Source code for surface_dynamics.topological_recursion.topological_recursion

Topological recursion

This module implements topological recursion. In particular it makes
available the computation of various integral of cohomology classes
on M_{g,n} (psi, lambda and kappa classes).


- G. Borot
  "Topological recursion and geometry"

- J. E. Andersen, G. Borot, L. O. Chekhov, N. Orantin
  "The ABCD of topological recursion"

- R. Pandharipande
  "Cohomological field theory calculations"


- generic symbolic TR
- other recursions:
  - ELSV, Eynard Bouchard-Marino conjectures and simple Hurwitz numbers (lambda classes)
  - bundle of quadratic differentials and co
- generating series
- simplification of the recursion via the generalized string and dilaton
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#       Copyright (C) 2020 Vincent Delecroix <>
#  Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
#  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# ****************************************************************************
from __future__ import print_function
from six.moves import range

import numbers
from collections import defaultdict

from sage.misc.misc_c import prod

from sage.rings.all import ZZ, QQ
from sage.arith.misc import factorial, binomial
from sage.combinat.integer_lists.invlex import IntegerListsLex
from sage.combinat.composition import Compositions
from sage.combinat.partition import Partitions

ZZ_0 =
ZZ_2 = ZZ(2)

[docs] def compositions(g, n): r""" Return compositions of sum at most 3g-3+n and length n """ for k in range(3 * g - 3 + n + 1): for c in Compositions(k + n, length=n, min_part=1): yield [i - 1 for i in c]
[docs] class TopologicalRecursion: r""" A generic topological recursion. For concrete examples see: - :class:`~surface_dynamics.topological_recursion.kontsevich.KontsevichTR` - :class:`~surface_dynamics.topological_recursion.masur_veech.MasurVeechTR` """ def __init__(self, cache_all=False, base_ring=None): self._cache = {} self._cache_all = cache_all self._base_ring = QQ if base_ring is None else base_ring self._one = None # The functions A, B, C, D of the topological recursion # They have to be implemented in subclasses
[docs] def A(self, i, j, k): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def B(self, g, n, i, j): raise NotImplementedError
# iterator (k, B(i, j, k))
[docs] def C(self, g, n, i): raise NotImplementedError
# iterator (j, k, C(i, j, k))
[docs] def D(self, i): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def F(self, g, n, I): r""" Return the value of the partition function F_{g,n}(I) where I = (i_0, i_1, ..., i_{n-1}) is a tuple of n non-negative integers whose sum is <= 3g-3+n. We assume here that the topological recursion given by A, B, C and D produces a partition function symmetric in the variables i_0, i_1, ..., i_{n-1}. """ # we restrict to TR with sum(I) <= 3g-3+n assert len(I) == n if len(I) != n or sum(I) > 3 * g - 3 + n: raise ValueError("length must be n = %d and sum at most 3g-3+n = %d, got I = %s" % (n, 3 * g - 3 + n, I)) I = tuple(sorted(I)) if g == 0 and n == 3: # M_{0,3} initial condition if self._one is None: self._one = self._base_ring(self.A(I[0], I[1], I[2])) return self._one elif g == 1 and n == 1: # M_{1,1} initial condition return self.D(I[0]) return self._virasoro(g, n, I)
