Fat graph.
# ****************************************************************************
# Copyright (C) 2019-2023 Vincent Delecroix <20100.delecroix@gmail.com>
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# https://www.gnu.org/licenses/
# ****************************************************************************
import numbers
from sage.rings.integer_ring import ZZ
from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ
from collections import deque
from surface_dynamics.misc.permutation import (perm_compose, perm_conjugate, perm_conjugate_inplace,
perm_dense_cycles, constellation_init,
perm_num_cycles, perm_on_list_inplace, perm_orbit,
perm_from_base64_str, perm_base64_str,
perm_check, perm_cycle_string, perm_hash,
perm_cycles, perm_cycle_type, perm_invert,
perm_is_regular, perm_is_on_list_stabilizer, PermutationGroupOrbit, perms_are_transitive, perms_transitive_components)
# Miscellaneous functions #
def num_and_weighted_num(it):
s = QQ.zero()
n = ZZ.zero()
for _, aut in it:
n += ZZ.one()
if aut is None:
s += QQ.one()
s += QQ((1, aut.group_cardinality()))
return n, s
def list_extrems(l, n):
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import list_extrems
sage: list_extrems([3,5,3,17,7,2,1,19],4)
(3, 17)
if not n:
raise ValueError
vdmin = vdmax = l[0]
for i in range(1, n):
if l[i] > vdmax:
vdmax = l[i]
elif l[i] < vdmin:
vdmin = l[i]
return (vdmin, vdmax)
class FatGraph(object):
Fat graph or graph embedded in an orientable surface.
A fat graph is a graph embedded in an orientable surface. It is encoded as
a pair of permutations ``vp`` (for vertex permutation) and ``fp`` (for face
permutation). The encoding is done by first associating an integer to each
oriented edge such that the orientation reversing maps is `0
\leftrightarrow 1`, `2 \leftrightarrow 3`, etc. Then the vertex permutation
is the permutation of the oriented edge which corresponds to move
counterclockwise to the next outgoing edge at each vertex. The face
permutation is the permutation of the oriented edge which corresponds to
follow the arrow inside the face on its left side (so that faces also run
The once punctured torus::
sage: from surface_dynamics import FatGraph
sage: vp = '(0,2,1,3)'
sage: fp = '(0,2,1,3)'
sage: FatGraph(vp, fp)
FatGraph('(0,2,1,3)', '(0,2,1,3)')
Actually it is enough to specify one of the vertex permutation or face
permutation as one determines the other::
sage: vp = '(0,3,1)(4)(2,5,6,7)'
sage: fp = '(0,3,7,5,4,2)(1)(6)'
sage: F0 = FatGraph(vp=vp, fp=fp)
sage: F1 = FatGraph(fp=fp)
sage: F2 = FatGraph(vp=vp, fp=fp)
sage: F3 = FatGraph(vp=vp)
sage: F0 == F1 and F0 == F2 and F0 == F3
__slots__ = ['_n', # number of darts (non-negative integer)
'_mutable', # mutability flag
# permutations
'_vp', # vertex permutation (array of length _n)
'_fp', # face permutation (array of length _n)
# labels (identify uniquely the vertices)
'_vl', # vertex labels (array of length _n)
'_fl', # face labels (array of length _n)
# numbers
'_nv', # number of vertices (non-negative integer)
'_nf', # number of faces (non-negative integer)
# degrees
'_vd', # vertex degrees (array of length _nv) containing integers from 0 to nv - 1
'_fd'] # face degrees (array of length _nf) containing integers from 0 to nf - 1
def __init__(self, vp=None, fp=None, max_num_dart=None, mutable=False, check=True):
vp, _, fp = constellation_init(vp, 2, fp)
self._vp = vp
self._fp = fp
if len(vp) != len(fp):
raise ValueError("invalid permutations")
self._n = len(vp) # number of darts
self._nf = 0 # number of faces
self._vl, self._vd = perm_dense_cycles(vp, self._n)
self._nv = len(self._vd) # number of vertices
self._vd.extend([-1] * (self._n - self._nv))
self._fl, self._fd = perm_dense_cycles(fp, self._n)
self._nf = len(self._fd) # number of faces
self._fd.extend([-1] * (self._n - self._nf))
self._mutable = bool(mutable)
if max_num_dart is not None:
if max_num_dart < self._n:
raise ValueError('invalid argument max_num_dart')
if check:
def from_unicellular_word(w):
Build a fat graph from a word on the letters {0, ..., n-1} where
each letter appears exactly twice.
sage: from surface_dynamics import FatGraph
sage: FatGraph.from_unicellular_word([0,1,0,2,3,4,1,4,3,2])
FatGraph('(0,4)(1,3,9,2)(5,6)(7,8)', '(0,2,1,4,6,8,3,9,7,5)')
sage: FatGraph.from_unicellular_word([0,1,2,0,3,2,4,1,3,4])
FatGraph('(0,8,4,3,9,6)(1,5,7,2)', '(0,2,4,1,6,5,8,3,7,9)')
# edge 0 is relabelled (0,1), edge 1 is relabelled (2,3), etc
n = len(w)
m = n // 2
fp = [None] * n
seen = [0] * m
previous = 2 * w[-1] + 1
for k in w:
if not 0 <= k < n:
raise ValueError('invalid unicellular word')
if seen[k] == 0:
# first time we see an edge it is labelled 0, 2, 4, ...
fp[previous] = previous = 2*k
seen[k] = True
elif seen[k] == 1:
# twins get labelled 1, 3, 5, ...
fp[previous] = previous = 2*k + 1
raise ValueError('invalid unicellular word')
# consistency check
assert previous == 2 * w[-1] + 1
return FatGraph(fp=fp)
def from_string(s):
Build a fat graph from a serialized string.
See also :meth:`to_string`.
sage: from surface_dynamics import FatGraph
sage: s = '20_i31027546b98jchedfag_23146758ab9igdhfejc0'
sage: F = FatGraph.from_string(s)
sage: F.to_string() == s
sage: FatGraph.from_string('0__')
FatGraph('()', '()')
if not isinstance(s, str) or s.count('_') != 2:
raise ValueError("invalid input")
n, vp, fp = s.split('_')
n = int(n)
vp = perm_from_base64_str(vp, n)
fp = perm_from_base64_str(fp, n)
return FatGraph(vp, fp)
def _check(self, error=RuntimeError):
vp = self._vp
vl = self._vl
vd = self._vd
fp = self._fp
fl = self._fl
fd = self._fd
n = self._n
nf = self._nf
nv = self._nv
if any(vp[i] == -1 or fp[i] == -1 for i in range(n)):
raise ValueError('inactive dart not allowed')
if not perm_check(vp, n):
raise ValueError("invalid vertex permutation: %s" % vp)
if not perm_check(fp, n):
raise ValueError("invalid face permutation: %s" % fp)
if n and (perm_num_cycles(vp, n) != nv):
raise error("wrong number of vertices: nv={} vp={}".format(nv, perm_cycle_string(vp, True, n)))
if n and (perm_num_cycles(fp, n) != nf):
raise error("wrong number of faces: nf={} fp={}".format(nf, perm_cycle_string(fp, True, n)))
if len(vl) < n or len(fl) < n or len(vd) < n or len(fd) < n:
raise error("inconsistent lengths")
if any(x < 0 or x > n for x in vd[:nv]):
raise error("invalid vertex degrees")
if any(x < 0 or x > n for x in fd[:nf]):
raise error("invalid face degrees")
if n == 0:
# the graph with no edge is a bit special as we consider it to be the sphere
# minus a point (= a disk)
if nv > 1 or nf > 1:
raise ValueError('the fat graph with no edge has a single vertex and a single face (nv={}, nf={})'.format(nv, nf))
for i in range(n):
if fp[vp[i] ^ 1] != i:
raise error("fp[ep[vp[%d]]] = %d" % (i, fp[vp[i] ^ 1]))
ffd = [0] * nf
vvd = [0] * nv
if set(vl[:n]) != set(range(nv)):
raise ValueError('invalid vertex labels: {} (n={}, nv={})'.format(sorted(set(vl[:n])), n, nv))
if set(fl[:n]) != set(range(nf)):
raise ValueError('invalid face labels: {} (n={}, nf={})'.format(sorted(set(fl[:n])), n, nf))
for i in range(n):
if fl[i] < 0 or fl[i] >= nf:
raise error("face label out of range: fl[%d] = %d" % (i, fl[i]))
if vl[i] < 0 or vl[i] >= nv:
raise error("vertex label out of range: vl[%d] = %d" % (i, vl[i]))
if fl[fp[i]] != fl[i]:
raise error("fl[fp[%d]] = %d while fl[%d] = %d" % (i, fl[fp[i]], i, fl[i]))
if vl[vp[i]] != vl[i]:
raise error("vl[vp[%d]] = vl[%d] = %d while vl[%d] = %d" % (i, vp[i], vl[vp[i]], i, vl[i]))
ffd[fl[i]] += 1
vvd[vl[i]] += 1
if vvd != vd[:nv]:
raise error("inconsistent vertex labels/degrees, got %s instead of vd = %s" % (vvd, vd[:nv]))
if ffd != fd[:nf]:
raise error("inconsistent face labels/degrees, got %s instead of fd = %s" % (ffd, fd[:nf]))
def _check_dart(self, i):
if not isinstance(i, numbers.Integral) or i < 0:
raise TypeError('dart must be a non-negative integer, got i=%d' % i)
i = int(i)
if i >= self._n:
raise ValueError('dart i=%d out of range' % i)
return i
def __hash__(self):
if self._mutable:
raise TypeError("mutable FatGraph not hashable")
return perm_hash(self._vp) ^ (13522761 * perm_hash(self._fp))
def _realloc(self, max_num_dart):
if max_num_dart < self._n:
self._vp.extend([-1] * (max_num_dart - self._n))
self._fp.extend([-1] * (max_num_dart - self._n))
self._vl.extend([-1] * (max_num_dart - self._n))
self._fl.extend([-1] * (max_num_dart - self._n))
self._vd.extend([-1] * (max_num_dart - self._n))
self._fd.extend([-1] * (max_num_dart - self._n))
def is_connected(self):
Return whether the graph is connected.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: FatGraph(vp='(0,2)(1,3)').is_connected()
sage: FatGraph(vp='(0,1)(2,3)').is_connected()
return perms_are_transitive([self._vp, self._fp], self._n)
def connected_components(self):
Return the list of connected components.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: FatGraph(vp='(0,2)(1,3)').connected_components()
[FatGraph('(0,2)(1,3)', '(0,3)(1,2)')]
sage: FatGraph(vp='(0,1)(2,3)').connected_components()
[FatGraph('(0,1)', '(0)(1)'), FatGraph('(0,1)', '(0)(1)')]
ccs = perms_transitive_components([self._vp, self._fp], self._n)
if len(ccs) == 1 and not self._mutable:
return [self]
# build a FatGraph for each connected component
connected_graphs = []
for cc in ccs:
relabel = {j: i for i, j in enumerate(cc)}
vp = [-1] * len(cc)
fp = [-1] * len(cc)
for j in cc:
vp[relabel[j]] = relabel[self._vp[j]]
fp[relabel[j]] = relabel[self._fp[j]]
connected_graphs.append(FatGraph(vp, fp))
return connected_graphs
def disjoint_union(self, *args, mutable=False):
Return the union of ``self`` with the graphs provided as arguments.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: fg0 = FatGraph('(0,4,2,5)(1,6)(3,7)')
sage: fg1 = FatGraph('(0,3,5)(1,2,4)')
sage: fg2 = FatGraph('(0,1)')
sage: fg = fg0.disjoint_union(fg1, fg2)
sage: fg
FatGraph('(0,4,2,5)(1,6)(3,7)(8,11,13)(9,10,12)(14,15)', '(0,6,3,4,2,7,1,5)(8,12,11,9,13,10)(14)(15)')
sage: fg.connected_components()
[FatGraph('(0,4,2,5)(1,6)(3,7)', '(0,6,3,4,2,7,1,5)'),
FatGraph('(0,3,5)(1,2,4)', '(0,4,3,1,5,2)'),
FatGraph('(0,1)', '(0)(1)')]
if not args:
if not self._mutable and not mutable:
return self
return self.copy(mutable=mutable)
shifts = [self._n]
for fg in args:
shifts.append(shifts[-1] + fg._n)
n = shifts[-1]
vp = list(self._vp[:self._n]) + [-1] * (n - self._n)
fp = list(self._fp[:self._n]) + [-1] * (n - self._n)
for fg, shift in zip(args, shifts):
for i in range(fg._n):
vp[shift + i] = shift + fg._vp[i]
fp[shift + i] = shift + fg._fp[i]
return FatGraph(vp, fp)
def edge_flip(self, i):
Return the half-edge that together with ``i`` makes an edge.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: F = FatGraph('(0,2,1,3)')
sage: F.edge_flip(0)
sage: F.edge_flip(1)
sage: F.edge_flip(4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: dart i=4 out of range
i = self._check_dart(i)
return int(i) ^ 1
def darts(self):
Iterator through the list of darts.
