signature' : {'sql': 'BOOLEAN', 'index': True},
'relative_monodromy_index' : {'sql': 'INTEGER', 'index': True},
'relative_monodromy_order' : {'sql': 'INTEGER'},
'relative_monodromy_solvable' : {'sql': 'BOOLEAN'},
'relative_monodromy_nilpotent' : {'sql': 'BOOLEAN'},
'relative_monodromy_gap_primitive_id' : {'sql': 'INTEGER'},
# potential orientation data
'orientation_stratum' : {'sql': 'TEXT'},
'orientation_genus' : {'sql': 'INTEGER'},
'pole_partition' : {'sql': 'TEXT'},
# automorphism
'automorphism_group_order' : {'sql': 'INTEGER'},
'automorphism_group_name' : {'sql': 'TEXT'},
ORIGAMI_DB_cols = ['representative', 'stratum', 'component', 'primitive',
'quasi_primitive', 'orientation_cover',
'hyperelliptic', 'regular', 'quasi_regular', 'genus', 'nb_squares', 'optimal_degree',
'veech_group_index', 'veech_group_congruence', 'veech_group_level',
'teich_curve_ncusps', 'teich_curve_nu2', 'teich_curve_nu3', 'teich_curve_genus',
'sum_of_L_exp', 'L_exp_approx', 'min_nb_of_cyls', 'max_nb_of_cyls',
'min_hom_dim', 'max_hom_dim', 'minus_identity_invariant', 'monodromy_name',
'monodromy_signature', 'monodromy_index', 'monodromy_order',
'monodromy_solvable', 'monodromy_nilpotent', 'monodromy_gap_primitive_id',
'relative_monodromy_signature', 'relative_monodromy_index', 'relative_monodromy_order',
'relative_monodromy_solvable', 'relative_monodromy_nilpotent', 'relative_monodromy_gap_primitive_id',
'orientation_stratum', 'orientation_genus',
'pole_partition', 'automorphism_group_order', 'automorphism_group_name']
# backward compatibility with previous versions of the database
# each line of ``added_cols`` correspond to a newly added information
# once you modify the table structure, add a line there
OLDS = []
OLD_ORIGAMI_DB_skeleton = ORIGAMI_DB_skeleton['origamis'].copy()
added_cols = [
'relative_monodromy_signature', 'relative_monodromy_index', 'relative_monodromy_order',
'relative_monodromy_solvable', 'relative_monodromy_nilpotent',
for cols in added_cols:
for col in cols:
del OLD_ORIGAMI_DB_skeleton[col]
OLDS.append(({'origamis': OLD_ORIGAMI_DB_skeleton.copy()}, OLD_ORIGAMI_DB_cols[:]))
# relabelization of columns
relabel_cols = {}
for col in ORIGAMI_DB_skeleton['origamis']:
split_col = col.split('_')
relabel_cols[col] = split_col[0].capitalize() + ' ' + ' '.join(split_col[1:])
relabel_cols['representative'] = 'Origami'
relabel_cols['component'] = 'Comp.'
relabel_cols['orientation_cover'] = 'Quad. diff.'
relabel_cols['monodromy_name'] = 'Monodromy'
relabel_cols['relative_monodromy_name'] = 'Rel. monodromy'
relabel_cols['automorphism_group_name'] = 'Automorphism'
relabel_cols['veech_group_index'] = 'vg index'
relabel_cols['veech_group_congruence'] = 'vg congruence'
relabel_cols['veech_group_level'] = 'vg level'
# raw data to sqldatatype conversion
def real_tuple_to_data(t):
Convert a tuple of real numbers with same precision into a string.
The output string is a list of numbers written in base 36 (0, 1, ..., 9, a,
b, ..., z) separated by space ' '. The first number is the precision of the
real field. Then each real number consists of three numbers as sign,
mantissa, exponent.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb
sage: odb.real_tuple_to_data((1.23,-4.0))
'1h 1 1ijk9vqiyzy -1g -1 18ce53un18g -1e'
We may check that the first part consists of the precision::
sage: Integer('1h', 36)
sage: RR.precision()
And then of the two real numbers we input::
sage: sign = Integer('1', 36)
sage: mantissa = Integer('1ijk9vqiyzy', 36)
sage: exponent = Integer('-1g', 36)
sage: RR(sign * mantissa * 2 ** exponent)
sage: sign = Integer('-1', 36)
sage: mantissa = Integer('18ce53un18g', 36)
sage: exponent = Integer('-1e', 36)
sage: RR(sign * mantissa * 2 ** exponent)
sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb
sage: t = (RR(5.0), RR(pi))
sage: t
(5.00000000000000, 3.14159265358979)
sage: s = odb.real_tuple_to_data(t)
sage: isinstance(s,str)
sage: t == odb.data_to_real_tuple(s)
if not t:
return ''
prec = t[0].prec()
for x in t:
if x.prec() != prec:
raise ValueError("all reals in the tuple should have the same precision")
s = Integer(prec).str(36)
for x in t:
s += ' ' + integer_tuple_to_data(x.sign_mantissa_exponent())
return s
def data_to_real_tuple(s):
Convert a string into a tuple of real numbers.
For the encoding convention, see meth:`real_tuple_to_data`.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb
sage: R = RealField(22)
sage: t = (R(1), R(pi))
sage: s = odb.real_tuple_to_data(t)
sage: tt = odb.data_to_real_tuple(s)
sage: tt == t
sage: tt[0].parent()
Real Field with 22 bits of precision
sage: tt[1].parent()
Real Field with 22 bits of precision
if not s:
return ()
s = s.split(' ')
prec = Integer(s[0], 36)
s = s[1:]
R = RealField(prec)
res = []
for i in range(0, len(s), 3):
sign, mantissa, exponent = data_to_integer_tuple(s[i] + ' ' + s[i+1] + ' ' + s[i+2])
res.append(R(sign * mantissa * 2**exponent))
return tuple(res)
def small_positive_integer_tuple_to_data(t):
Convert a tuple of integers between 0 and 35 to a string.
