Source code for surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph_exhaustive_generation

Exhaustive generation of fat graphs.

This is done following the McKay canonical augmentation. This module
is experimental.
# ****************************************************************************
#       Copyright (C) 2019 Vincent Delecroix <>
#  Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
#  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# ****************************************************************************

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
from six.moves import range

import numbers
from collections import defaultdict

from sage.rings.integer_ring import ZZ
from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ

from .fat_graph import FatGraph, list_extrems

# Miscellaneous functions #

[docs] def minmax(l): m = M = l[0] for i in range(1, len(l)): if l[i] < m: m = l[i] elif l[i] > M: M = l[i] return m, M
[docs] def num_and_weighted_num(it): from sage.rings.integer_ring import ZZ from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ s = n = for _, aut in it: n += if aut is None: s += else: s += QQ((1, aut.group_cardinality())) return n, s
########################## # Augmentation functions # ########################## # augment1: trisection
[docs] def augment1(cm, aut_grp, g, callback): r""" Given a unicellular map ``cm`` with a single vertex and automorphism group ``aut_grp``, iterate through all its canonical extensions that are uniface-univertex maps of greater genus. This operation inserts two edges. This augmentation function is sufficient to iterate through unicellular map. """ n = cm._n fd = cm._fd fl = cm._fl fp = cm._fp i = 0 if aut_grp is None: R = range(n) else: aut_grp.reset_iterator() R = aut_grp if cm._n == 0: cm._set_genus1_square() aaut_grp = cm.automorphism_group() callback('augment1', True, cm, aaut_grp, g - 1) if g > 1: augment1(cm, aaut_grp, g - 1, callback) cm.remove_face_trisection(n) return for i in R: j = i for sj in range(fd[fl[i]]): k = j for sk in range(fd[fl[i]] - sj + (i != j)): cm.trisect_face(i, j, k) test, aaut_grp = cm._is_canonical(n) callback('augment1', test, cm, aaut_grp, g - 1) if test and g > 1: augment1(cm, aaut_grp, g - 1, callback) cm.remove_face_trisection(n) k = fp[k] j = fp[j] i = fp[i]
# augment2: face split # (essentially the same as augment3)
[docs] def augment2(cm, aut_grp, depth, callback): r""" Given a map ``cm`` with a single vertex and automorphism group ``aut_grp`` iterate through all its canonical extensions that are obtained by splitting one of its faces (by adding a single edge). Because of the chosen canonical labellings, we only need to consider the faces with maximal degree and split in such way that the secondly created face is still at least as big as the second biggest. """ n = cm._n nf = cm._nf fp = cm._fp fd = cm._fd fl = cm._fl if cm._n == 0: # trivial map -> loop (1 vertex, 2 faces) cm._set_genus0_loop() aaut_grp = cm.automorphism_group() callback('augment2', True, cm, aaut_grp, depth - 1) if depth > 1: augment2(cm, aaut_grp, depth - 1, callback) cm.remove_edge(0) return if aut_grp is None: R = range(n) else: aut_grp.reset_iterator() R = aut_grp # TODO find edges with the highest face degrees on their sides # (the split must remain higher than them) fdmax0 = 0 fdmax1 = 0 for i in range(nf): if fd[i] > fdmax0: fdmax1 = fdmax0 fdmax0 = fd[i] # if callback is not None: # parent = cm.to_string() for i in R: j = i if fdmax1 <= 1: if fd[fl[i]] < fdmax0 - 1: continue niter = fd[fl[i]] elif fd[fl[i]] != fdmax0 or fd[fl[i]] < 2 * fdmax1 - 2: continue else: for _ in range(fdmax1 - 1): j = fp[j] niter = fd[fl[i]] - 2 * fdmax1 + 3 for _ in range(niter): cm.split_face(i, j) test, aaut_grp = cm._is_canonical(n) callback('augment2', test, cm, aaut_grp, depth - 1) if test and depth > 1: augment2(cm, aaut_grp, depth - 1, callback) cm.remove_edge(n) j = fp[j]