def _virasoro(self, g, n, I): # TODO: we should use exponential notations for I if (g, n, I) in self._cache: return self._cache[(g, n, I)] Idict = defaultdict(int) for i in I[1:]: Idict[i] += 1 Ituple = sorted(Idict.items()) # set to True for debugging information verbose = False if verbose: print("Frec({}, {}, {}".format(g, n, I)) B = self.B C = self.C F = self.F if verbose: print("compute S1") J = I[1:] S1 = ZZ_0 for im, _ in Ituple: fac = Idict[im] J = [] for j, mult in Ituple: if j == im: J.extend([j] * (mult - 1)) else: J.extend([j] * mult) J = tuple(J) s = sum(J) # = i + j for (a, value) in B(g, n - s - 1, I[0], im): if verbose: print("[S1] B({}, {}, {}) F({}, {}, {})".format(I[0], im, a, g, n - 1, (a,) + J)) S1 += fac * value * F(g, n - 1, (a,) + J) if verbose: print("S1 = {}".format(S1)) if verbose: print("S2") S2 = ZZ_0 if g >= 1: # TODO: here the bound is actually for the sum since the new tuple # is (a, b) + I[1:]. I1 = I[1:] abbound = 3 * (g - 1) - 3 + (n + 1) - sum(I1) for (a, b, value) in C(I[0], abbound, abbound, abbound): if verbose: print("[S2] C({}, {}, {}) F({}, {}, {})".format(I[0], a, b, g - 1, n + 1, (a, b) + I1)) S2 += value * F(g - 1, n + 1, (a, b) + I1) if verbose: print("S2 = {}".format(S2)) if verbose: print("S3") S3 = ZZ_0 for n1 in range(n): n2 = n - n1 - 1 g1min = int(n1 < 2) g2min = int(n2 < 2) for M1 in IntegerListsLex(min_sum=n1, max_sum=n1, length=len(Ituple), ceiling=[v for k, v in Ituple]): I1 = [] I2 = [] fac = 1 for m, (k, v) in zip(M1, Ituple): I1.extend([k] * m) I2.extend([k] * (v - m)) fac *= binomial(v, m) I1 = tuple(I1) I2 = tuple(I2) s1 = sum(I1) s2 = sum(I2) # the above choices of combinations already forces the genus # ie, 3g1-3+n1 >= s1 and 3g2-3+n2 >= s2 # g1 >= (s1 + 3 - n1)/3 gg1min = max(g1min, (s1 - n1 + 4) // 3) gg2min = max(g2min, (s2 - n2 + 4) // 3) gg1max = g - gg2min for g1 in range(gg1min, gg1max + 1): g2 = g - g1 a1bound = 3 * g1 - 3 + (n1 + 1) - s1 a2bound = 3 * g2 - 3 + (n2 + 1) - s2 for (a1, a2, value) in C(I[0], a1bound, a2bound, a1bound + a2bound): f1 = F(g1, n1 + 1, (a1,) + I1) f2 = F(g2, n2 + 1, (a2,) + I2) if verbose: print("[S3] C({}, {}, {}) F({}, {}, {}) F({}, {}, {})".format(I[0], a1, a2, g1, n1 + 1, (a1,) + I1, g2, n2 + 1, (a2,) + I2)) S3 += fac * value * f1 * f2 if verbose: print("S3 = {}".format(S3)) value = S1 + (S2 + S3) / ZZ_2 if self._cache_all or I[0] >= 2: # We do not cache string/dilaton if _cache_all = False self._cache[(g, n, I)] = value return value
[docs] def polynomial(self, g, n, ring=None): if ring is None: from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring_constructor import PolynomialRing if n == 1: # Otherwise, the b is not numbered! ring = PolynomialRing(self._base_ring, 'b0', n) else: ring = PolynomialRing(self._base_ring, 'b', n) b = ring.gens() p = p += sum(self.F(g, n, I) * prod(b[i]**j for i, j in enumerate(I)) for I in compositions(g, n)) return p
[docs] def write(self, g, n, s=None): r""" Print normalized values of the polynomials F_{g,n} """ g = ZZ(g) n = ZZ(n) if n < 0: raise ValueError if s is None: s = range(3 * g - 3 + n + 1) elif isinstance(s, numbers.Integral): s = [s] for t in s: for p in Partitions(t + n, length=n): p = [i - 1 for i in p] c = prod(factorial(2 * i + 1) for i in p) f = self.F(g, n, p) if f: print("{} {}".format([i for i in p], self.F(g, n, p) / c))