The encoding consists of a string of the same length as ``t`` where each
character is the representation of the number in base `36` (0, 1, ..., 9, a,
b, ..., z).
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb
sage: t = (0, 35, 25, 2, 12)
sage: s = odb.small_positive_integer_tuple_to_data(t)
sage: s
sage: list(map(lambda x: Integer(x, 36), s))
[0, 35, 25, 2, 12]
if not t:
return ''
assert all(0 <= i < 36 for i in t)
return ''.join(Integer(x).str(36) for x in t)
def data_to_small_positive_integer_tuple(s):
Convert a string into a tuple of Integer.
For encoding convention, see meth:`small_positive_integer_tuple_to_data`.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb
sage: odb.data_to_small_positive_integer_tuple('14m')
(1, 4, 22)
sage: odb.data_to_small_positive_integer_tuple('')
if not s:
return ()
return tuple(Integer(i,36) for i in s)
def integer_tuple_to_data(t):
Convert a tuple of arbitrary integers into a string.
The encoding consists in a string that are representation of the integers in
base 36 separated by space.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb
sage: t = (0,-12435123,3)
sage: s = odb.integer_tuple_to_data(t)
sage: s
'0 -7ej03 3'
sage: list(map(lambda x: Integer(x,36), s.split(' ')))
[0, -12435123, 3]
if not t:
return ''
return ' '.join(Integer(x).str(36) for x in t)
def data_to_integer_tuple(s):
Convert a string into a tuple of integers.
For the encoding convention, see meth:`integer_tuple_to_data`.
sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb
sage: t = (-12, 351234123, 45)
sage: s = odb.integer_tuple_to_data(t)
sage: odb.data_to_integer_tuple(s) == t
if not s:
return ()
return tuple(Integer(i, 36) for i in s.split(' '))
rational_to_data = str
data_to_rational = QQ
def square_num_to_str(i):
if i < 80:
return chr(i + 48)
return ' ' + Integer(i).str(16) + ' '
def representative_to_data(o):
The maximum number of squares is 95. The encoding consists of the
concatenation of the two permutations that define the origami.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb
sage: o = Origami('(1,2,3)','(3,2,1)')
sage: odb.representative_to_data(o)
sage: o = Origami('(1,2,4,3)(5,7,6)(10,9)','(10,8,6,2,4,3,1)')
sage: s = odb.representative_to_data(o)
sage: isinstance(s,str)
sage: o == odb.data_to_representative(s)
Try examples in the critical range 75-85:
sage: for n in range(75,85):
....: r = list(range(1,n)) + [0]
....: u = list(range(n))
....: shuffle(u)
....: o = Origami(r, u, as_tuple=True)
....: s = odb.representative_to_data(o)
....: assert o == odb.data_to_representative(s)
if o.nb_squares() < 80:
# for the first 79 characters we simply use chr(48+i) that is
# 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 etc
rs = ''.join(chr(48+i) for i in o.r_tuple())
us = ''.join(chr(48+i) for i in o.u_tuple())
# for 80 or more squares we use the space to separate base 36 encodings
rs = integer_tuple_to_data(o.r_tuple())
us = integer_tuple_to_data(o.u_tuple())
return rs + us
def data_to_representative(s):
Convert data to representative.
For encoding convention, see meth:`representative_to_data`.
n = len(s) // 2
rs = s[:n]
us = s[n:]
if n < 80:
r = tuple(ord(i)-48 for i in rs)
u = tuple(ord(i)-48 for i in us)
r = data_to_integer_tuple(rs)
u = data_to_integer_tuple(us)
return Origami_dense_pyx(r,u)
# stratum and component
def stratum_to_data(h):
Encode the stratum entry.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb
sage: h = Stratum([2,0], k=1)
sage: s = odb.stratum_to_data(h)
sage: isinstance(s,str)
sage: h == odb.data_to_stratum(s)
return integer_tuple_to_data(h.signature())
def data_to_stratum(s):
Convert a string into a stratum.
For encoding convention, see `meth:stratum_to_data`.
sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb
sage: odb.data_to_stratum('f f 2')
H_17(15^2, 2)
return Stratum(data_to_integer_tuple(s), k=1)
L_exp_approx_to_data = real_tuple_to_data
data_to_L_exp_approx = data_to_real_tuple
pole_partition_to_data = small_positive_integer_tuple_to_data
def data_to_pole_partition(s):
sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb
sage: odb.data_to_pole_partition('0aFe')
(0, 10, 15, 14)
sage: odb.data_to_pole_partition('') is None
if s:
return data_to_small_positive_integer_tuple(s)
return None
nb_cyls_spectrum_to_data = integer_tuple_to_data
data_to_nb_cyls_spectrum = data_to_integer_tuple
sum_of_L_exp_to_data = rational_to_data
data_to_sum_of_L_exp = data_to_rational
def orientation_stratum_to_data(q):
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb
sage: q = Stratum([2,2,0,-1,-1,-1,-1], k=2)
sage: s = odb.orientation_stratum_to_data(q)
sage: isinstance(s,str)
sage: q == odb.data_to_orientation_stratum(s)
if q is None:
return ''
return integer_tuple_to_data(q.signature())
def data_to_orientation_stratum(s):
if s:
return Stratum(data_to_integer_tuple(s), k=2)
return None
cc_from_name = dict((cc._name, cc) for cc in [ASC,HypASC,NonHypASC,EvenASC, OddASC])
# db and queries
class EnhancedSQLQuery(SQLQuery):
def __init__(self, query_string, database=None):
A query for a OrigamiDatabase.