# augment3: vertex split
[docs] def augment3(cm, aut_grp, depth, min_degree, callback): r""" Given a map ``cm``, its automorphism group ``aut_grp`` and a minimum degree ``min_degree``, iterate through all the canonical extensions of ``cm`` that are obtained by splitting ``depth`` times a vertices into two vertices. This augmentation add ``depth`` edges to the fat graph. In principle, because of the chosen canonical labellings, we only need to consider the vertices with maximal degree. """ n = cm._n nv = cm._nv vp = cm._vp vd = cm._vd vl = cm._vl if cm._n == 0: # trivial map -> edge (2 vertices, 1 face) cm._set_genus0_edge() aaut_grp = cm.automorphism_group() callback('augment3', True, cm, aaut_grp, depth - 1) if depth > 1: augment3(cm, aaut_grp, depth - 1, min_degree, callback) cm.contract_edge(0) return if aut_grp is None: R = range(n) else: aut_grp.reset_iterator() R = aut_grp # TODO: find edges with the highest vertex degrees on their ends # the split must remain higher than them vdmax0 = 0 vdmax1 = 0 for i in range(nv): if vd[i] > vdmax0: vdmax1 = vdmax0 vdmax0 = vd[i] min_degree_loc = max(min_degree, vdmax1) for i in R: # vertex degrees are split as d -> (d1 + 1, d2 + 1) # so, if min_degree > 1 we can ignore the first/last half edges # moreover, by the chosen canonical labelling, the degrees of # the split vertices must remain larger than any other j = i if min_degree_loc == 1: if vd[vl[i]] < vdmax0 - 1: continue niter = vd[vl[i]] elif vd[vl[i]] != vdmax0 or vd[vl[i]] < 2 * min_degree_loc - 2: continue else: for _ in range(min_degree_loc - 1): j = vp[j] niter = vd[vl[i]] - 2 * min_degree_loc + 3 for _ in range(niter): cm.split_vertex(i, j) assert vd[vl[i]] >= min_degree_loc assert vd[vl[j]] >= min_degree_loc test, aaut_grp = cm._is_canonical(n) callback('augment3', test, cm, aaut_grp, depth - 1) if test and depth > 1: augment3(cm, aaut_grp, depth - 1, min_degree, callback) cm.contract_edge(n) j = vp[j]
# TODO # def augment4(cm): # r""" # Plant vertices of degree 1,2. # """ ######################################## # Callbacks for the various map reduce # ######################################## # callback to count elements (behaves somehow as a 2-tuple)
[docs] class CountAndWeightedCount: def __init__(self): self.count = ZZ(0) self.weighted_count = QQ(0) def __repr__(self): return "(%s, %s)" % (self.count, self.weighted_count) def __len__(self): return 2 def __getitem__(self, i): if not isinstance(i, numbers.Integral): raise TypeError i = int(i) if i == -1 or i == 1: return self.weighted_count elif i == 0: return self.count else: raise IndexError("index out of range") def __eq__(self, other): if type(self) is not type(other): raise TypeError return self.count == other.count and self.weighted_count == other.weighted_count def __ne__(self, other): if type(self) is not type(other): raise TypeError return self.count != other.count or self.weighted_count != other.weighted_count def __call__(self, cm, aut): self.count += ZZ(1) self.weighted_count += QQ((1, (1 if aut is None else aut.group_cardinality())))