sage: from surface_dynamics import FatGraph
sage: list(FatGraph('(0,3,5)(1,4,2)').darts())
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
return range(self._n)
def copy(self, mutable=None):
Return a copy of this fat graph.
- ``mutable`` -- (optional) whether the copy must be mutable
sage: from surface_dynamics import FatGraph
sage: F = FatGraph.from_unicellular_word([0,1,0,2,3,4,1,4,3,2])
sage: G = F.copy()
sage: G._check()
if mutable is None:
mutable = self._mutable
elif not isinstance(mutable, bool):
raise TypeError('argument mutable must be a boolean')
if not mutable and not self._mutable:
# no need to duplicate immutable graphs
return self
F = FatGraph.__new__(FatGraph)
F._n = self._n
F._vp = self._vp[:]
F._fp = self._fp[:]
F._nf = self._nf
F._nv = self._nv
F._vl = self._vl[:]
F._vd = self._vd[:]
F._fl = self._fl[:]
F._fd = self._fd[:]
F._mutable = mutable
return F
__copy__ = copy
def to_string(self):
Serialization to string.
sage: from surface_dynamics import FatGraph
sage: FatGraph.from_unicellular_word([0,1,0,2,3,4,1,4,3,2]).to_string()
sage: FatGraph('', '').to_string()
n = self._n
return str(n) + "_" + \
perm_base64_str(self._vp, n) + "_" + \
perm_base64_str(self._fp, n)
def _symmetric_group(self):
Underlying symmetric group.
from sage.groups.perm_gps.permgroup_named import SymmetricGroup
return SymmetricGroup([i for i in range(self._n) if self._vp[i] != -1])
def monodromy_group(self):
Return the group generated by the vertex and face permutations.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: r1 = FatGraph('(0)(2)(1,3,4,5)')
sage: G1 = r1.monodromy_group()
sage: G1
Subgroup ...
sage: G1.is_isomorphic(SymmetricGroup(5))
sage: r2 = FatGraph('(0)(2)(1,3,4)(5,6,7)')
sage: G2 = r2.monodromy_group()
sage: G2
Subgroup ...
sage: G2.is_isomorphic(PSL(2,7))
S = self._symmetric_group()
v = S([i for i in self._vp if i != -1])
f = S([i for i in self._fp if i != -1])
return S.subgroup([v, f])
def is_face_bipartite(self, certificate=False):
Return whether the faces admit a proper 2-coloring.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import *
sage: vp = '(0,2,1,3)'
sage: fp = '(0,2,1,3)'
sage: F = FatGraph(vp, fp, 6, mutable=True)
sage: F.is_face_bipartite()
sage: F.split_face(0, 1)
sage: F.is_face_bipartite()
sage: vp = '(0,5,2,1,3,4)'
sage: fp = '(0,2,1,4)(3,5)'
sage: FatGraph(vp, fp).is_face_bipartite()
sage: from surface_dynamics import FatGraphs
sage: F = FatGraphs(g=1, nf=3, nv=3, vertex_min_degree=3)
sage: F.cardinality_and_weighted_cardinality(filter=lambda x,a: x.is_face_bipartite())
(3, 5/3)
# trivial cases
if self._nf == 0:
return (True, []) if certificate else True
elif self._nf == 1:
return (False, None) if certificate else False
n = self._n
fp = self._fp
fl = self._fl
nf = self._nf
colors = [-1] * nf
seen = [False] * n
root = 0
to_test = perm_orbit(fp, root)
colors[self._fl[root]] = 1
while to_test:
e1 = to_test.pop()
if seen[e1]:
e2 = e1 ^ 1
f1 = fl[e1]
f2 = fl[e2]
if colors[f1] == -1:
raise RuntimeError
elif colors[f2] == -1:
# discover a new face
colors[f2] = 1 - colors[f1]
to_test.extend(perm_orbit(fp, e2))
elif colors[f1] == colors[f2]:
# contradiction in colors
return (False, None) if certificate else False
seen[e1] = seen[e2] = True
return (True, colors) if certificate else True
def __repr__(self):
n = self._n
fd = self._fd[:self._nf]
vd = self._vd[:self._nv]
return "FatGraph('%s', '%s')" % (perm_cycle_string(self._vp, True, n),
perm_cycle_string(self._fp, True, n))
def __eq__(self, other):
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: vp = '(0,2,1,3)'
sage: fp = '(0,2,1,3)'
sage: cm1 = FatGraph(vp, fp)
sage: cm2 = FatGraph(vp, fp, 100)
sage: cm1 == cm2
if type(self) != type(other):
raise TypeError
if self._n != other._n or self._nf != other._nf or self._nv != other._nv:
return False
# here we ignore the vertex and face labels...
return all(self._vp[i] == other._vp[i] and
self._fp[i] == other._fp[i]
for i in range(self._n))
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
def vertex_permutation(self, copy=True):
Return the vertex permutation as a list.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: FatGraph('(0,4,2)(1,5,3)').vertex_permutation()
[4, 5, 0, 1, 2, 3]
return self._vp[:self._n] if copy else self._vp
def face_permutation(self, copy=True):
Return the face permutation as a list.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: FatGraph('(0,4,2)(1,5,3)').face_permutation()
[3, 2, 5, 4, 1, 0]
return self._fp[:self._n] if copy else self._fp
def vertex_degrees(self):
Return the degree of vertices.
sage: from surface_dynamics import FatGraph
sage: FatGraph('(0,3)(1,2,5)(4)').vertex_degrees()
[2, 3, 1]
sage: FatGraph('()', '()').vertex_degrees()
return [0] if not self._n else self._vd[:self._nv]
def vertex_min_degree(self):
return 0 if not self._n else min(self._vd[i] for i in range(self._nv))
def vertex_max_degree(self):
return 0 if not self._n else max(self._vd[i] for i in range(self._nv))
def face_degrees(self):
sage: from surface_dynamics import FatGraph
sage: FatGraph('()', '()').face_degrees()
return [0] if not self._n else self._fd[:self._nf]
def face_min_degree(self):
return 0 if not self._nf else min(self._fd[i] for i in range(self._nf))
def face_max_degree(self):
return 0 if not self._nf else max(self._fd[i] for i in range(self._nf))
def profile(self):
Return the pair of vertex and face profiles.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: FatGraph('(0,4,2,5,1,3)', '(0,5)(1,3,4,2)').profile()
([6], [2, 4])
sage: FatGraph('()', '()').profile()
([0], [0])
return (self.vertex_degrees(), self.face_degrees())
def num_vertices(self):
Return the number of vertices.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: FatGraph('(0,4,2,5,1,3)', '(0,5)(1,3,4,2)').num_vertices()
sage: FatGraph('()', '()').num_vertices()
return 1 if not self._n else self._nv
def num_edges(self):
Return the number of edges.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: FatGraph('(0,4,2,5,1,3)', '(0,5)(1,3,4,2)').num_edges()
sage: FatGraph('()', '()').num_edges()
return self._n // 2
def num_faces(self):
Return the number of faces.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: FatGraph('(0,4,2,5,1,3)', '(0,5)(1,3,4,2)').num_faces()
sage: FatGraph('()', '()').num_faces()
return 1 if not self._n else self._nf
def vertices(self):
Return the vertices as a list of lists.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: FatGraph('(0,4,2,5,1,3)', '(0,5)(1,3,4,2)').vertices()
[[0, 4, 2, 5, 1, 3]]
return perm_cycles(self._vp, True, self._n)
def edges(self):
Return the edges.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: FatGraph('(0,4,2,5,1,3)', '(0,5)(1,3,4,2)').edges()
[[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]
return [[i, i ^ 1] for i in range(0, self._n, 2) if self._vp[i] != -1]
def faces(self):
Return the faces.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: FatGraph('(0,4,2,5,1,3)', '(0,5)(1,3,4,2)').faces()
[[0, 5], [1, 3, 4, 2]]
return perm_cycles(self._fp, True, self._n)
def is_vertex_regular(self, d=None):
Return whether all vertices have the same degree.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: FatGraph('(0,5,2,3)(1,6,7,4)').is_vertex_regular()
if d is not None:
if not isinstance(d, numbers.Integral):
raise TypeError('d must be integral')
if d < 0:
raise ValueError('d must be non-negative')
return perm_is_regular(self._vp, d, self._n)
def is_face_regular(self, d=None):
Return whether all faces have the same degree.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: FatGraph(fp='(0,5,2,3)(1,6,7,4)').is_face_regular()
if d is not None:
if not isinstance(d, numbers.Integral):
raise TypeError('d must be integral')
if d < 0:
raise ValueError('d must be non-negative')
return perm_is_regular(self._fp, d, self._n)
def is_cubic(self):
Return whether all vertices have degree 3.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: FatGraph('(0,4,1)(2,3,5)').is_cubic()
sage: FatGraph('(0,4,1)(2)(3)(5)').is_cubic()
return self.is_vertex_regular(3)
def is_triangulation(self):
Return whether the underlying graph is a triangulation.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: FatGraph(fp='(0,4,1)(2,3,5)').is_triangulation()
sage: FatGraph(fp='(0,4,1)(2)(3)(5)').is_triangulation()
return self.is_face_regular(3)
def genus(self):
Return the genus of this graph.