- ``database`` - the OrigamiDatabase instance to query
(if None then a new instance is created)
- ``query_string`` - a string representing the SQL
if database is None:
database = OrigamiDatabase()
if not isinstance(database, OrigamiDatabase):
raise TypeError('%s is not a valid origami database' % database)
class OrigamiQuery:
Origami database query.
A query for an instance of OrigamiDatabase. This class nicely wraps the
SQLQuery class located in surface_dynamics.databases.database.py to make the query
constraints intuitive and with as many pre-definitions as possible. (i.e.:
since it has to be a OrigamiDatabase, we already know the table structure
and types; and since it is immutable, we can treat these as a guarantee).
def __init__(self, db, query_string, cols, **kwds):
- ``origami_db`` - The OrigamiDatabase instance to apply
the query to. (If None, then a new instance is created).
- ``cols`` - A list of column names (strings)
to display in the result when running or showing a query.
- ``query_string`` - A string associated to a query (allow =, <=, <, AND
OR NOT). It consists only of the part of the SQL statement which
appear after the 'WHERE' directive.
self._cols = cols
self._query_string = query_string
self._display_options = kwds
self._order = [("nb_squares", 1)]
if db is None:
self._db = OrigamiDatabase()
elif not isinstance(db, OrigamiDatabase):
raise TypeError("%s is not a valid origami database" % db)
self._db = db
def __repr__(self):
String representation.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: O = OrigamiDatabase()
sage: O.query(("nb_squares","=",5))
Origami query: SELECT representative FROM origamis WHERE nb_squares=5 ORDER BY nb_squares ASC
return 'Origami query: %s' % self.get_query_string()
def database(self):
Returns the database of that query.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: D = OrigamiDatabase()
sage: q = D.query(stratum=Stratum([6], k=1))
sage: q.database()
Database of origamis
sage: q.database() is D
return self._db
def cols(self, *cols):
Get or modify columns.
In a sql query, it corresponds to the clause 'SELECT'.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: O = OrigamiDatabase()
sage: q = O.query()
sage: q.cols()
sage: q.cols("nb_squares")
sage: q.cols()
sage: q.cols("veech_group_index","primitive")
sage: q.cols()
['veech_group_index', 'primitive']
if not cols:
return self._cols[:]
if len(cols) == 1 and isinstance(cols[0], (list,tuple)):
cols = cols[0]
if len(cols) == 1 and cols[0] == '*':
self._cols = ORIGAMI_DB_cols
assert all(c in ORIGAMI_DB_cols for c in cols)
self._cols = list(cols)
def order(self, *args):
Get or modify order.
Order should be a list (col_name, +1) or (col_name, -1). First one means
ascending and the second one descending. In a sql query, it corresponds
to the clause 'ORDER BY'.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: O = OrigamiDatabase()
sage: q = O.query()
sage: q.order(("nb_squares",1),("pole_partition",1))
sage: q.get_query_string()
'SELECT representative FROM origamis ORDER BY nb_squares ASC,pole_partition ASC'
sage: q.order(("nb_squares",-1))
sage: q.get_query_string()
'SELECT representative FROM origamis ORDER BY nb_squares DESC'
if not args:
return self._order
if len(args) == 0 and isinstance(args, list):
args = args[0]
tt = []
for t in args:
assert isinstance(t,tuple)
assert len(t) == 2
assert t[0] in ORIGAMI_DB_cols
assert t[1] == 1 or t[1] == -1
if not len(set(x[0] for x in tt)) == len(tt):
raise ValueError("duplicate in your list")
self._order = tt
def get_query_string(self):
Output the query string in sql format.
This is the method where the attribute of this object are translated
into a sql query.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: D = OrigamiDatabase()
sage: q = D.query(('stratum','=',Stratum([1,1], k=1)), ('nb_squares','<', 13))
sage: q.get_query_string()
"SELECT representative FROM origamis WHERE stratum='1 1' AND nb_squares<13 ORDER BY nb_squares ASC"
sage: q.order(("nb_squares",1),("pole_partition",-1))
sage: q.get_query_string()
"SELECT representative FROM origamis WHERE stratum='1 1' AND nb_squares<13 ORDER BY nb_squares ASC,pole_partition DESC"
query = 'SELECT ' + ','.join(self._cols) + ' FROM origamis'
if self._query_string:
query += ' WHERE ' + self._query_string
if self._order:
d = {1: ' ASC', -1: ' DESC'}
query += " ORDER BY " + ','.join(col_name + d[i] for col_name,i in self._order)
return query
def sql_query(self):
Returns the SQLQuery.
return SQLQuery(self._db, self.get_query_string())
def __iter__(self):
Iterate through the results of self.
The function essentially wraps the iteration of SQLQuery in order to
perform some data conversion.
db = self._db
for result in self.sql_query():
r = []
for i,j in zip(self._cols,result):
if i in db._data_to_entry:
elif ORIGAMI_DB_skeleton['origamis'][i]['sql'] == 'BOOLEAN':
if len(r) == 1:
yield r[0]
yield r
def list(self):
Returns the list of entries of the query.
The output is either a list of objects if there is only one column for
that query. Otherwise, it is a list of lists where each item is the
entries of columns.