# callback to list elements
[docs] class ListCallback: def __init__(self, mutable=False): self._list = [] self._mutable = mutable def __call__(self, cm, aut): self._list.append(cm.copy(self._mutable))
[docs] def list(self): return self._list
# TODO: make it work again! This is the most precious piece of information # to enhance the exhaustive generation... # Callback for getting a full trace of the execution graphviz_header = """/****************************************************************/ /* Trace execution of fat graphs generation */ /* */ /* root: vp={vp:6} ep={ep:6} fp={fp:6} */ /* g = {g:2} */ /* nf = {nf:2} */ /* nv = {nv:2} */ */ To compile to a graph in pdf format run */ */ $ sfpdf -Tpdf -o OUTPUT.pdf */ */ /****************************************************************/ """
[docs] class FatGraphsTrace: """ A class to trace the execution of the fat graphs generation. It is mostly used for debugging/profiling/illustration purposes. """ def __init__(self, filename=None, verbosity=0): self._verbosity = int(verbosity) self._properties = {} self._k = 0 # current number of vertices self._vdepth = {} # vertex -> depth self._vnum = {} # vertex -> apparition in the iteration self._edges = {} # parent -> child self._bad_explore = {} # vertex -> number of dead end self._vaut = {} # number of automorphisms def __repr__(self): return 'FatGraphs trace for {%s}' % (', '.join('%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in sorted(self._properties.items())))
[docs] def summary(self, filename=None): if filename is None: from sys import stdout f = stdout else: f = open(filename, 'w') f.write(repr(self)) f.write('\n') if not self._vdepth: if filename is not None: f.close() return count_by_depth = defaultdict(int) for v in self._vdepth.values(): count_by_depth[v] += 1 max_depth = max(count_by_depth) mean_depth = float(sum(k * v for k, v in count_by_depth.items())) / sum(v for v in count_by_depth.values()) childless_by_depth = defaultdict(int) for v, child in self._edges.items(): if self._vdepth[v] != max_depth and not child: childless_by_depth[self._vdepth[v]] += 1 bad_explore_by_depth = defaultdict(int) for v, num in self._bad_explore.items(): bad_explore_by_depth[self._vdepth[v]] += num f.write('depth : %d\n' % max_depth) f.write('mean depth : %f\n' % mean_depth) f.write('total num fat graphs : %d\n' % len(self._vdepth)) f.write('by depth num fat graphs : %s\n' % ' '.join('%d' % count_by_depth[i] for i in range(max_depth + 1))) f.write('total bad explore : %d\n' % sum(bad_explore_by_depth.values())) f.write('by depth bad explore : %s\n' % ' '.join('%d' % bad_explore_by_depth[i] for i in range(max_depth + 1))) f.write('total childless : %d\n' % sum(childless_by_depth.values())) f.write('by depth childless : %s\n' % ' '.join('%d' % childless_by_depth[i] for i in range(max_depth + 1))) if filename is not None: f.close()
def __call__(self, cm, aut): pass
[docs] def add_vertex(self, s, aut_grp, depth): if self._verbosity >= 1: print('add_vertex(s={}, depth={})'.format(s, depth)) if s in self._vdepth: raise RuntimeError("already explored vertex!") self._vdepth[s] = depth self._bad_explore[s] = 0 self._vnum[s] = self._k self._edges[s] = [] self._k += 1 self._vaut[s] = 1 if aut_grp is None else aut_grp.group_cardinality()
[docs] def add_edge(self, s0, s1): if self._verbosity >= 1: print('add_edge(s0={}, s1={})'.format(s0, s1)) if s0 not in self._edges: raise RuntimeError("_edges not properly initialized") self._edges[s0].append(s1)