If the graph is not connected, then the answer is the sum of the
genera of the components.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: vp0 = '(0,4,2,5,1,3)'
sage: fp0 = '(0,5)(1,3,4,2)'
sage: cm0 = FatGraph(vp0, fp0)
sage: cm0.genus()
sage: vp1 = '(0,6,5,7,2,1,3,4)'
sage: fp1 = '(0,2,1,4,6,5,3,7)'
sage: cm1 = FatGraph(vp1, fp1)
sage: cm1.genus()
Non-connected examples::
sage: cm0.disjoint_union(cm0, cm1).genus()
sage: cm1.disjoint_union(cm0).genus()
nc = len(self.connected_components())
chi = self._nf - self._n // 2 + self._nv
return nc - chi // 2
def euler_characteristic(self):
Return the Euler characteristic of the associated surface.
The *Euler characteristic* of a surface complex is `v - e + f`, where
`v` is the number of vertices, `e` the number of edges and `f` the
number of faces.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: vp = '(0,4,2,5,1,3)'
sage: fp = '(0,5)(1,3,4,2)'
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp)
sage: cm.euler_characteristic()
A non-connected example (Euler characteristic is additive)::
sage: cm.disjoint_union(cm, cm, cm).euler_characteristic()
return self._nf - self._n // 2 + self._nv
# TODO: fix your mind about the meaning of dual!!!
def dual(self):
Return the dual fat graph.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: F = FatGraph(fp='(0)(1)')
sage: F.dual()
sage: F
FatGraph('(0)(1)', '(0,1)')
sage: F._check()
sage: s = '20_i31027546b98jchedfag_23146758ab9igdhfejc0'
sage: F = FatGraph.from_string(s)
sage: F.dual()
sage: F._check()
sage: F.dual()
sage: F._check()
sage: F == FatGraph.from_string(s)
# TODO: invert in place !!!!
self._vp, self._fp = perm_invert(self._fp, self._n), perm_invert(self._vp, self._n)
self._nv, self._nf = self._nf, self._nv
self._vl, self._fl = self._fl, self._vl
self._vd, self._fd = self._fd, self._vd
def edge_lengths_polytope(self, b, min_length=0):
Return the polytope of edge lengths where the input ``b`` specifies the
length of faces.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: vp = '(0,4,2,5,1,3)'
sage: fp = '(0,5)(1,3,4,2)'
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp)
sage: cm.edge_lengths_polytope([3, 5], min_length=1).vertices_list()
[[1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2], [2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1]]
sage: cm.edge_lengths_polytope([3, 5], min_length=0).vertices_list()
[[0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 3], [3, 3, 1, 1, 0, 0]]
sage: vp = '(0,3,4)(1,2,6)(5)(7)'
sage: fp = '(0,6,7,2)(1,4,5,3)'
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp)
sage: cm.edge_lengths_polytope([5, 7])
A 2-dimensional polyhedron in QQ^8 defined as the convex hull of 3 vertices
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: vp = '(0,4,2,5,1,3)'
sage: fp = '(0,5)(1,3,4,2)'
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp)
sage: cm.edge_lengths_polytope([3, 5, 2])
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: the length of b must be the number of faces
if self.num_faces() != len(b):
raise ValueError("the length of b must be the number of faces")
ieqs = []
# positivity
for i in range(self._n):
l = [0] * self._n
l[i] = 1
ieqs.append([-min_length] + l)
eqns = []
# half edge equations
for i in range(0, self._n, 2):
j = i ^ 1
l = [0] * self._n
l[i] = 1
l[j] = -1
eqns.append([0] + l)
# face equations
for bb, f in zip(b, self.faces()):
l = [0] * self._n
for i in f:
l[i] = 1
eqns.append([-bb] + l)
from sage.geometry.polyhedron.constructor import Polyhedron
return Polyhedron(ieqs=ieqs, eqns=eqns)
def integral_points(self, b, min_length=1):
Return the edge lengths solution to the face lengths constraint ``b``.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: vp = '(0,4,2,5,1,3)'
sage: fp = '(0,5)(1,3,4,2)'
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp)
sage: cm.integral_points((2, 4))
((1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),)
sage: cm.integral_points((3, 5))
((1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2), (2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1))
sage: cm.integral_points((5, 11))
((1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 4),
(2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3),
(3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2),
(4, 4, 3, 3, 1, 1))
return self.edge_lengths_polytope(b, min_length).integral_points()
# def kontsevich_volume_rational_function(self, R=None):
# r"""
# This is not under an appropriate form...
# """
# from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ
# from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring_constructor import PolynomialRing
# nf = self._nf
# fl = self._fl
# n = self._n
# if R is None:
# R = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'b', nf)
# gens = R.gens()
# res = R.one()
# for i in range(self._n):
# j = i ^ 1
# if j < i:
# continue
# res *= 1 / self.automorphism_group().group_cardinality() / (gens[fl[i]] + gens[fl[j]])
# return res
# Augmentation and reduction #
def _check_alloc(self, n, nv=None, nf=None):
if nv is not None:
import warnings
warnings.warn("argument nv of _check_alloc is deprecated and will be removed from a future version of surface-dynamics")
if nf is not None:
import warnings
warnings.warn("argument nf of _check_alloc is deprecated and will be removed from a future version of surface-dynamics")
if len(self._vp) < n or \
len(self._fp) < n or \
len(self._vl) < n or \
len(self._fl) < n or \
len(self._fd) < n or \
len(self._vd) < n:
raise TypeError("reallocation needed")
def _set_genus0_loop(self):
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: f = FatGraph('()', '()', mutable=True)
sage: f._realloc(2)
sage: f._set_genus0_loop()
sage: f._check()
sage: f
FatGraph('(0,1)', '(0)(1)')
sage: f.remove_edge(0)
sage: f
FatGraph('()', '()')
self._n = 2
self._nf = 2
self._nv = 1
# set face
self._fp[0] = 0
self._fp[1] = 1
self._fl[0] = 0
self._fl[1] = 1
self._fd[0] = self._fd[1] = 1
# set vertex
self._vp[0] = 1
self._vp[1] = 0
self._vl[0] = self._vl[1] = 0
self._vd[0] = 2
def _set_genus0_edge(self):
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: f = FatGraph('()', '()', mutable=True)
sage: f._realloc(2)
sage: f._set_genus0_edge()
sage: f._check()
sage: f
FatGraph('(0)(1)', '(0,1)')
sage: f.contract_edge(0)
sage: f
FatGraph('()', '()')
if not self._mutable:
raise ValueError('immutable graph; use a copy instead')
self._n = 2
self._nf = 1
self._nv = 2
# set vertex
self._vp[0] = 0
self._vp[1] = 1
self._vl[0] = 0
self._vl[1] = 1
self._vd[0] = self._vd[1] = 1
# set face
self._fp[0] = 1
self._fp[1] = 0
self._fl[0] = self._fl[1] = 0
self._fd[0] = 2
def _set_genus1_square(self):
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: f = FatGraph('()', '()', mutable=True)
sage: f._realloc(4)
sage: f._set_genus1_square()
sage: f._check()
sage: f
FatGraph('(0,2,1,3)', '(0,2,1,3)')
sage: f.remove_face_trisection(0)
sage: f
FatGraph('()', '()')
sage: f._check()
if not self._mutable:
raise ValueError('immutable graph; use a copy instead')
self._n = 4
self._nv = self._nf = 1
vp = self._vp
fp = self._fp
vl = self._vl
fl = self._fl
vd = self._vd
fd = self._fd
fp[0] = 2; fp[1] = 3; fp[2] = 1; fp[3] = 0
vp[0] = 2; vp[1] = 3; vp[2] = 1; vp[3] = 0
fl[0] = fl[1] = fl[2] = fl[3] = 0
fd[0] = 4
vl[0] = vl[1] = vl[2] = vl[3] = 0
vd[0] = 4
def split_face(self, i, j):
Insert an edge between the darts ``i`` and ``j`` to split the face.
This method only work when ``i`` and ``j`` belongs to the same face.
One of the face will contains i, fp[i], ..., (the x-face) and the
other one will contain j, fp[j], ... In the special case i=j, a
monogon (= face with only one edge) is created.
The converse operation is implemented in :meth:`remove_edge`.
This operation is equivalent to first adding an isolated edge with
:meth:`add_edge` and perform two :meth:`swap`: ``swap(j, k)`` and
``swap(i, k + 1)`` where ``(k, k+1)`` is the added edge. Though,
contrarily to :meth:`swap` this method does not perform relabelling and
runs in constant time for labelled fat graphs.