See also `meth:dict` to get a dictionary output.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: S = OrigamiDatabase(read_only=False)
sage: q = S.query(('stratum','=',Stratum([1,1],k=1)),('nb_squares','=',6))
sage: q.list()
(1,2,3)(4,5,6), (1)(2)(3)(4,5,6)
(1,2,3,4)(5,6), (1)(2)(3,4)(5)(6)
(1,2,3)(4,5,6), (1)(2)(3)(4,5)(6)
(1,2,3,4)(5,6), (1)(2,3)(4,5)(6)
return list(self)
def dict(self):
Returns a list of dictionaries: col -> value.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: D = OrigamiDatabase()
sage: q = D.query(stratum=Stratum([1,1],k=1), nb_squares=8)
sage: q.cols('teich_curve_genus')
sage: q.dict()
[{'teich_curve_genus': 1},
{'teich_curve_genus': 1},
{'teich_curve_genus': 0},
{'teich_curve_genus': 0}]
sage: q.cols('pole_partition', 'primitive')
sage: q.dict()
[{'pole_partition': (0, 2, 2, 2), 'primitive': True},
{'pole_partition': (2, 0, 2, 2), 'primitive': True},
{'pole_partition': (0, 0, 2, 4), 'primitive': False},
{'pole_partition': (0, 0, 2, 4), 'primitive': False}]
if len(self._cols) == 1:
return [{self._cols[0]: x} for x in self]
return [dict(zip(self._cols, x)) for x in self]
def number_of(self):
Returns the number of entries in the database that satisfy the
return sum(1 for _ in self)
__len__ = number_of
def show(self, **opts):
Output a text array with the results of that query.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
There is a problem with show method the SQLQuery::
sage: O = OrigamiDatabase()
sage: q = O.query(("nb_squares","=",6))
sage: q.cols(("stratum","sum_of_L_exp","L_exp_approx"))
sage: q.show()
Stratum Sum of L exp L exp approx
opts['format_cols'] = self._db._get_format(self._cols)
opts['relabel_cols'] = relabel_cols
return self.sql_query().show(**opts)
def build_local_data(o):
Build local data for the origami ``o``.
The output is a dictionary that is intended to be used to feed the database
of origamis. The local data are geometrical aspects (stratum, genus, ...) the
monodromy group (primitivity, orientation cover, ...) and the automorphisms
of ``o``.
See also :func:`build_lyapunov_exponents` to construct Lyapunov exponents
and :func:`build_global_data`.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: o = Origami('(1,2)','(1,3)')
sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb
sage: data = odb.build_local_data(o) # optional: gap_packages
sage: data['stratum'] # optional: gap_packages
sage: data['nb_squares'] # optional: gap_packages
from sage.functions.other import factorial
from sage.libs.gap.libgap import libgap
data = {}
data['representative'] = o
data['stratum'] = o.stratum()
data['component'] = o.stratum_component()._name
data['genus'] = o.genus()
data['nb_squares'] = o.nb_squares()
G = o.monodromy()
data['monodromy_order'] = G.order()
data['monodromy_index'] = factorial(o.nb_squares()) / G.order()
data['monodromy_signature'] = o.r().sign() == -1 or o.u().sign() == -1
data['monodromy_solvable'] = G.is_solvable()
data['monodromy_nilpotent'] = G.is_nilpotent()
primitive = data['primitive'] = o.is_primitive()
quasi_primitive = data['quasi_primitive'] = o.is_quasi_primitive()
if primitive:
data['automorphism_group_order'] = 1
data['automorphism_group_name'] = '1'
data['regular'] = data['quasi_regular'] = False
data['monodromy_name'] = libgap.StructureDescription(G)
data['optimal_degree'] = o.nb_squares()
d = o.orientation_data()
if d:
data['orientation_cover'] = True
data['minus_identity_invariant'] = True
assert len(d) == 1
d = d[0]
data['orientation_stratum'] = d[0]
data['orientation_genus'] = d[0].surface_genus()
data['hyperelliptic'] = (d[0].surface_genus() == 0)
p0 = d[1].count(0)
p1 = sorted(d[2])
data['pole_partition'] = (p0,p1[0],p1[1],p1[2])
data['orientation_cover'] = data['hyperelliptic'] = False
data['pole_partition'] = data['orientation_stratum'] = data['orientation_genus'] = None
if G.order() < 2500:
data['monodromy_gap_primitive_id'] = libgap.PrimitiveIdentification(G)
data['monodromy_gap_primitive_id'] = None
data['relative_monodromy_order'] = data['monodromy_order']
data['relative_monodromy_index'] = data['monodromy_index']
data['relative_monodromy_signature'] = data['monodromy_signature']
data['relative_monodromy_solvable'] = data['monodromy_solvable']
data['relative_monodromy_nilpotent'] = data['monodromy_nilpotent']
data['relative_monodromy_name'] = data['monodromy_name']
data['relative_monodromy_gap_primitive_id'] = data['monodromy_gap_primitive_id']
else: # not primitive
data['monodromy_name'] = data['monodromy_gap_primitive_id'] = None
H = o.monodromy(relative=True)
data['relative_monodromy_order'] = H.order()
data['relative_monodromy_index'] = factorial(o.optimal_degree()) / H.order()
data['relative_monodromy_signature'] = any(g.sign() == -1 for g in H.gens())
data['relative_monodromy_solvable'] = H.is_solvable()
data['relative_monodromy_nilpotent'] = H.is_nilpotent()
data['relative_monodromy_gap_primitive_id'] = libgap.PrimitiveIdentification(H) if H.order() < 2500 else None
data['relative_monodromy_name'] = libgap.StructureDescription(H) if quasi_primitive else None
a, _, u = o.lattice_of_absolute_periods()