[docs] def root(self, cm, aut_grp): if self._k: raise RuntimeError("trying to set root in a non-empty trace") s = cm.to_string() if self._verbosity >= 1: print('root(cm={})'.format(s)) self.add_vertex(s, aut_grp, 0)
[docs] def canonical_edge(self, parent, cm, aut_grp, caller): if not isinstance(parent, str): raise RuntimeError s = cm.to_string() if self._verbosity >= 1: print('canonical_edge(parent={}, cm={}, caller={})'.format(parent, s, caller)) if parent not in self._edges: raise RuntimeError("_edges not properly initialized at %s" % parent) if s in self._edges: raise RuntimeError("s already in _edges") self.add_vertex(s, aut_grp, self._vdepth[parent] + 1) self.add_edge(parent, s)
[docs] def non_canonical_edge(self, parent, cm, caller): if not isinstance(parent, str): raise RuntimeError if self._verbosity >= 1: print('non_canonical_edge(parent={}, caller={})'.format(parent, caller)) if parent not in self._edges: raise RuntimeError("_edges not properly initialized at %s" % parent) self._bad_explore[parent] += 1
[docs] def graphviz_tree(self, filename=None): if filename is None: from sys import stdout output = stdout else: output = open(filename, 'w') if filename is not None: output.close() f = open(filename, 'w') f.write(graphviz_header.format(vp=vp, ep=ep, fp=fp, g=g, nf=nf, nv=nv)) f.write('digraph Tree {\n') f.write(' rankdir = TB;\n') col1 = "#FF0000" col2 = "#00FF00" col3 = "#0000FF" a0 = cm0.automorphism_group() s0 = cm0.to_string() f.write(""" %s [label="%s"];\n""" % (s0, 0)) for cm1, a1 in augment1(cm0, a0, g, False): s1 = cm1.to_string() if s0 != s1: f.write(""" %s [label="%s"];\n""" % (s1, 0)) f.write(""" %s -> %s [color="%s"];\n""" % (s0, s1, col1)) for cm2, a2 in augment2(cm1, a1, nnf, intermediate): s2 = cm2.to_string() if s2 != s1: f.write(""" %s [label="%s"];\n""" % (s2, 0)) f.write(""" %s -> %s [color="%s"];\n""" % (s1, s2, col2)) for cm3, a3 in augment3(cm2, a2, nnv, vertex_min_degree, intermediate): s3 = cm3.to_string() if s3 != s2: f.write(""" %s [label="%s"];\n""" % (s3, 0)) f.write(""" %s -> %s [color="%s"];\n""" % (s2, s3, col3)) yield cm3, a3
################# # Main iterator # #################
[docs] class StackCallback: def __init__(self, gmin, gmax, fmin, fmax, emin, emax, vmin, vmax, vertex_min_degree, callback, filter): self._gmin = gmin self._gmax = gmax self._fmin = fmin self._fmax = fmax self._emin = emin self._emax = emax self._vmin = vmin self._vmax = vmax self._callback = callback self._vertex_min_degree = vertex_min_degree self._filter = filter def __call__(self, caller, test, cm, aut, depth): # argument test: answers whether this is a canonical map nv = cm._nv ne = cm._n // 2 nf = cm._nf g = (-nv + ne - nf)/2 + 1 assert nv < self._vmax and ne < self._emax and nf < self._fmax, (cm, depth) if test: if g >= self._gmin and \ nv >= self._vmin and \ ne >= self._emin and \ nf >= self._fmin and \ (self._vertex_min_degree <= 1 or all(d >= self._vertex_min_degree for d in cm.vertex_degrees())) and \ (self._filter is None or self._filter(cm, aut)): self._callback(cm, aut) if caller == 'augment1': # augment1 creates fat graphs with a single vertex and a single face. # Here: nv=1, nf=1, 2g=e. assert nv == nf == 1 if ne >= 2 * self._gmin: # more faces? nfdepth = min(self._fmax - 2, self._emax - ne - 1) if nfdepth: augment2(cm, aut, nfdepth, self) # more vertices? if nf >= self._fmin: nvdepth = min(self._vmax - 2, self._emax - ne - 1) if nvdepth: augment3(cm, aut, nvdepth, max(1, self._vertex_min_degree), self) elif caller == 'augment2': # augment2 performs face splitting # Here: nv=1 if nf >= self._fmin: # more vertices? nvdepth = min(self._vmax - 2, self._emax - ne - 1) if nvdepth: augment3(cm, aut, nvdepth, max(1, self._vertex_min_degree), self) elif caller == 'augment3': pass else: raise RuntimeError('unknown caller')