The once punctured torus::
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: vp = '(0,2,1,3)'
sage: fp = '(0,2,1,3)'
sage: vp20 = '(0,4,2,5,1,3)'
sage: fp20 = '(0,5)(1,3,4,2)'
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp, 6, mutable=True)
sage: cm.split_face(2, 0)
sage: cm == FatGraph(vp20, fp20)
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp, 6, mutable=True)
sage: k = cm.add_edge()
sage: cm.swap(0, k)
sage: cm.swap(2, k + 1)
sage: cm == FatGraph(vp20, fp20)
sage: vp10 = '(0,4,2,1,5,3)'
sage: fp10 = '(0,2,5)(1,3,4)'
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp, 6, mutable=True)
sage: cm.split_face(1, 0)
sage: cm == FatGraph(vp10, fp10)
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp, 6, mutable=True)
sage: k = cm.add_edge()
sage: cm.swap(0, k)
sage: cm.swap(1, k + 1)
sage: cm == FatGraph(vp10, fp10)
sage: vp30 = '(0,4,2,1,3,5)'
sage: fp30 = '(0,2,1,5)(3,4)'
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp, 6, mutable=True)
sage: cm.split_face(3, 0)
sage: cm == FatGraph(vp30, fp30)
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp, 6, mutable=True)
sage: k = cm.add_edge()
sage: cm.swap(0, k)
sage: cm.swap(3, k + 1)
sage: cm == FatGraph(vp30, fp30)
sage: vp00 = '(0,5,4,2,1,3)'
sage: fp00 = '(0,2,1,3,4)(5)'
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp, 6, mutable=True)
sage: cm.split_face(0, 0)
sage: cm == FatGraph(vp00, fp00)
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp, 6, mutable=True)
sage: k = cm.add_edge()
sage: cm.swap(0, k)
sage: cm.swap(0, k + 1)
sage: cm == FatGraph(vp00, fp00)
sage: vp22 = '(0,2,5,4,1,3)'
sage: fp22 = '(0,4,2,1,3)(5)'
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp, 6, mutable=True)
sage: cm.split_face(2, 2)
sage: cm == FatGraph(vp22, fp22)
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp, 6, mutable=True)
sage: k = cm.add_edge()
sage: cm.swap(2, k)
sage: cm.swap(2, k + 1)
sage: cm == FatGraph(vp22, fp22)
A genus 2 surface::
sage: vp = '(0,3,6,8)(1,10,9,12,5)(2,7,4,11)(13)'
sage: fp = '(0,5,7,3,11,1,8,10,4,12,13,9,6,2)'
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp, 21, mutable=True); cm._check()
sage: cm.split_face(0, 1); cm._check()
sage: cm.split_face(4, 13); cm._check()
sage: cm.split_face(5, 14); cm._check()
sage: cm
FatGraph('(0,15,3,6,8)(1,14,18,10,9,12,5,19)(2,7,4,17,11)(13,16)', '(0,19,14)(1,8,10,17,13,9,6,2,15)(3,11,18,5,7)(4,12,16)')
sage: cm.remove_edge(18); cm._check()
sage: cm.remove_edge(16); cm._check()
sage: cm.remove_edge(14); cm._check()
sage: cm == FatGraph(vp, fp, 21)
if not self._mutable:
raise ValueError('immutable graph; use a mutable copy instead')
i = self._check_dart(i)
j = self._check_dart(j)
vp = self._vp
vl = self._vl
vd = self._vd
fp = self._fp
fl = self._fl
fd = self._fd
n = self._n
nf = self._nf
nv = self._nv
self._check_alloc(n + 2)
x = self._n
y = self._n + 1
ii = vp[i] ^ 1 # = fp^-1(i)
jj = vp[j] ^ 1 # = fp^-1(j)
self._n += 2
self._nf += 1
if i == j:
# add a monogon
# fp (i A) -> (i A x)(y)
# vp (... i ...) -> (... i y x ...)
fp[ii] = x
fp[x] = i
fp[y] = y
vp[x] = vp[i]
vp[y] = x
vp[i] = y
vl[x] = vl[y] = vl[i]
fl[x] = fl[i]
fl[y] = nf
fd[fl[i]] += 1
fd[nf] = 1
vd[vl[i]] += 2
# general case
# update permutations:
# fp (i A j B) -> (i A x) (j B y)
# ep -> (x y)
# vp (... i ...) (... j ...) -> (... i y ...) (... j x ...)
fp[jj] = x
fp[x] = i
fp[ii] = y
fp[y] = j
vp[y] = vp[i]
vp[i] = y
vp[x] = vp[j]
vp[j] = x
# update labels and degrees
vl[x] = vl[j]
vl[y] = vl[i]
fl[x] = fl[i]
fl[y] = fl[j]
dfy = 0 # degree of the y-face
while fl[y] != nf:
fl[y] = nf
y = fp[y]
dfy += 1
dfx = fd[fl[x]] + 2 - dfy
fd[fl[x]] = dfx
fd[fl[y]] = dfy
vd[vl[x]] += 1
vd[vl[y]] += 1
def remove_edge(self, i):
Remove an edge.
If the edge has the same face on both sides, then the genus drops by 1.
Inverse operation of :meth:`split_face` or :meth:`trisect_face`.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: vp = '(0,2,1,3)'
sage: fp = '(0,2,1,3)'
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp)
sage: vp20 = '(0,5,4,2,1,3)'
sage: fp20 = '(0,2,1,3,4)(5)'
sage: cm2 = FatGraph(vp20, fp20, 6, mutable=True)
sage: cm2.remove_edge(4)
sage: cm2 == cm
sage: cm2 = FatGraph(vp20, fp20, 6, mutable=True)
sage: cm2.remove_edge(5)
sage: cm2 == cm
sage: vp10 = '(0,4,2,5,1,3)'
sage: fp10 = '(0,5)(1,3,4,2)'
sage: cm2 = FatGraph(vp10, fp10, mutable=True)
sage: cm2.remove_edge(4)
sage: cm2 == cm
sage: cm2 = FatGraph(vp10, fp10, mutable=True)
sage: cm2.remove_edge(5)
sage: cm2 == cm
sage: vp30 = '(0,4,2,1,5,3)'
sage: fp30 = '(0,2,5)(1,3,4)'
sage: cm2 = FatGraph(vp30, fp30, mutable=True)
sage: cm2.remove_edge(4)
sage: cm2 == cm
sage: cm2 = FatGraph(vp30, fp30, mutable=True)
sage: cm2.remove_edge(5)
sage: cm2 == cm
sage: vp00 = '(0,5,4,2,1,3)'
sage: fp00 = '(0,2,1,3,4)(5)'
sage: cm2 = FatGraph(vp00, fp00, mutable=True)
sage: cm2.remove_edge(4)
sage: cm2 == cm
sage: vp22 = '(0,2,5,4,1,3)'
sage: fp22 = '(0,4,2,1,3)(5)'
sage: cm2 = FatGraph(vp00, fp00, mutable=True)
sage: cm2.remove_edge(4)
sage: cm2 == cm
if not self._mutable:
raise ValueError('immutable graph; use a mutable copy instead')
i = self._check_dart(i)
j = i ^ 1
vp = self._vp
fp = self._fp
vl = self._vl
fl = self._fl
vd = self._vd
fd = self._fd
n = self._n
nf = self._nf
fi = fl[i]
fj = fl[j]
if fi == fj:
raise ValueError("i=%d and j=%d on the same face" % (i, j))
fmin = min(fi, fj)
if i < n - 2 or j < n - 2 or max(fi, fj) != nf - 1:
raise NotImplementedError
ii = vp[i] ^ 1
jj = vp[j] ^ 1
if fd[fl[i]] == 1:
# monogon
assert vp[i] == j
fp[jj] = fp[j]
vp[fp[j]] = vp[j]
elif fd[fl[j]] == 1:
# monogon
assert vp[j] == i
fp[ii] = fp[i]
vp[fp[i]] = vp[i]
# none of them are monogons
fp[ii] = fp[j]
fp[jj] = fp[i]
vp[fp[j]] = vp[i]
vp[fp[i]] = vp[j]
# update vertex and face degrees
vd[vl[i]] -= 1
vd[vl[j]] -= 1
d = fd[fl[i]] + fd[fl[j]] - 2
fd[fmin] = d
# update face labels
k = fp[i]
while fl[k] != fmin:
fl[k] = fmin
k = fp[k]
k = fp[j]
while fl[k] != fmin:
fl[k] = fmin
k = fp[k]
self._n -= 2
self._nf -= 1
self._vp[self._n] = self._vp[self._n + 1] = -1
self._fp[self._n] = self._fp[self._n + 1] = -1
def split_vertex(self, i, j):
Insert a new edge to split the vertex located at the darts i and j.
This operation keeps the genus constant. The inverse operation is
implemented in :meth:`contract_edge`.
This operation is equivalent to first adding an isolated loop with
:meth:`add_loop` and perform two :meth:`swap`: ``swap(j, k)``, and
``swap(i, k + 1)`` where ``(k, k+1)`` is the added edge. Though,
contrarily to :meth:`swap` this method does not perform relabelling and
runs in constant time for labelled fat graphs.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: vp = '(0,2,1,3)'
sage: fp = '(0,2,1,3)'
sage: vp02 = '(0,4,1,3)(2,5)'
sage: fp02 = '(0,4,2,1,3,5)'
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp, 6, mutable=True)
sage: cm.split_vertex(0, 2)
sage: cm == FatGraph(vp02, fp02)
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp, 6, mutable=True)
sage: k = cm.add_loop()
sage: cm.swap(2, k)
sage: cm.swap(0, k + 1)
sage: cm == FatGraph(vp02, fp02)
sage: vp01 = '(0,4,3)(1,5,2)'
sage: fp01 = '(0,2,4,1,3,5)'
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp, 6, mutable=True)
sage: cm.split_vertex(0, 1)
sage: cm == FatGraph(vp01, fp01)
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp, 6, mutable=True)
sage: k = cm.add_loop()
sage: cm.swap(1, k)
sage: cm.swap(0, k + 1)
sage: cm == FatGraph(vp01, fp01)
sage: vp03 = '(0,4)(1,3,5,2)'
sage: fp03 = '(0,2,1,4,3,5)'
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp, 6, mutable=True)
sage: cm.split_vertex(0, 3)
sage: cm == FatGraph(vp03, fp03)
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp, 6, mutable=True)
sage: k = cm.add_loop()
sage: cm.swap(3, k)
sage: cm.swap(0, k + 1)
sage: cm == FatGraph(vp03, fp03)
if not self._mutable:
raise ValueError('immutable graph; use a mutable copy instead')
i = self._check_dart(i)
j = self._check_dart(j)
vp = self._vp
fp = self._fp
vl = self._vl
fl = self._fl
n = self._n
nf = self._nf
nv = self._nv
vd = self._vd
fd = self._fd
self._check_alloc(n + 2)
x = self._n
y = self._n + 1
ii = vp[i]
jj = vp[j]
self._n += 2
self._nv += 1
if i == j:
# introduce a vertex of degree 1
vp[x] = ii
vp[i] = x
vp[y] = y
fp[y] = i
fp[x] = y
fp[ii ^ 1] = x
fl[x] = fl[y] = fl[i]
vl[x] = vl[i]