data['optimal_degree'] = a * u
A = o.automorphism_group()
d = o.orientation_data()
if not d:
data['orientation_cover'] = False
data['orientation_stratum'] = data['orientation_genus'] = data['pole_partition'] = None
data['orientation_genus'] = None
data['hyperelliptic'] = False
elif A.order() == 1:
data['orientation_cover'] = True
data['orientation_stratum'] = d[0][0]
data['orientation_genus'] = d[0][0].surface_genus()
data['hyperelliptic'] = (d[0][0].surface_genus() == 0)
data['minus_identity_invariant'] = True
p0 = d[0][1].count(0)
p1 = sorted(d[0][2])
data['pole_partition'] = (p0,p1[0],p1[1],p1[2])
data['orientation_cover'] = True
data['orientation_stratum'] = data['orientation_genus'] = data['pole_partition'] = None
data['hyperelliptic'] = any(x[0].surface_genus() == 0 for x in d)
if data['hyperelliptic']:
dd = list(filter(lambda x: x[0].surface_genus() == 0, d))
assert len(dd) == 1
dd = dd[0]
p0 = dd[1].count(0)
p1 = sorted(dd[2])
data['pole_partition'] = (p0,p1[0],p1[1],p1[2])
if o.is_regular():
data['regular'] = data['quasi_regular'] = True
elif o.is_quasi_regular():
data['regular'] = False
data['quasi_regular'] = True
data['regular'] = data['quasi_regular'] = False
data['automorphism_group_order'] = A.order()
data['automorphism_group_name'] = libgap.StructureDescription(A)
return data
def build_lyapunov_exponents(o, nb_iterations=0X10000, nb_experiments=10):
Compute the lyapunov exponents for the origami ``o`` and update the
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)')
sage: import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb
sage: data = odb.build_lyapunov_exponents(o)
sage: data # abs tol .1
{'L_exp_approx': [0.333348091]}
data = {}
data['L_exp_approx'] = o.lyapunov_exponents_approx(
return data
def build_global_data(o, c=None):
Compute the global data that are obtained from the Teichmueller curve of the
origami ``o``. If the Teichmueller curve ``c`` is not provided, then it is
recomputed from scratch (and may be long).
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: o = Origami('(1,2)', '(1,3)')
sage: from surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database import build_global_data
sage: data = build_global_data(o)
sage: for item in sorted(data): print("%-25s %s" % (item, data[item]))
max_hom_dim 2
max_nb_of_cyls 2
min_hom_dim 1
min_nb_of_cyls 1
minus_identity_invariant True
sum_of_L_exp 4/3
teich_curve_genus 0
teich_curve_ncusps 2
teich_curve_nu2 1
teich_curve_nu3 0
veech_group_congruence True
veech_group_index 3
veech_group_level 2
data = {}
if c is None:
c = o.teichmueller_curve()
data['minus_identity_invariant'] = o.inverse().relabel() in c
V = c.veech_group()
data['veech_group_index'] = V.index()
data['veech_group_congruence'] = V.is_congruence()
data['veech_group_level'] = V.generalised_level()
data['teich_curve_ncusps'] = V.ncusps()
data['teich_curve_nu2'] = V.nu2()
data['teich_curve_nu3'] = V.nu3()
data['teich_curve_genus'] = V.genus()
s = 0 # sum of L. exp (Kontsevich formula)
m_ncyls = 4*o.genus()+4 # min. nb cyls
M_ncyls = 0 # max. nb cyls
m_hd = 4*o.genus()+4 # min. Hom. dim
M_hd = 0 # max. Hom. dim
for (oo, l) in c.cusp_representative_iterator():
cc,w,h,_ = oo.cylinder_diagram(data=True)
nc = cc.ncyls()
if nc < m_ncyls:
m_ncyls = nc
if nc > M_ncyls:
M_ncyls = nc
hd = cc.homological_dimension_of_cylinders()
if hd < m_hd:
m_hd = hd
if hd > M_hd:
M_hd = hd
for j,bot in enumerate(cc.bot_cycle_tuples()):
ww = sum(w[i] for i in bot)
s += l * Integer(h[j]) / Integer(ww)
s /= V.index()
s += Integer(1)/Integer(12) * sum(Integer(m)*Integer(m+2)/Integer(m+1) for m in o.stratum().signature())
data['sum_of_L_exp'] = s
data['min_nb_of_cyls'] = m_ncyls
data['max_nb_of_cyls'] = M_ncyls
data['min_hom_dim'] = m_hd
data['max_hom_dim'] = M_hd
return data
class OrigamiDatabase(SQLDatabase):
Database of arithmetic Teichmueller curves.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
To query the database the main method is meth:`query`::
sage: D = OrigamiDatabase()
sage: q = D.query(genus=3, nb_squares=12)
sage: q.number_of()
sage: l = q.list()
sage: o = l[0]
sage: o.genus()
sage: o.nb_squares()
For the precise usage of the method query, see the documentation of that
function. Here is an example to show how to found the Eierlegende
Wollmilchsau in the database from its property of complete degenerate
sage: q = D.query(sum_of_L_exp=1, stratum=Stratum([1,1,1,1],k=1))
sage: len(q)
sage: o = q.list()[0]
sage: o.is_isomorphic(origamis.EierlegendeWollmilchsau())
We check the classification of arithmetic Teichmueller curves in H(2) from
Hubert-Lelievre and McMullen::
sage: A = Stratum([2], k=1)
sage: for n in range(3, 15):
....: q = D.query(stratum=A, nb_squares=n)
....: print("%2d %d"%(n, q.number_of()))
3 1
4 1
5 2
6 1
7 2
8 1
9 2
10 1
11 2
12 1
13 2
14 1
To know all entries of the database look at `meth:cols`, `meth:info` or
`meth:help`. The latter also provides a summary description of the columns.
def __init__(self, dblocation=None, read_only=True, force_creation=False,
- ``dblocation`` - string - name of the database to use (optional).