[docs] def run(self): # trivial map (g = 0, nv = 1, nf = 1) cm = FatGraph('()', '()', mutable=True) nv = 1 ne = 0 nf = 1 g = 0 if (self._vmin <= nv < self._vmax and self._emin <= ne < self._emax and self._fmin <= nf < self._fmax and self._gmin <= g < self._gmax and self._vertex_min_degree == 0 and (self._filter is None or self._filter(cm, aut))): self._callback(cm, None) cm._realloc(2 * self._emax - 2) if self._gmax > 1: augment1(cm, None, self._gmax - 1, self) if self._gmin == 0 and self._fmax > 2: assert cm._n == 0, cm augment2(cm, None, self._fmax - 2, self) if self._gmin == 0 and self._fmin == 1 and self._vmax > 2: assert cm._n == 0, cm augment3(cm, None, self._vmax - 2, max(1, self._vertex_min_degree), self)
############## # Main class # ##############
[docs] class FatGraphs: r""" Isomorphism classes of fat graphs with topological constraints. EXAMPLES:: sage: from surface_dynamics import FatGraphs Trees and their dual (maps with single vertex) in genus zero are counted by Catalan numbers:: sage: for n in range(2, 10): ....: ntrees1 = 2 * (n-1) * FatGraphs(g=0, nf=n, nv=1).weighted_cardinality() ....: ntrees2 = 2 * (n-1) * FatGraphs(g=0, nf=1, nv=n).weighted_cardinality() ....: assert catalan_number(n-1) == ntrees1 == ntrees2, (n, ntrees1, ntrees2) Tutte formulas in genus 0 (combinatorial maps counted by number of edges):: sage: R.<t> = QQ[] sage: F = FatGraphs(g=0, ne_max=8) sage: poly = sage: def update(cm, aut): ....: global poly ....: p = [cm.face_degrees()] ....: aut_card = 1 if aut is None else aut.group_cardinality() ....: poly += 2*cm.num_edges() // aut_card * t**cm.num_edges() sage: F.map_reduce(update) sage: poly 208494*t^7 + 24057*t^6 + 2916*t^5 + 378*t^4 + 54*t^3 + 9*t^2 + 2*t sage: sum(2 * 3**n / (n+2) / (n+1) * binomial(2*n,n) *t**n for n in range(1,8)) 208494*t^7 + 24057*t^6 + 2916*t^5 + 378*t^4 + 54*t^3 + 9*t^2 + 2*t Genus zero with same number of vertices and faces:: sage: FatGraphs(g=0, nf=2, nv=2).cardinality_and_weighted_cardinality() (2, 5/4) sage: FatGraphs(g=0, nf=3, nv=3).cardinality_and_weighted_cardinality() (23, 41/2) sage: FatGraphs(g=0, nf=4, nv=4).cardinality_and_weighted_cardinality() (761, 8885/12) Duality checks sage: for g,nf,nv in [(0,2,3), (0,2,4), (0,3,4), ....: (1,1,2), (1,1,3), (1,1,4), (1,1,5), (1,2,3), (1,2,4), (1,3,4), ....: (2,1,2), (2,1,3)]: ....: n1 = FatGraphs(g=g, nf=nf, nv=nv).cardinality_and_weighted_cardinality() ....: n2 = FatGraphs(g=g, nf=nv, nv=nf).cardinality_and_weighted_cardinality() ....: assert n1 == n2 ....: print(g, nf, nv, n1) 0 2 3 (5, 11/3) 0 2 4 (14, 93/8) 0 3 4 (108, 103) 1 1 2 (3, 5/3) 1 1 3 (11, 35/4) 1 1 4 (46, 42) 1 1 5 (204, 385/2) 1 2 3 (180, 172) 1 2 4 (1198, 14065/12) 1 3 4 (18396, 18294) 2 1 2 (53, 483/10) 2 1 3 (553, 539) Unicellular map with one vertex in genus 3:: sage: FatGraphs(g=3, nf=1, nv=1).cardinality_and_weighted_cardinality() (131, 495/4) Minimum vertex degree bounds:: sage: for k in range(2,5): ....: F = FatGraphs(g=1, nf=2, nv=2, vertex_min_degree=1) ....: c1 = F.cardinality_and_weighted_cardinality(lambda cm,_: cm.vertex_min_degree() >= k) ....: G = FatGraphs(g=1, nf=2, nv=2, vertex_min_degree=k) ....: c2 = G.cardinality_and_weighted_cardinality() ....: assert c1 == c2 ....: print(c1) (14, 87/8) (8, 47/8) (4, 15/8) sage: for k in range(2,6): ....: F = FatGraphs(g=0, nf=5, nv=2, vertex_min_degree=1) ....: c1 = F.cardinality_and_weighted_cardinality(lambda cm,_: cm.vertex_min_degree() >= k) ....: G = FatGraphs(g=0, nf=5, nv=2, vertex_min_degree=k) ....: c2 = G.cardinality_and_weighted_cardinality() ....: assert c1 == c2 ....: print(c1) (28, 123/5) (21, 88/5) (13, 48/5) (7, 18/5) Using ranges for vertex and face numbers:: sage: F = FatGraphs(g=1, nv_min=2, nv_max=4, nf_min=2, nf_max=4) sage: def check(cm,aut): ....: if cm.num_vertices() < 2 or \ ....: cm.num_vertices() >= 4 or \ ....: cm.num_faces() < 2 or \ ....: cm.num_faces() >= 4: ....: raise ValueError(str(cm)) sage: F.map_reduce(check) sage: for nf in [2,3]: ....: for nv in [2,3]: ....: c1 = F.cardinality_and_weighted_cardinality(lambda cm,_: cm.num_vertices() == nv and cm.num_faces() == nf) ....: c2 = FatGraphs(g=1, nf=nf, nv=nv).cardinality_and_weighted_cardinality() ....: assert c1 == c2 ....: print(nf, nv, c1) 2 2 (24, 167/8) 2 3 (180, 172) 3 2 (180, 172) 3 3 (2048, 6041/3) TESTS:: sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph_exhaustive_generation import FatGraphs sage: FatGraphs(g=0, nf=1, nv=1).list() [FatGraph('()', '()')] sage: FatGraphs(g=1, nf=1, nv=1).list() [FatGraph('(0,2,1,3)', '(0,2,1,3)')] sage: FatGraphs(g=0, nf=2, nv=1).list() [FatGraph('(0,1)', '(0)(1)')] sage: FatGraphs(g=0, nf=1, nv=2).list() [FatGraph('(0)(1)', '(0,1)')] sage: FatGraphs(g=0, ne=1).list() [FatGraph('(0,1)', '(0)(1)'), FatGraph('(0)(1)', '(0,1)')] sage: F3 = FatGraphs(g=0, nf_max=4, vertex_min_degree=3) sage: for fg in F3.list(): assert all(d >= 3 for d in fg.vertex_degrees()), fg sage: F3.cardinality_and_weighted_cardinality() (3, 7/6) sage: F4 = FatGraphs(g=0, nf_max=4, vertex_min_degree=4) sage: for fg in F4.list(): assert all(d >= 4 for d in fg.vertex_degrees()), fg sage: F4.cardinality_and_weighted_cardinality() (1, 1/2) sage: FatGraphs(g=1, ne=3).list() [FatGraph('(0,5,4,2,1,3)', '(0,2,1,3,4)(5)'), FatGraph('(0,5,2,1,4,3)', '(0,2,4)(1,3,5)'), FatGraph('(0,5,2,1,3,4)', '(0,2,1,4)(3,5)'), FatGraph('(0,4,2,1,3)(5)', '(0,2,1,3,4,5)'), FatGraph('(0,4,1,3)(2,5)', '(0,4,2,1,3,5)'), FatGraph('(0,4,3)(1,5,2)', '(0,2,4,1,3,5)')] """ def __init__(self, g=None, nf=None, ne=None, nv=None, vertex_min_degree=0, g_min=None, g_max=None, nf_min=None, nf_max=None, ne_min=None, ne_max=None, nv_min=None, nv_max=None): r""" INPUT: - ``g``, ``g_min``, ``g_max`` - the genus - ``nf``, ``nf_min``, ``nf_max`` - number of faces - ``ne``, `ne_min``, ``ne_max`` - number of edges - ``nv``, ``nv_min``, ``nv_max`` - number of vertices - ``vertex_min_degree`` - minimal degree of vertices (default to ``1``) """ self._gmin, self._gmax = self._get_interval(g, g_min, g_max, 0, 'g') self._fmin, self._fmax = self._get_interval(nf, nf_min, nf_max, 1, 'nf') self._vmin, self._vmax = self._get_interval(nv, nv_min, nv_max, 1, 'nv') self._emin, self._emax = self._get_interval(ne, ne_min, ne_max, 0, 'ne') self._vertex_min_degree = ZZ(vertex_min_degree) if self._vertex_min_degree < 0: raise ValueError('vertex_min_degree must be non-negative') self._adjust_bounds() def _get_interval(self, v, vmin, vmax, low_bnd, name): if v is not None: if not isinstance(v, numbers.Integral): raise TypeError("%s must be an integral" % name) v = ZZ(v) if v < low_bnd: raise ValueError("%s must be >= %d" % (name, low_bnd)) return (v, v + 1) if vmax is None: pass elif