vl[y] = nv
vd[vl[x]] += 1
vd[vl[y]] = 1
fd[fl[x]] += 2
# general case
# update permutations
# fp (... i ...) (... j ...) -> (... y i ...) (... x j ...)
# ep -> (x y)
# vp (A i B j) -> (A i x) (B j y)
vp[x] = jj
vp[i] = x
vp[y] = ii
vp[j] = y
fp[jj ^ 1] = x
fp[x] = j
fp[ii ^ 1] = y
fp[y] = i
# update labels and degrees
fl[x] = fl[j]
fl[y] = fl[i]
vl[x] = vl[i]
vl[y] = vl[j]
dvy = 0
while vl[y] != nv:
vl[y] = nv
y = vp[y]
dvy += 1
dvx = vd[vl[x]] + 2 - dvy
vd[vl[x]] = dvx
vd[vl[y]] = dvy
fd[fl[x]] += 1
fd[fl[y]] += 1
def contract_edge(self, i):
Contract an edge between two distinct zeros.
Inverse operation of :meth:`split_vertex` except that here we allow
vertices of degree one.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: vp = '(0,2,1,3)'
sage: fp = '(0,2,1,3)'
sage: vp02 = '(0,4,1,3)(2,5)'
sage: fp02 = '(0,4,2,1,3,5)'
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp02, fp02, mutable=True)
sage: cm.contract_edge(4)
sage: cm == FatGraph(vp, fp)
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp02, fp02, mutable=True)
sage: cm.contract_edge(5)
sage: cm == FatGraph(vp, fp)
sage: vp01 = '(0,4,3)(1,5,2)'
sage: fp01 = '(0,2,4,1,3,5)'
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp01, fp01, mutable=True)
sage: cm.contract_edge(4)
sage: cm == FatGraph(vp, fp)
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp01, fp01, mutable=True)
sage: cm.contract_edge(5)
sage: cm == FatGraph(vp, fp)
sage: vp03 = '(0,4)(1,3,5,2)'
sage: fp03 = '(0,2,1,4,3,5)'
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp03, fp03, mutable=True)
sage: cm.contract_edge(4)
sage: cm == FatGraph(vp, fp)
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp03, fp03, mutable=True)
sage: cm.contract_edge(5)
sage: cm == FatGraph(vp, fp)
Degree 1 vertices::
sage: cm = FatGraph('(0,2)(1)(3)', '(0,1,2,3)', mutable=True)
sage: cm.contract_edge(2)
sage: cm
FatGraph('(0)(1)', '(0,1)')
sage: cm2 = FatGraph('(0,2)(1)(3)', '(0,1,2,3)', mutable=True)
sage: cm2.contract_edge(3)
sage: cm == cm2
if not self._mutable:
raise ValueError('immutable graph; use a mutable copy instead')
i = self._check_dart(i)
j = i ^ 1
vp = self._vp
fp = self._fp
vl = self._vl
fl = self._fl
vd = self._vd
fd = self._fd
n = self._n
nv = self._nv
if vl[i] == vl[j]:
raise ValueError("i=%d and j=%d on the same vertex" % (i, j))
vi = vl[i]
vj = vl[j]
vmin = min(vi, vj)
if i < n - 2 or j < n - 2 or max(vi, vj) != nv - 1:
raise NotImplementedError
ii = vp[i] ^ 1
jj = vp[j] ^ 1
if vd[vl[i]] == 1:
# vertex of degree one
assert fp[j] == i
vp[fp[i]] = vp[j]
fp[jj] = fp[i]
elif vd[vl[j]] == 1:
# vertex of degree one
assert fp[i] == j
vp[fp[j]] = vp[i]
fp[ii] = fp[j]
vp[fp[i]] = vp[i]
vp[fp[j]] = vp[j]
fp[ii] = fp[i]
fp[jj] = fp[j]
# update vertex and face degree
fd[fl[i]] -= 1
fd[fl[j]] -= 1
d = vd[vl[i]] + vd[vl[j]] - 2
vd[vmin] = d
# update vertex labels
k = vp[i]
while vl[k] != vmin:
vl[k] = vmin
k = vp[k]
k = vp[j]
while vl[k] != vmin:
vl[k] = vmin
k = vp[k]
self._n -= 2
self._nv -= 1
def swap(self, i, j, check=True):
Modify the fat graph by multiplying the vertex and face permutations
by the transposition (i,j) respectively on left and right.
sage: from surface_dynamics import FatGraph
sage: g = FatGraph('(0,1,2,3)', '(0)(2)(3,1)', mutable=True)
sage: g.swap(0, 1)
sage: g
FatGraph('(0,2,3)(1)', '(0,1,3)(2)')
sage: g.swap(0, 2)
sage: g
FatGraph('(0,3)(1)(2)', '(0,1,3,2)')
sage: g.swap(0, 3)
sage: g
FatGraph('(0)(1)(2)(3)', '(0,1)(2,3)')
if check:
i = self._check_dart(i)
j = self._check_dart(j)
vp = self._vp
fp = self._fp
fpi_pre = vp[i] ^ 1
fpj_pre = vp[j] ^ 1
vp[i], vp[j] = vp[j], vp[i]
fp[fpi_pre], fp[fpj_pre] = fp[fpj_pre], fp[fpi_pre]
# TODO: the code below maintains label and degrees (ie self._vl,
# self._vd, self._nv, self._fl, self._fd, self._nf). We should have a
# "lighter" class without these attributes.
vl = self._vl
vd = self._vd
nv = self._nv
fl = self._fl
fd = self._fd
nf = self._nf
def split(p, d, l, i, j, m):
k = j
d[m] = 0
li = l[i]
while l[k] != m:
l[k] = m
d[m] += 1
d[li] -= 1
k = p[k]
def merge(p, d, l, i, j, m):
if l[i] < l[j]:
min_label = l[i]
max_label = l[j]
k = j
min_label = l[j]
max_label = l[i]
k = i
assert max_label > min_label
assert l[k] == max_label
while l[k] == max_label:
l[k] = min_label
k = p[k]
d[min_label] += d[max_label]
if max_label != m - 1:
k = 0
while l[k] != m - 1:
k += 1
while l[k] == m - 1:
l[k] = max_label
k = p[k]
d[max_label] = d[m - 1]
d[m - 1] = -1
if vl[i] == vl[j]:
# vertex split (attributes the new label to the vertex containing j)
split(vp, vd, vl, i, j, nv)
self._nv += 1
# vertex fusion
merge(vp, vd, vl, vp[i], vp[j], nv)
self._nv -= 1
if fl[i] == fl[j]:
# face split (attributes the new label to the face containing j)
split(fp, fd, fl, i, j, nf)
self._nf += 1
# face fusion
merge(fp, fd, fl, i, j, nf)
self._nf -= 1
def add_edge(self, i=None, j=None, check=True):
Insert an isolated edge.
By default the created edge is isolated. If arguments ``i`` or ``j`` is
provided its start or respectively end
- ``i``, ``j`` -- optional darts. If specified, the new darts of the edge will be
inserted after ``i`` and ``j`` at the corresponding vertices.
sage: from surface_dynamics import FatGraph
sage: cm = FatGraph('', '', mutable=True, max_num_dart=4)
sage: cm.add_edge()
sage: cm._check()
sage: cm
FatGraph('(0)(1)', '(0,1)')
sage: cm.add_edge()
sage: cm._check()
sage: cm
FatGraph('(0)(1)(2)(3)', '(0,1)(2,3)')
sage: cm = FatGraph('(0,1)', '(0)(1)', mutable=True)
sage: cm._realloc(8)
sage: cm.add_edge(0)
sage: cm._check()
sage: cm
FatGraph('(0,2,1)(3)', '(0,2,3)(1)')
sage: cm.add_edge(0)
sage: cm._check()
sage: cm
FatGraph('(0,4,2,1)(3)(5)', '(0,2,3,4,5)(1)')
sage: cm.add_edge(3)
sage: cm._check()
sage: cm
FatGraph('(0,4,2,1)(3,6)(5)(7)', '(0,2,6,7,3,4,5)(1)')
sage: cm = FatGraph('(0,1)', '(0)(1)', mutable=True)
sage: cm._realloc(8)
sage: cm.add_edge(0, 1)
sage: cm
FatGraph('(0,2,1,3)', '(0,2,1,3)')
sage: cm.add_edge(0, 3)
sage: cm
FatGraph('(0,4,2,1,3,5)', '(0,2,1,5)(3,4)')
sage: cm.add_edge(1, 2)
if check:
if not self._mutable:
raise ValueError('immutable fat graph; use a mutable copy instead')
self._check_alloc(self._n + 2)
if i is not None:
i = self._check_dart(i)
if j is not None:
j = self._check_dart(j)
x = self._n
y = self._n + 1
self._vd[self._nv] = 1
self._vd[self._nv + 1] = 1
self._fd[self._nf] = 2
self._vl[x] = self._nv
self._vl[y] = self._nv + 1
self._fl[x] = self._nf
self._fl[y] = self._nf
self._vp[x] = x
self._vp[y] = y
self._fp[x] = y
self._fp[y] = x
self._nv += 2
self._nf += 1
self._n += 2
if i is not None:
self.swap(self._fp[x ^ 1], self._fp[self._vp[i] ^ 1])
if j is not None:
self.swap(self._fp[y ^ 1], self._fp[self._vp[j] ^ 1])
return x
def add_loop(self, check=True):
Insert an isolated loop.