- ``read_only`` - bool (default: True) - if True, then the database is
read_only and changes cannot be committed to disk.
- ``force_creation`` - bool (default: False) - whether or not create the database.
- ``old_version`` -- an integer
import surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.origamis.origami_database as odb
if dblocation is None:
dblocation = Path(dblocation)
self._old_version = old_version
if old_version is not False:
skeleton = OLDS[old_version][0]
skeleton = ORIGAMI_DB_skeleton
if force_creation or not dblocation.is_file():
if read_only:
raise ValueError('read_only was set to True but no database exists at {}'.format(dblocation))
if dblocation.is_file():
SQLDatabase.__init__(self, dblocation, read_only=read_only)
if not are_skeleton_equal(self.get_skeleton(), skeleton):
k0 = set(self.get_skeleton()['origamis'].keys())
k1 = set(skeleton['origamis'].keys())
k01 = k0.difference(k1)
k10 = k1.difference(k0)
msg = ""
if k10:
msg += "\ncolumn(s) {} appear(s) in the skeleton but not in the database".format(sorted(k10))
if k01:
msg += "\ncolumn(s) {} appear(s) in the database but not in the skeleton".format(sorted(k01))
raise RuntimeError('Database at %s does not appear to be a valid origami database' % dblocation + msg)
self._data_to_entry = {}
self._entry_to_data = {}
self._format = {}
for kwd in skeleton['origamis']:
if hasattr(odb, 'data_to_' + kwd):
self._format[kwd] = self._data_to_entry[kwd] = getattr(odb,'data_to_' + kwd)
if hasattr(odb, kwd + '_to_data'):
self._entry_to_data[kwd] = getattr(odb,kwd + '_to_data')
if hasattr(odb, 'format_' + kwd):
self._format[kwd] = getattr(odb, 'format_' + kwd)
self._default_display = ['representative', 'stratum', 'component', 'veech_group_index']
def __repr__(self):
String representation.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: OrigamiDatabase().__repr__()
'Database of origamis'
return "Database of origamis"
def __iter__(self):
Returns an iterator over all origami contained in that database.
return iter(self.query())
def __len__(self):
Number of entry in that database.
return self.query().number_of()
def cols(self):
Returns the skeleton of self (which is the list of possible entries).
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: O = OrigamiDatabase()
sage: cols = O.cols()
sage: "representative" in cols
sage: len(cols)
if self._old_version is not False:
return OLDS[self._old_version][1][:]
return ORIGAMI_DB_cols[:]
def build(self, comp, N, force_computation=False, verbose=False):
Update the database for the given component ``comp`` up to ``N`` squares.
Note that in order to work the database should not be in read only mode.
- ``comp`` - stratum or component of stratum
- ``N`` - integer
- ``force_computation`` - force computation of data which may be yet in
the database.
- ``verbose`` - boolean - if ``True``, print useful interactive information
during the process.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: import os
sage: import tempfile
sage: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
....: db_name = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'my_db.db')
....: D = OrigamiDatabase(db_name, read_only=False)
....: D.build(Stratum([4],k=1).odd_component(), 8) # optional: gap_packages
....: D.info() # optional: gap_packages
genus 2
genus 3
H_3(4)^odd : 8 T. curves (up to 7 squares)
Total: 8 Teichmueller curves
assert not self.__read_only__, "The database should be not in read only"
import sys
from time import time
if self._old_version is not False:
columns = OLDS[self._old_version][1]
columns = ORIGAMI_DB_cols
k = 0 # counter for the number of modifications
m = comp.stratum().dimension()-1
if not force_computation:
m = max(m,self.max_nb_squares(comp)+1)
if verbose:
T0 = time()
for n in range(m, N):
if verbose:
sys.stdout.write("nb_squares: %2d\n" % n)
T1 = time()
for c in comp.arithmetic_teichmueller_curves(n):
data = {}
o = c.origami()
k += 1
if verbose:
sys.stdout.write("new entry r=%s u=%s\n" % (o.r(),o.u()))
sys.stdout.write(" build local data...")
t0 = time()
if verbose:
sys.stdout.write("done in %s s\n" % (time()-t0))
sys.stdout.write(" build lyapunov exponents...")
t1 = time()
if verbose:
sys.stdout.write("done in %s s\n" % (time()-t1))
sys.stdout.write(" build global data...")
t1 = time()
if verbose:
t2 = time()
sys.stdout.write("done in %s s\n" % (t2-t1))
sys.stdout.write(" total time: %s s\n" % (t2-t0))
q = self.query(('representative','=',data['representative']))
if len(q) == 1:
if verbose:
sys.stdout.write("... the entry is yet in the database: update it.\n")
# check if there are missing columns
s1 = set(ORIGAMI_DB_skeleton['origamis'].keys())
s2 = set(data.keys())
if verbose:
for x in s1.difference(s2):
sys.stdout.write("WARNING: col %s does not appear in the request\n" % x)
for x in s2.difference(s1):
sys.stdout.write("WARNING: col %s appear in the request and should not\n" % x)
# convert data to fit the database format
for key in data:
if key in self._data_to_entry:
data[key] = self._entry_to_data[key](data[key])
value = [data.get(e,None) for e in columns]
self.add_row('origamis', value, columns)
if verbose:
if verbose:
sys.stdout.write("TOTAL TIME: %s\n" % (time()-T1))
if verbose:
sys.stdout.write("%d Teichmueller curves added in %ss\n" % (k,time()-T0))
def _update_from_old_versions(self, other, verbose=False):
Update the database from an old one.