not isinstance(vmax, numbers.Integral): raise ValueError("%s_max must be integral" % name) else: vmax = ZZ(vmax) if vmin is None: vmin = low_bnd elif not isinstance(vmin, numbers.Integral): raise TypeError("%s_min must be integral" % name) else: vmin = ZZ(vmin) if vmin < low_bnd: raise ValueError("%s_min must be >= %s" % (name, low_bnd)) return vmin, vmax def _adjust_bounds(self): r""" TESTS:: sage: from surface_dynamics import FatGraphs sage: FatGraphs(g=0, nv_max=4, vertex_min_degree=3) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: infinitely many fat graphs sage: FatGraphs(g=0, nf_max=4, vertex_min_degree=3) FatGraphs(g=0, nf_min=2, nf_max=4, ne_min=1, ne_max=4, nv_min=1, nv_max=3, vertex_min_degree=3) sage: F = FatGraphs(g=0, nv=2, ne=1, nf=2) sage: F EmptySet sage: F.cardinality_and_weighted_cardinality() (0, 0) sage: FatGraphs(ne=0).list() [FatGraph('()', '()')] sage: FatGraphs(ne=1).list() [FatGraph('(0,1)', '(0)(1)'), FatGraph('(0)(1)', '(0,1)')] sage: FatGraphs(ne=2).list() [FatGraph('(0,2,1,3)', '(0,2,1,3)'), FatGraph('(0,2,1)(3)', '(0,2,3)(1)'), FatGraph('(0,2)(1,3)', '(0,3)(1,2)'), FatGraph('(0,3,2,1)', '(0,2)(1)(3)'), FatGraph('(0,2)(1)(3)', '(0,1,2,3)')] """ # variable order: v, e, f, g from sage.geometry.polyhedron.constructor import Polyhedron eqns = [(-2, 1, -1, 1, 2)] # -2 + v - e + f + 2g = 0 ieqs = [(-self._vmin, 1, 0, 0, 0), # -vim + v >= 0 (-self._emin, 0, 1, 0, 0), # -emin + e >= 0 (-self._fmin, 0, 0, 1, 0), # -fmin + f >= 0 (-self._gmin, 0, 0, 0, 1), # -gmin + g >= 0 (0, -self._vertex_min_degree, 2, 0, 0)] # -v_min_degree*v + 2e >= 0 if self._vmax is not None: ieqs.append((self._vmax-1, -1, 0, 0, 0)) # v < vmax if self._emax is not None: ieqs.append((self._emax-1, 0, -1, 0, 0)) # e < emax if self._fmax is not None: ieqs.append((self._fmax-1, 0, 0, -1, 0)) # f < fmax if self._gmax is not None: ieqs.append((self._gmax-1, 0, 0, 0, -1)) # g < gmax P = Polyhedron(ieqs=ieqs, eqns=eqns, ambient_dim=4, base_ring=QQ) if P.is_empty(): self._vmin = self._vmax = 1 self._emin = self._emax = 0 self._fmin = self._fmax = 1 self._gmin = self._gmax = 0 self._vertex_min_degree = 0 return if not P.is_compact(): raise ValueError('infinitely many fat graphs') half = QQ((1,2)) self._vmin, self._vmax = minmax([v[0] for v in P.vertices_list()]) self._vmin = self._vmin.floor() self._vmax = (self._vmax + half).ceil() self._emin, self._emax = minmax([v[1] for v in P.vertices_list()]) self._emin = self._emin.floor() self._emax = (self._emax + half).ceil() self._fmin, self._fmax = minmax([v[2] for v in P.vertices_list()]) self._fmin = self._fmin.floor() self._fmax = (self._fmax + half).ceil() self._gmin, self._gmax = minmax([v[3] for v in P.vertices_list()]) self._gmin = self._gmin.floor() self._gmax = (self._gmax + half).ceil() def __repr__(self): r""" EXAMPLES:: sage: from surface_dynamics import FatGraphs sage: FatGraphs(g=0, ne=1) FatGraphs(g=0, nf_min=1, nf_max=3, ne=1, nv_min=1, nv_max=3) sage: FatGraphs(g=0, nf=5, nv=1, vertex_min_degree=3) FatGraphs(g=0, nf=5, ne=4, nv=1, vertex_min_degree=3) sage: FatGraphs(g=0, nf_min=2, nf_max=5, nv_min=1, nv_max=5, vertex_min_degree=3) FatGraphs(g=0, nf_min=2, nf_max=5, ne_min=1, ne_max=7, nv_min=1, nv_max=5, vertex_min_degree=3) """ if self._vmin == self._vmax: return 'EmptySet' if self._gmax == self._gmin + 1: genus = 'g=%d' % self._gmin else: genus = 'gmin=%d, gmax=%d' % (self._gmin, self._gmax) if self._fmax == self._fmin + 1: faces = 'nf=%d' % self._fmin else: faces = 'nf_min=%d, nf_max=%d' % (self._fmin, self._fmax) if self._emax == self._emin + 1: edges = 'ne=%d' % self._emin else: edges = 'ne_min=%d, ne_max=%d' % (self._emin, self._emax) if self._vmax == self._vmin + 1: vertices = 'nv=%d' % self._vmin else: vertices = 'nv_min=%d, nv_max=%d' % (self._vmin, self._vmax) constraints = [] if self._vertex_min_degree > 1: constraints.append("vertex_min_degree=%d" % self._vertex_min_degree) return "FatGraphs({})".format(", ".join([genus, faces, edges, vertices] + constraints))