sage: from surface_dynamics import FatGraph
sage: cm = FatGraph('', '', mutable=True, max_num_dart=4)
sage: cm.add_loop()
sage: cm.add_loop()
sage: cm
FatGraph('(0,1)(2,3)', '(0)(1)(2)(3)')
if check:
self._check_alloc(self._n + 2)
x = self._n
y = self._n + 1
self._vd[self._nv] = 2
self._fd[self._nf] = 1
self._fd[self._nf + 1] = 1
self._vl[x] = self._nv
self._vl[y] = self._nv
self._fl[x] = self._nf
self._fl[y] = self._nf + 1
self._vp[x] = y
self._vp[y] = x
self._fp[x] = x
self._fp[y] = y
self._nv += 1
self._nf += 2
self._n += 2
return x
def trisect_face(self, i, j, k):
Insert a bridge
- ``i``, ``j``, ``k`` - dart in the same face in counter-clockwise
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: vp = '(0,2,1,3)'
sage: fp = '(0,2,1,3)'
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp, 8, mutable=True)
sage: vp021 = '(0,7,2,6,5,1,4,3)'
sage: fp021 = '(0,5,1,3,7,2,4,6)'
sage: cm021 = FatGraph(vp021, fp021)
sage: cm.trisect_face(0, 2, 1)
sage: cm == cm021
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp, 10, mutable=True)
sage: cm.trisect_face(0, 0, 3)
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp, 10, mutable=True)
sage: cm.trisect_face(0, 3, 3)
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp, 10, mutable=True)
sage: cm.trisect_face(0, 3, 0)
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp, 10, mutable=True)
sage: cm.trisect_face(0, 0, 0)
if not self._mutable:
raise ValueError('immutable graph; use a mutable copy instead')
vp = self._vp
fp = self._fp
vl = self._vl
fl = self._fl
vd = self._vd
fd = self._fd
n = self._n
nf = self._nf
nv = self._nv
i = self._check_dart(i)
j = self._check_dart(j)
k = self._check_dart(k)
if fl[i] != fl[j] or fl[i] != fl[k]:
raise ValueError("darts in distinct faces")
self._check_alloc(n + 4)
self._n += 4
ii = vp[i] ^ 1 # = fp^-1(i) at the end of B
jj = vp[j] ^ 1 # = fp^-1(j) at the end of A
kk = vp[k] ^ 1 # = fp^-1(k) at the end of C
x = n
y = n + 1
xx = n + 2
yy = n + 3
fl[x] = fl[y] = fl[xx] = fl[yy] = fl[i]
vl[x] = vl[k]
vl[xx] = vl[y] = vl[j]
vl[yy] = vl[i]
fd[fl[i]] += 4
vd[vl[i]] += 1
vd[vl[j]] += 2
vd[vl[k]] += 1
if i == j == k:
# face: -> (x xx y yy j C)
# (j C kk)
vp[x] = vp[j]
vp[yy] = x
vp[y] = yy
vp[xx] = y
vp[j] = xx
fp[kk] = x
fp[x] = xx
fp[xx] = y
fp[y] = yy
fp[yy] = j
elif i == j:
# face: -> (x xx y k B yy j C)
# (j C kk) (k B ii)
vp[yy] = vp[j]
vp[y] = yy
vp[xx] = y
vp[j] = xx
vp[x] = vp[k]
vp[k] = x
fp[ii] = yy
fp[yy] = j
fp[kk] = x
fp[x] = xx
fp[xx] = y
fp[y] = k
elif j == k:
# face: -> (x xx i A y k B yy)
# (i A jj) (k B ii)
vp[yy] = vp[i]
vp[i] = yy
vp[y] = vp[k]
vp[xx] = y
vp[x] = xx
vp[k] = x
fp[ii] = yy
fp[yy] = x
fp[x] = xx
fp[xx] = i
fp[jj] = y
fp[y] = k
elif k == i:
# face: -> (x xx i A y yy j C)
# (i A jj) (j C kk)
vp[y] = vp[j]
vp[xx] = y
vp[j] = xx
vp[x] = vp[i]
vp[yy] = x
vp[i] = yy
fp[kk] = x
fp[x] = xx
fp[xx] = i
fp[jj] = y
fp[y] = yy
fp[yy] = j
# general case
# vertex: (...i...)(...j...)(...k...) -> (...i yy...)(...j xx y...)(...k x...)
# edge : add (x y) (xx yy)
# face : (i A j C k B) -> (x xx i A y k B yy j C)
# (i A jj) (j C kk) (k B ii)
vp[yy] = vp[i]
vp[i] = yy
vp[y] = vp[j]
vp[xx] = y
vp[j] = xx
vp[x] = vp[k]
vp[k] = x
fp[kk] = x
fp[x] = xx
fp[xx] = i
fp[jj] = y
fp[y] = k
fp[ii] = yy
fp[yy] = j
def remove_face_trisection(self, x):
Remove the face trisection at ``x``.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: vp = '(0,2,1,3)'
sage: fp = '(0,2,1,3)'
sage: for i, j, k in [(0, 2, 1), (0, 0, 3), (0, 3, 3), (0, 3, 0), (0, 0, 0)]:
....: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp, 8, mutable=True)
....: cm.trisect_face(i, j, k)
....: cm.remove_face_trisection(4)
....: assert cm == FatGraph(vp, fp)
fp = self._fp
fl = self._fl
fd = self._fd
vp = self._vp
vl = self._vl
vd = self._vd
x = self._check_dart(x)
xx = fp[x]
y = x ^ 1
yy = xx ^ 1
if fl[x] != fl[y] or fl[x] != fl[xx] or fl[x] != fl[yy]:
raise ValueError("not a trisection")
if (x, y, xx, yy) != (self._n - 4, self._n - 3, self._n - 2, self._n - 1):
raise NotImplementedError('x={} y={} xx={} yy={}'.format(x, y, xx, yy))
# face: (x xx i A y k B yy j C) -> (i A j C k B)
# -> (i A jj) (j C kk) (k B ii)
i = fp[xx]
k = fp[y]
j = fp[yy]
ii = vp[yy] ^ 1 # = fp^-1(yy)
jj = vp[y] ^ 1 # = fp^-1(y)
kk = vp[x] ^ 1 # = fp^-1(x)
if fp[xx] == y and fp[y] == yy:
# vertex (... j xx y yy x ...) -> (... j ...)
# face (x xx y yy j C) -> (j C)
# (j C kk)
assert vp[j] == xx
assert vp[xx] == y
assert vp[yy] == x
vp[j] = vp[x]
fp[kk] = j
elif fp[xx] == y:
# face: (x xx y k B yy j C) -> (j C k B)
# (j C kk) (k B ii)
assert fp[y] != yy and fp[yy] != x
assert vp[j] == xx
assert vp[xx] == y
assert vp[y] == yy
vp[j] = vp[yy]
assert vp[k] == x
vp[k] = vp[x]
fp[kk] = k
fp[ii] = j
elif fp[yy] == x:
# face: (x xx i A y k B yy) -> (i A k B)
# (i A jj) (k B ii)
assert fp[xx] != y and fp[y] != yy
assert vp[i] == yy
vp[i] = vp[yy]
assert vp[k] == x
assert vp[x] == xx
assert vp[xx] == y
vp[k] = vp[y]
fp[ii] = i
fp[jj] = k
elif fp[y] == yy:
# face: (x xx i A y yy j C) -> (i A j C)
# (i A jj) (j C kk)
assert fp[xx] != y and fp[yy] != x
assert vp[i] == yy
assert vp[yy] == x
vp[i] = vp[x]
assert vp[j] == xx
assert vp[xx] == y
vp[j] = vp[y]
fp[kk] = i
fp[jj] = j
# face: (x xx i A y k B yy j C) -> (i A j C k B)
# (i A jj) (j C kk) (k B ii)
assert fp[xx] != y and fp[y] != yy and fp[yy] != x
assert vp[i] == yy
vp[i] = vp[yy]
assert vp[j] == xx
assert vp[xx] == y
vp[j] = vp[y]
assert vp[k] == x
vp[k] = vp[x]
fp[jj] = j
fp[kk] = k
fp[ii] = i
self._n -= 4
fd[fl[i]] -= 4
vd[vl[i]] -= 1
vd[vl[j]] -= 2
vd[vl[k]] -= 1
vp[self._n] = vp[self._n + 1] = vp[self._n + 2] = vp[self._n + 3] = -1
vl[self._n] = vl[self._n + 1] = vl[self._n + 2] = vl[self._n + 3] = -1
fp[self._n] = fp[self._n + 1] = fp[self._n + 2] = fp[self._n + 3] = -1
fl[self._n] = fl[self._n + 1] = fl[self._n + 2] = fl[self._n + 3] = -1
assert perm_check(vp, self._n), vp
assert perm_check(fp, self._n), fp
def move_dart(self, i, j=None, check=True):
Move the dart ``i`` so that it comes right after ``j`` around the
corresponding vertex.
If ``j`` is ``None``, then ``i`` becomes the only dart adjacent to a
new vertex. This requires ``i`` to be adjacent to two distinct faces.