As from time to time we might update the list of columns, this method is
here to help the transition.
- ``other`` -- an OrigamiDatabase in an older version than ``self``
- ``verbose`` -- if ``True`` print information about the missing columns
in ``other`` and each column added
assert not self.__read_only__, "the database should not be in read only mode"
from sage.libs.gap.libgap import libgap
if isinstance(other, OrigamiQuery):
old_db = other.database()
q = other
elif isinstance(other, OrigamiDatabase):
old_db = other
q = other.query()
raise ValueError("other must be a query or a database")
old_cols = old_db.cols()
new_cols = sorted(set(self.cols()).difference(old_cols))
entry_order = old_cols + new_cols
if verbose:
print("new columns are: {}".format(new_cols))
for x in q.dict():
o = x['representative']
if verbose:
print("update new entry:\n r={}\n u={}".format(o.r(), o.u()))
if 'optimal_degree' in new_cols:
x['optimal_degree'] = o.optimal_degree()
if 'quasi_primitive' in new_cols:
x['quasi_primitive'] = o.is_quasi_primitive()
if any(col.startswith('relative_') for col in new_cols):
primitive = o.is_primitive()
quasi_primitive = o.is_quasi_primitive()
if primitive:
for col in new_cols:
x[col] = x[col[9:]]
from sage.functions.other import factorial
H = o.monodromy(relative=True)
x['relative_monodromy_order'] = H.order()
x['relative_monodromy_index'] = factorial(o.optimal_degree()) / H.order()
x['relative_monodromy_signature'] = any(g.sign() == -1 for g in H.gens())
x['relative_monodromy_solvable'] = H.is_solvable()
x['relative_monodromy_nilpotent'] = H.is_nilpotent()
x['relative_monodromy_gap_primitive_id'] = libgap.PrimitiveIdentification(H) if H.order() < 2500 and libgap.IsPrimitive(H) else None
x['relative_monodromy_name'] = libgap.StructureDescription(H) if quasi_primitive else None
for key in x:
if key in self._data_to_entry:
x[key] = self._entry_to_data[key](x[key])
entry_order = list(x)
value = [x[e] for e in entry_order]
self.add_row('origamis', value, entry_order)
def update(self, other, replace=False, verbose=False):
Update the content of this database with the content of another one.
- ``other`` - a query, an origami database or a path to an origami
- ``replace`` - boolean - whether or not replace entries which are yet
in the database.
- ``verbose`` - boolean - if True, displays information during the
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: import os
sage: import tempfile
sage: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
....: db1_name = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'the_first_one.db')
....: db2_name = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'the_second_one.db')
....: D1 = OrigamiDatabase(db1_name, read_only=False)
....: D2 = OrigamiDatabase(db2_name, read_only=False)
....: D1.build(Stratum([1,1],k=1).unique_component(), 7) # optional: gap_packages
....: D2.build(Stratum([2],k=1).unique_component(), 5) # optional: gap_packages
....: D2.update(D1) # optional: gap_packages
....: D2.info() # optional: gap_packages
genus 2
H_2(2)^hyp : 2 T. curves (up to 4 squares)
H_2(1^2)^hyp: 8 T. curves (up to 6 squares)
Total: 10 Teichmueller curves
assert not self.__read_only__, "the database should not be in read only mode"
if isinstance(other, OrigamiQuery):
q = other
q = q.sql_query()
if isinstance(other, string_types):
other = OrigamiDatabase(other)
assert isinstance(other, OrigamiDatabase)
q = SQLQuery(other, 'SELECT ' + ','.join(ORIGAMI_DB_cols) + ' FROM origamis')
for x in q.query_results():
if verbose:
print("consider new entry %s" % x[0])
qq = SQLQuery(self, "SELECT * FROM origamis WHERE representative='%s'" % str(x[0]))
if len(qq.query_results()) == 1:
if verbose:
print("yet in database")
if not replace:
self.add_row('origamis', x, ORIGAMI_DB_cols)
def rebuild(self, q=None, local_data=False, lyapunov_exponents=False,
global_data=False, nb_iterations=0X1000, nb_experiments=5,
Rebuild some of the data for the origami in the query ``q``.
- ``q`` - a query
- ``local_data`` - boolean - whether or not we rebuild local data.
- ``lyapunov_exponents`` - boolean - whether or not rebuild lyapunov
exponents approximation (time consuming).
- ``global_data`` - boolean - whether or not rebuild global data (time
and memory consuming).
- ``nb_experiments``, ``nb_iterations`` - integers - option for the
computation of Lyapunov exponents.