[docs] def map_reduce(self, callback, filter=None): r""" EXAMPLES:: sage: from surface_dynamics import FatGraphs sage: FatGraphs(g=1, nf=2, nv=2).map_reduce(lambda x,y: print(x)) FatGraph('(0,6,5,4,2,1,3)(7)', '(0,2,1,3,4,6,7)(5)') FatGraph('(0,6,2,1,3)(4,7,5)', '(0,2,1,3,6,4,7)(5)') FatGraph('(0,5,4,2,1,6,3)(7)', '(0,2,6,7,1,3,4)(5)') FatGraph('(0,7,3)(1,6,5,4,2)', '(0,2,7,1,3,4,6)(5)') FatGraph('(0,5,4,2,6,1,3)(7)', '(0,6,7,2,1,3,4)(5)') FatGraph('(0,7,1,3)(2,6,5,4)', '(0,7,2,1,3,4,6)(5)') FatGraph('(0,5,4,2,1,3,6)(7)', '(0,2,1,6,7,3,4)(5)') FatGraph('(0,7)(1,3,6,5,4,2)', '(0,2,1,7,3,4,6)(5)') FatGraph('(0,5,4,6,2,1,3)(7)', '(0,2,1,3,6,7,4)(5)') FatGraph('(0,5,4,6,1,3)(2,7)', '(0,6,2,1,3,7,4)(5)') FatGraph('(0,5,6,4,2,1,3)(7)', '(0,2,1,3,4)(5,6,7)') FatGraph('(0,5,6,2,1,3)(4,7)', '(0,2,1,3,6,4)(5,7)') FatGraph('(0,5,6,1,3)(2,7,4)', '(0,6,2,1,3,4)(5,7)') FatGraph('(0,5,6,3)(1,7,4,2)', '(0,2,6,1,3,4)(5,7)') FatGraph('(0,6,5,2,1,4,3)(7)', '(0,2,4,6,7)(1,3,5)') FatGraph('(0,6,2,1,4,3)(5,7)', '(0,2,4,7)(1,3,6,5)') FatGraph('(0,6,4,3)(1,7,5,2)', '(0,2,4,7)(1,3,5,6)') FatGraph('(0,6,5,2,1,3,4)(7)', '(0,2,1,4,6,7)(3,5)') FatGraph('(0,5,2,6,1,3,4)(7)', '(0,6,7,2,1,4)(3,5)') FatGraph('(0,5,2,6,3,4)(1,7)', '(0,7,2,6,1,4)(3,5)') FatGraph('(0,5,2,1,3,6,4)(7)', '(0,2,1,4)(3,5,6,7)') FatGraph('(0,5,2,1,3,6)(4,7)', '(0,2,1,6,4)(3,5,7)') FatGraph('(0,7,4)(1,3,6,5,2)', '(0,2,1,4,6)(3,5,7)') FatGraph('(0,5,7,4)(1,3,6,2)', '(0,2,1,4)(3,6,5,7)') """ StackCallback( self._gmin, self._gmax, self._fmin, self._fmax, self._emin, self._emax, self._vmin, self._vmax, self._vertex_min_degree, callback, filter).run()
[docs] def cardinality_and_weighted_cardinality(self, filter=None): N = CountAndWeightedCount() self.map_reduce(N, filter) return tuple(N)
[docs] def weighted_cardinality(self, filter=None): N = CountAndWeightedCount() self.map_reduce(N, filter) return N[1]
[docs] def list(self): r""" EXAMPLES:: sage: from surface_dynamics import FatGraphs sage: L21 = FatGraphs(g=0, nf=2, nv=1).list() sage: L21[0].num_faces() 2 sage: L21[0].num_vertices() 1 sage: L12 = FatGraphs(g=0, nf=1, nv=2).list() sage: L12[0].num_faces() 1 sage: L12[0].num_vertices() 2 """ L = ListCallback() self.map_reduce(L) return L.list()
################### # Deprecated code # ###################
[docs] def FatGraphs_g_nf_nv(g=None, nf=None, nv=None, vertex_min_degree=1, g_min=None, g_max=None, nf_min=None, nf_max=None, nv_min=None, nv_max=None): r""" TESTS:: sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph_exhaustive_generation import FatGraphs_g_nf_nv sage: F = FatGraphs_g_nf_nv(g=1, nf=1, nv=1) doctest:warning ... DeprecationWarning: FatGraphs_g_nf_nv is deprecated. Use FatGraphs sage: F.list() [FatGraph('(0,2,1,3)', '(0,2,1,3)')] """ from warnings import warn warn('FatGraphs_g_nf_nv is deprecated. Use FatGraphs', DeprecationWarning) return FatGraphs(g=g, nf=nf, nv=nv, vertex_min_degree=vertex_min_degree, g_min=g_min, g_max=g_max, nf_min=nf_min, nf_max=nf_max, nv_min=nv_min, nv_max=nv_max)