- ``i`` (integer) -- a dart
- ``j`` (integer or ``None``) -- (optional) dart
sage: from surface_dynamics import FatGraph
sage: cm = FatGraph('(0,3,5)(1,4,2)', mutable=True)
sage: cm.move_dart(0)
sage: cm._check()
sage: cm
FatGraph('(0)(1,4,2)(3,5)', '(0,2,5,1)(3,4)')
sage: cm.move_dart(1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: cylinder case: single face adjacent to i
sage: cm = FatGraph('(0,3,5)(1,4,2)', mutable=True)
sage: cm.move_dart(0, 2)
sage: cm._check()
sage: cm
FatGraph('(0,1,4,2)(3,5)', '(0)(1,2,5)(3,4)')
sage: cm = FatGraph('(0,3,5)(1,4,2)', mutable=True)
sage: cm.move_dart(0, 1)
sage: cm._check()
sage: cm
FatGraph('(0,4,2,1)(3,5)', '(0,2,5)(1)(3,4)')
if not self._mutable:
raise ValueError('immutable fat graph; use a mutable copy instead')
if check:
i = self._check_dart(i)
if j is not None:
j = self._check_dart(j)
if j is not None:
if i == j:
raise ValueError('invalid input')
if self._fl[i] == self._fl[i ^ 1]:
raise NotImplementedError('cylinder case: single face adjacent to i')
vp = self._vp
fp = self._fp
vli = self._vl[i]
fli = self._fl[i]
# remove i where it used to be
vpi_pre = fp[i ^ 1]
fpi_pre = vp[i] ^ 1
assert vp[vpi_pre] == i
assert fp[fpi_pre] == i
vp[vpi_pre] = vp[i]
fp[fpi_pre] = vpi_pre
# insert i
if j is None:
vp[i] = i
fp[i ^ 1] = i
# update vertex data
self._vd[self._vl[i]] -= 1
self._vl[i] = self._nv
self._vd[self._nv] = 1
self._nv += 1
# merge the faces fl[i] and fl[i ^ 1]
new_label = min(self._fl[i], self._fl[i ^ 1])
old_label = max(self._fl[i], self._fl[i ^ 1])
k = fp[i]
# TODO: this operation should be incompatible with face labelling
# TODO: make something more efficient than running through all darts
for k in range(self._n):
if self._fl[k] == old_label:
self._fl[k] = new_label
elif self._fl[k] == self._nf - 1:
self._fl[k] = old_label
self._fd[new_label] = self._fd[new_label] + self._fd[old_label]
self._fd[old_label] = self._fd[self._nf - 1]
self._fd[self._nf - 1] = -1
self._nf -= 1
fpj_pre = vp[j] ^ 1
vp[i] = vp[j]
vp[j] = i
fp[fpj_pre] = i
fp[i ^ 1] = j
self._vd[self._vl[i]] -= 1
self._vl[i] = self._vl[j]
self._vd[self._vl[i]] += 1
fli = self._fl[i]
flj = self._fl[j]
flii = self._fl[i ^ 1]
if fli == flj:
# same number of faces
k = j
while self._fl[k] == fli:
self._fl[k] = flii
self._fd[fli] -= 1
self._fd[flii] += 1
k = fp[k]
elif flii == flj:
# same number of faces
k = vpi_pre
while self._fl[k] == flii:
self._fl[k] = fli
self._fd[fli] += 1
self._fd[flii] -= 1
k = fp[k]
# two faces less
raise NotImplementedError('move dart in different face')
def rotate(self, e):
Rotate the edge ``e`` counterclockwise.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: fg = FatGraph("(0,5,3)(1,4,2)", "(0,2,5,1,3,4)", mutable=True)
sage: fg.rotate(0)
sage: fg
FatGraph('(0,5,1,3)(2,4)', '(0,5,2,1,3,4)')
sage: fg.rotate(5)
sage: fg
FatGraph('(0,5,1,4,3)(2)', '(0,5,1,3,2,4)')
sage: vp = "(0,8,15)(1,16,12)(2,13,3)(4,11,5)(6,9,7)(10,17,14)"
sage: fp = "(0,12,2,13,16,10,4,11,14,8,6,9)(1,15,17)(3)(5)(7)"
sage: fg = FatGraph(vp, fp, mutable=True)
sage: fg.rotate(0)
sage: fg.rotate(1)
sage: fg
FatGraph('(0,14,10,17)(1,13,3,2)(4,11,5)(6,9,7)(8,15)(12,16)', '(0,2,13,16,10,4,11,14,8,6,9,15)(1,17,12)(3)(5)(7)')
if not self._mutable:
raise ValueError('immutable graph; use a mutable copy instead')
# <----- <----- <----- <----- <----- <----
# c b ^ a c ^ b a
# / |
# /E |E
# / |
# / --> |
# e/ e|
# / |
# -----> -----> -----> ----->
vp = self._vp
fp = self._fp
vl = self._vl
fl = self._fl
vd = self._vd
fd = self._fd
e = self._check_dart(e)
E = e ^ 1
if vp[E] == E:
raise ValueError("can not rotate the given edge")
b = fp[e]
B = b ^ 1
c = fp[b]
a = vp[E] ^ 1
A = a ^ 1
fp[e] = c
fp[a] = b
fp[b] = E
vp[c] = E
vp[E] = B
vp[b] = A
vl[E] = vl[c]
fl[b] = fl[a]
vd[vl[b]] -= 1
vd[vl[c]] += 1
fd[fl[e]] -= 1
fd[fl[E]] += 1
def rotate_dual(self, e):
Rotate the edge ``e`` counterclockwise in the dual graph.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: fg = FatGraph("(0,5,3)(1,4,2)", "(0,2,5,1,3,4)")
sage: vp = "(0,8,15)(1,16,12)(2,13,3)(4,11,5)(6,9,7)(10,17,14)"
sage: fp = "(0,12,2,13,16,10,4,11,14,8,6,9)(1,15,17)(3)(5)(7)"
sage: fg = FatGraph(vp, fp, mutable=True)
sage: fg.rotate_dual(0)
sage: fg.rotate_dual(1)
sage: fg
FatGraph('(0,15,16)(1,12,8)(2,13,3)(4,11,5)(6,9,7)(10,17,14)', '(0,8,6,9,12,2,13,1,16,10,4,11,14)(3)(5)(7)(15,17)')
if not self._mutable:
raise ValueError('immutable graph; use a mutable copy instead')
# |b |c \b |c
# | | \ |
# B| C| B\ |
# a | e | a e \ |
# ------ o ------ o ====> ----- o ------ o
# A E | A E |
# | |
e = self._check_dart(e)
B = self._vp[e]
b = B ^ 1
return self.rotate(b)
# canonical labels and automorphisms #
# NOTE: this is broken for non-connected surfaces!
def _good_starts(self, i0=-1, fix_vertices=False, fix_faces=False):
Return a set of half edges invariant under the (yet unknown)
automorphism group.
This function runs together with the augmentation algorithm to
enumerate fat graphs up to isomorphism and must not be changed
alone. It runs in O(n) as it goes once through every half edge.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: CM = []
sage: w = [0,1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,1,2,5,3,4,6,7]
sage: CM.append(FatGraph.from_unicellular_word(w))
sage: vp = '(0,15,3,6,8)(1,14,18,10,9,12,5,19)(2,7,4,17,11)(13,16)'
sage: fp = '(0,19,14)(1,8,10,17,13,9,6,2,15)(3,11,18,5,7)(4,12,16)'
sage: CM.append(FatGraph(vp, fp))
sage: for cm in CM:
....: gs = set(cm._good_starts())
....: assert gs
....: for i in cm.darts():
....: ggs = cm._good_starts(i)
....: if i in gs:
....: ggs = cm._good_starts(i)
....: assert ggs and ggs[0] == i and sorted(ggs) == sorted(gs), (gs, ggs, i)
....: else:
....: assert not ggs, (gs, ggs, i)
n = self._n
vd = self._vd
fd = self._fd
fp = self._fp
vl = self._vl
fl = self._fl
if i0 == -1:
ans = []
ans = [i0]
if self._nv > 1:
# consider only edges with distinct start and end.
# Maximize the (degrees of) vertices, then whether the
# adjacent faces are distinct, then the (degree of) adjacent
# faces.
if i0 != -1:
j0 = i0 ^ 1
if vl[i0] == vl[j0]:
return None
vi0 = vl[i0]
vj0 = vl[j0]
fi0 = fl[i0]
fj0 = fl[j0]
if not fix_vertices:
vi0 = vd[vi0]
vj0 = vd[vj0]
if not fix_faces:
fi0 = fd[fi0]
fj0 = fd[fj0]
best = (vi0, vj0, fl[i0] != fl[j0], fi0, fj0)
best = None
for i in range(self._n):
if i == i0:
j = i ^ 1
if vl[i] == vl[j]:
vi = vl[i]
vj = vl[j]
fi = fl[i]
fj = fl[j]
if not fix_vertices:
vi = vd[vi]
vj = vd[vj]
if not fix_faces:
fi = fd[fi]
fj = fd[fj]
cur = (vi, vj, fl[i] != fl[j], fi, fj)
if best is None:
best = cur
if cur > best:
if i0 != -1:
return None
del ans[:]
best = cur
if cur == best:
elif self._nf > 1:
# (we have a single vertex but several faces)
# consider only edges with distinct faces on their sides.
# Maximize their degrees.
if i0 != -1:
j0 = i0 ^ 1
if fl[i0] == fl[j0]:
return None
fi0 = fl[i0]
fj0 = fl[j0]
if not fix_faces:
fi0 = fd[fi0]
fj0 = fd[fj0]
best = (fi0, fj0)
best = None
for i in range(self._n):
if i == i0:
j = i ^ 1
if fl[i] == fl[j]:
fi = fl[i]
fj = fl[j]
if not fix_faces:
fi = fd[fi]
fj = fd[fj]
cur = (fi, fj)
if best is None:
best = cur
if cur > best:
if i0 != -1:
return None
del ans[:]
best = cur
if cur == best:
# (we have a single face and a single vertex)
# Minimize the face angle between i and i ^ 1
# 1. compute the "face angle" between the half edges
fa = [None] * n
fa[0] = 0
i = fp[0]
j = 1
while i != 0:
fa[i] = j
i = fp[i]
j += 1
# 2. first guess
if i0 != -1:
j0 = i0 ^ 1
best = fa[j0] - fa[i0]
if best < 0:
best += n
best = None
# 3. run across the edges
for i in range(self._n):
if i == i0:
j = i ^ 1
cur = fa[j] - fa[i]
if cur < 0:
cur += n
if best is None:
best = cur
if cur < best:
if i0 != -1:
return None
del ans[:]
best = cur
if cur == best:
return ans
def _canonical_labelling_from(self, i0):
Edges gets relabelled (2i, 2i+1).