- ``verbose`` - boolean - if True displays nice information in real
assert not self.__read_only__, "the database should not be in read only mode"
if q is None:
q = self.query()
assert isinstance(q, OrigamiQuery) and q.database() == self
for x in q.dict():
o = x['representative']
qq = self.query(('representative','=',o))
assert len(qq) == 1, "there is a problem!"
if verbose:
print("modify r=%s u=%s" % (o.r(), o.u()))
if local_data:
if lyapunov_exponents:
if global_data:
for key in x:
if key in self._data_to_entry:
x[key] = self._entry_to_data[key](x[key])
entry_order = list(x)
value = [x[e] for e in entry_order]
self.add_row('origamis', value, entry_order)
# def strata(self, **kwds):
# r"""
# Return the list of strata for which some orbit are computed.
# For precisions, see `meth:components` and `meth:info`.
# - ``genus`` (optional)
# - ``dimension`` (optional)
# sage: O = OrigamiDatabase()
# sage: O.strata(genus=3)
# [H_3(4), H_3(2^2), H_3(3, 1), H_3(2, 1^2), H_3(1^4)]
# """
# q = tuple((x,"=",kwds[x]) for x in kwds)
# return sorted(set(self.query(*q,cols='stratum')))
# def components(self):
# r"""
# Return the list of components for which some orbit are computed.
# For more precisions, see `meth:info`.
# sage: O = OrigamiDatabase()
# sage: O.components()
# []
# """
# q = self.query()
# q.cols(("stratum","component"))
# return sorted(cc_from_name[x[1]](x[0]) for x in set(map(tuple,q)))
def info(self, genus=None, dimension=None, print_all=False):
Print the list of connected components and the number of squares up to
which the database is filled.
- ``genus`` - integer (default: None) - if not None, print only info for
that genus.
- ``dimension`` - Integer (default: None) - if not None, print only info
for that dimension.
- ``print_all`` - boolean (default: False) - print also the components
for which nothing has been computed yet.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: O = OrigamiDatabase()
sage: O.info()
genus 2
from surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.abelian_strata import AbelianStrata
if genus is None:
q = self.query(cols='genus')
if not q.number_of():
print("Empty database")
genera = range(2,max(q)+1)
elif isinstance(genus,(int,Integer)):
genera = [genus]
raise ValueError
m = max(len(str(cc)) for a in AbelianStrata(genus=genera[-1]) for cc in a.components())
s = ' {0!s:%s}: {1!s:>3} T. curves (up to {2!s:>2} squares)' % m
n_total = 0
for g in genera:
AA = AbelianStrata(genus=g,dimension=dimension)
if AA.cardinality():
print("genus %d" % g)
for A in AA:
for CC in A.components():
n = self.query(("stratum","=",A),("component","=",CC._name)).number_of()
if n or print_all:
n_total += n
print("Total: %d Teichmueller curves" % n_total)
def help(self, cols=None):
Print some help relative to the columns of the database.
If ``cols`` is provided then gives help only for these columns.
raise NotImplementedError
def max_nb_squares(self, comp=None):
Returns the maximum number of squares for which Teichmueller curves have
been computed.
If ``comp`` is None (default), then returns the biggest integer for
which the database contains all data up to that integer. If ``comp`` is
a stratum or a component of stratum, then returns the maximum number of
squares computed for that stratum.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: O = OrigamiDatabase()
sage: O.max_nb_squares(Stratum([2],k=1))
sage: O.max_nb_squares()
from surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.abelian_strata import \
Stratum, AbelianStratum, AbelianStratumComponent, AbelianStrata
if comp is None:
m = self.max_nb_squares(Stratum([2], k=1))
d = 5
while True:
# at each step we test strata of dimension d and we have m >= d-1
# if we do have equality at the end of the loop, we can not go
# further
for a in AbelianStrata(dimension=d):
k = self.max_nb_squares(a)
if k == 0: # we miss an origami with d-1 squares
return d-2
else: # we can update m
m = min(k, m)
if m == d-1:
return m
d += 1
elif isinstance(comp, AbelianStratum):
return min(self.max_nb_squares(comp) for comp in comp.components())
elif isinstance(comp, AbelianStratumComponent):
stratum = comp.stratum()
comp = comp._name
query = self.query(('stratum','=',stratum),('component','=',comp))
if query.number_of() == 0:
return 0
return max(query.list())
raise ValueError("\"comp\" should be None, a stratum of Abelian differential or a component of stratum")
def _get_format(self, cols):
Returns the dictionary of functions for formatting the given the list
``cols`` of columns to display.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: OrigamiDatabase()._get_format(['representative', 'stratum'])
{'representative': <function format_representative at ...>,
'stratum': <function data_to_stratum at ...>}
format_cols = {}
for key in cols:
if key in self._format:
format_cols[key] = self._format[key]
return format_cols
def query(self, *query_list, **kwds):
From a list of restriction, returns a list of possible entry in the
database. By default, returns only the found origamis.
Where to find the possible entries self.cols() then a sign among '='
(equality), '<>' (difference), '<', '>', '<=', '>=' (comparisons).
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: D = OrigamiDatabase()
sage: for o in D.query(stratum=Stratum([1,1], k=1), nb_squares=6):
....: print("%s\n---------------" % o)
if self._old_version:
skeleton,columns = OLDS[self._old_version]
skeleton = ORIGAMI_DB_skeleton
columns = ORIGAMI_DB_cols
if 'cols' in kwds:
cols = kwds['cols']
del kwds['cols']
cols = ['representative']
if isinstance(cols, string_types):
cols = [cols]
query_list = list(query_list)
query_list.extend((entry,'=',value) for entry,value in iteritems(kwds))
qq = []
for entry,sign,value in query_list:
if entry not in columns:
raise ValueError("{} is not a valid column name".format(entry))
if entry in self._entry_to_data:
value = self._entry_to_data[entry](value)
typ = skeleton['origamis'][entry]['sql']
if typ == 'TEXT':
qq.append("%s%s'%s'" % (entry, sign, str(value)))
elif typ == 'BOOLEAN':
if value:
qq.append("%s%s'True'" % (entry,sign))
qq.append("%s%s'False'" % (entry,sign))
qq.append("%s%s%s" % (entry,sign,str(value)))
if qq:
query_string = ' AND '.join(qq)
query_string = ''
return OrigamiQuery(