OUTPUT: a triple ``(fc, fd, rel)`` where
- ``fc`` is the list of edges seen along the walk (with respect to the new
- ``fd``: face degrees seen along the walk
- ``rel``: relabelling map {current labels} -> {canonical labels}
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: vp = '(0,15,3,6,8)(1,14,18,10,9,12,5,19)(2,7,4,17,11)(13,16)'
sage: fp = '(0,19,14)(1,8,10,17,13,9,6,2,15)(3,11,18,5,7)(4,12,16)'
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp)
sage: for i in range(20):
....: fc, fd, rel = cm._canonical_labelling_from(i)
....: assert len(fc) == 20
....: assert sorted(fd, reverse=True) == [9, 5, 3, 3]
....: assert sorted(rel) == list(range(20))
n = self._n
fp = self._fp
fc = [] # faces seen along the walk
fd = [] # face degrees seen along the walk
rel = [-1] * n # dart relabeling
rel[i0] = 0 # first edge is relabelled (0,1)
c = 2 # current dart number (in the new labelling scheme)
# walk along faces first, starting from i0
# along the way, we collect unseen edges
i = fp[i0]
wait = deque([i0 ^ 1])
d = 1
while i != i0:
if rel[i] == -1:
j = i ^ 1
if rel[j] != -1:
assert rel[j] % 2 == 0
rel[i] = rel[j] + 1
rel[i] = c
c += 2
d += 1
i = fp[i]
while wait:
i0 = wait.popleft()
if rel[i0] != -1:
assert rel[i0 ^ 1] != -1 and rel[i0 ^ 1] % 2 == 0
rel[i0] = rel[i0 ^ 1] + 1
i = fp[i0]
d = 1
while i != i0:
if rel[i] == -1:
j = i ^ 1
if rel[j] != -1:
assert rel[j] % 2 == 0
rel[i] = rel[j] + 1
rel[i] = c
c += 2
i = fp[i]
d += 1
assert len(fc) == self._n, (fc, fd, rel)
assert len(fd) == self._nf, (fc, fd, rel)
return fc, fd, rel
# TODO: this is a waste! We should implement the proper partial relabeling
def _canonical_labelling_from_if_better(self, best, i0):
- ``best`` - a triple ``(fc, fd, rel)`` as given from _canonical_labeling_from
- ``i0`` - start edge
fc_best, fd_best, rel_best = best
n = self._n
fp = self._fp
fl = self._fl
sfd = self._fd
is_fd_better = 0 # whether the current face degree works better
is_fc_better = 0 # whether the current relabelling works better
# 0 = equal
# 1 = better
# -1 = worse
fd = [] # face degrees seen along the walk (want to maximize)
fc = [] # edges seen along the walk (want to minimize)
rel = [-1] * n # dart relabeling
# walk along faces first, starting from i0
# along the way, we collect unseen edges
rel[i0] = 0 # first edge is relabelled (0,1)
c = 2 # current dart number (in the new labelling scheme)
d = sfd[fl[i0]]
if d < fd_best[0]:
return -1, None
elif d > fd_best[0]:
is_fd_better = 1
i = fp[i0]
wait = deque([i0 ^ 1])
while i != i0:
if rel[i] == -1:
j = i ^ 1
if rel[j] != -1:
assert rel[j] % 2 == 0
rel[i] = rel[j] + 1
rel[i] = c
c += 2
# edge comparison
ii = rel[i]
if not is_fd_better and not is_fc_better:
if ii < fc_best[len(fc)]:
is_fc_better = 1
elif ii > fc_best[len(fc)]:
if self._nf == 1:
return -1, None
is_fc_better = -1
i = fp[i]
while wait:
i0 = wait.popleft()
# face already seen?
if rel[i0] != -1:
# face degree comparison
d = sfd[fl[i0]]
if not is_fd_better:
if d < fd_best[len(fd)]:
return -1, None
elif d > fd_best[len(fd)]:
is_fd_better = 1
# root edge comparison
assert rel[i0 ^ 1] != -1 and rel[i0 ^ 1] % 2 == 0
ii0 = rel[i0 ^ 1] + 1
if not is_fd_better and not is_fc_better:
if ii0 < fc_best[len(fc)]:
is_fc_better = 1
elif ii0 > fc_best[len(fc)]:
is_fc_better = -1
rel[i0] = ii0
i = fp[i0]
while i != i0:
# label the i-th edge (if not already)
if rel[i] == -1:
j = i ^ 1
if rel[j] != -1:
assert rel[j] % 2 == 0
rel[i] = rel[j] + 1
rel[i] = c
c += 2
# edge comparison
ii = rel[i]
if not is_fd_better and not is_fc_better:
if ii < fc_best[len(fc)]:
is_fc_better = 1
elif ii > fc_best[len(fc)]:
is_fc_better = -1
# update
i = fp[i]
cur = (fc, fd, rel)
if is_fd_better:
return 1, cur
return is_fc_better, cur
# NOTE: this is broken for non-connected surfaces!
def _is_canonical(self, i0):
Return a pair ``(answer, automorphisms)`` where answer is a boolean
that says whether this map is in canonical form and ``automorphisms`` form
a generating set of the group of automorphisms.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: vp = '(0,15,3,6,8)(1,14,18,10,9,12,5,19)(2,7,4,17,11)(13,16)'
sage: fp = '(0,19,14)(1,8,10,17,13,9,6,2,15)(3,11,18,5,7)(4,12,16)'
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp)
sage: any(cm._is_canonical(i)[0] for i in range(20))
A genus 1 example with 4 symmetries::
sage: vp = '(0,8,6,4,3,7)(1,9,11,5,2,10)'
sage: fp = '(0,10,9)(2,4,11)(1,7,8)(3,5,6)'
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp)
sage: for i in range(12):
....: test, aut_grp = cm._is_canonical(i)
....: if test: print(aut_grp.group_cardinality())
roots = self._good_starts(i0)
if roots is None:
return False, None
if len(roots) == 1:
return True, None
# perform complete relabelling
P = PermutationGroupOrbit(self._n, [], roots)
i = next(P)
assert i == i0
best = self._canonical_labelling_from(i)
rel0 = perm_invert(best[2])
for i in P:
test, cur = self._canonical_labelling_from_if_better(best, i)
if test == 1:
return False, None
elif test == 0:
fc, fd, rel = cur
aut = perm_compose(rel, rel0)
return True, P
def automorphism_vertex_action(self, g):
Return the action of ``g`` on vertices.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: r = FatGraph('(0,5,4)(1,2,3)', '(0,3,1,4)(2)(5)')
sage: A = r.automorphism_group()
sage: r.automorphism_vertex_action(A.gens()[0])
[1, 0]
if not perm_check(g, self._n):
raise ValueError('g must be a permutation')
vp = self._vp
vl = self._vl
p = [-1] * self._nv
for i in range(self._n):
if vp[i] == -1:
if p[vl[i]] == -1:
p[vl[i]] = vl[g[i]]
elif p[vl[i]] != vl[g[i]]:
raise ValueError('not an automorphism')
return p
def automorphism_face_action(self, g):
Return the action of ``g`` on faces.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: r = FatGraph('(0,5,4)(1,2,3)', '(0,3,1,4)(2)(5)')
sage: A = r.automorphism_group()
sage: r.automorphism_face_action(A.gens()[0])
[0, 2, 1]
if not perm_check(g, self._n):
raise ValueError('g must be a permutation')
fp = self._fp
fl = self._fl
p = [-1] * self._nf
for i in range(self._n):
if fp[i] == -1:
if p[fl[i]] == -1:
p[fl[i]] = fl[g[i]]
elif p[fl[i]] != fl[g[i]]:
raise ValueError('not an automorphism')
return p
def automorphism_group(self, fix_vertices=False, fix_edges=False, fix_faces=False):
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: from surface_dynamics.misc.permutation import perm_conjugate
The four unicellular map with 4 edges in genus 2::
sage: cm0 = FatGraph.from_unicellular_word([0,1,0,1,2,3,2,3])
sage: cm1 = FatGraph.from_unicellular_word([0,1,0,2,1,3,2,3])
sage: cm2 = FatGraph.from_unicellular_word([0,1,0,2,3,1,2,3])
sage: cm3 = FatGraph.from_unicellular_word([0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3])
sage: for cm in [cm0, cm1, cm2, cm3]:
....: P = cm.automorphism_group()
....: print(P.group_cardinality())
....: vp = cm.vertex_permutation()
....: fp = cm.face_permutation()
....: for a in P.gens():
....: pp = perm_conjugate(vp, a)
....: assert pp == vp, (vp, pp)
sage: cm = FatGraph.from_unicellular_word([0,1,2,3,0,4,1,2,3,4])
sage: cm.automorphism_group().group_cardinality()
An example with two faces::
sage: vp = '(0,9,6,5,7,4,8,2,1,3)'
sage: fp = '(0,2,1,3,8)(4,6,5,7,9)'
sage: cm = FatGraph(vp, fp)
sage: cm.automorphism_group()
PermutationGroupOrbit(10, [(0,4)(1,5)(2,6)(3,7)(8,9)])
One can compute face stabilizer::
sage: r = FatGraph('(0,5,4)(1,2,3)', '(0,3,1,4)(2)(5)')
sage: r.automorphism_group().group_cardinality()
sage: r.automorphism_group(fix_faces=True).group_cardinality()
sage: r = FatGraph('(0,4,3)(5,2,1)', '(0,2,4,1,3,5)')
sage: A = r.automorphism_group()
sage: A.group_cardinality()
sage: r.automorphism_group(fix_faces=True) == A
sage: r = FatGraph('(0,2,1,3)', '(0,2,1,3)')
sage: r.automorphism_group().group_cardinality()
# NOTE: alternatively, one can compute the centralizer
# self._symmetric_group().centralizer(self.monodromy_group())
if fix_edges:
raise NotImplementedError
if not self.is_connected():
raise NotImplementedError('not implemented for non-connected graphs')
roots = self._good_starts(fix_vertices=fix_vertices, fix_faces=fix_faces)
P = PermutationGroupOrbit(self._n, [], roots)
if len(roots) == 1:
return P
i0 = next(P)
best = self._canonical_labelling_from(i0)
rel0 = perm_invert(best[2])
for i in P:
test, cur = self._canonical_labelling_from_if_better(best, i)
if test == 1:
rel0 = perm_invert(cur[2])
best = cur
elif test == 0:
fc, fd, rel = cur
aut = perm_compose(rel, rel0)
if ((not fix_vertices or perm_is_on_list_stabilizer(aut, self._vl, self._n)) and
(not fix_faces or perm_is_on_list_stabilizer(aut, self._fl, self._n))):
return P
def relabel(self, r):
Relabel according to the permutation ``r``.
sage: from surface_dynamics.topology.fat_graph import FatGraph
sage: from surface_dynamics.misc.permutation import perm_on_list_inplace, perm_invert
sage: cm = FatGraph('(0,11,9,14,7,10,12,4,2,1,3)(5,15,8,6)(13)',
....: '(0,2,1,3,4,6,14,5,12,13,10)(7,8,11)(9,15)')
sage: r = [4,5,8,9,1,0,11,10,15,14,2,3,7,6,12,13]
sage: cm.relabel(r)
sage: cm._check()
n = self._n
if any(r[i] ^ 1 != r [i ^ 1] for i in range(n)):
raise ValueError('invalid relabelling permutation')
perm_conjugate_inplace(self._vp, r, n)
perm_conjugate_inplace(self._fp, r, n)
perm_on_list_inplace(r, self._vl, n)
perm_on_list_inplace(r, self._fl, n)