Cardinality of Rauzy classes
The following functions implement algorithms relative to article [Del13]_ and
[Boi13]_ where are given formulas for the cardinality of Rauzy classes of
- ``c``: number of standard labeled permutations
- ``d``: spin difference of standard labeled permutations
- ``gamma_std``: number of standard permutations (with given profile and
- ``gamma_irr``: number of irreducible permutations (with given profile and
- ``delta_std``: spin difference for standard permutations (with given profile
and marking)
- ``delta_irr``: spin difference for irreducible permutations (with given
profile and marking)
Vincent Delecroix
# Copyright (C) 2019 Vincent Delecroix <20100.delecroix@gmail.com>
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# https://www.gnu.org/licenses/
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
from six.moves import range
from sage.misc.cachefunc import cached_function
from sage.rings.integer import Integer
from sage.combinat.partition import Partition
from sage.arith.all import factorial, binomial
def marking_iterator(profile,left=None,standard=False):
Returns the marked profile associated to a partition
sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc
sage: p = Partition([3,2,2])
sage: list(rcc.marking_iterator(p))
[(1, 2, 0),
(1, 2, 1),
(1, 3, 0),
(1, 3, 1),
(1, 3, 2),
(2, 2, 2),
(2, 2, 3),
(2, 3, 2)]
e = Partition(sorted(profile,reverse=True)).to_exp_dict()
ek = sorted(e)
if left is not None:
assert(left in e)
if left is not None: keys = [left]
else: keys = ek
for m in keys:
if standard: angles = range(1,m-1)
else: angles = range(0,m)
for a in angles:
yield (1,m,a)
for m_l in keys:
for m_r in ek:
if m_l != m_r or e[m_l] > 1:
yield (2,m_l,m_r)
def split(p,k,i=0):
Splits the i-th term of p into two parts of size k and n-k-1
There is a symmetry split(p, k, i) = split(p, p[i]-k-1, i)
- ``p`` - a partition
- ``k`` - an integer between 2 and p[i]
- ``i`` - integer - the index of the element to split
OUTPUT: a partition
sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc
sage: p = Partition([5,1])
sage: rcc.split(p,1,0)
[3, 1, 1]
sage: rcc.split(p,2,0)
[2, 2, 1]
sage: rcc.split(p,3,0)
[3, 1, 1]
l = list(p)
n = l.pop(i)
return Partition(l)
def collapse(p,i,j):
Collapses the i-th term and the j-th term of a permutation
- ``p`` - a partition
- ``i,j`` - two different indices of p
- a partition
sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc
sage: p = Partition([4,2,1])
sage: rcc.collapse(p, 0, 1)
[5, 1]
sage: rcc.collapse(p, 0, 2)
[4, 2]
sage: rcc.collapse(p, 1, 2)
[4, 2]
assert(i != j)
l = list(p)
n_i = l[i]
n_j = l[j]
l[i] = n_i+n_j-1
del l[j]
return Partition(l)
def check_std_marking(p, marking):
Tiny internal function that checks the validity of ``marking`` on the
partition ``p``.
sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc
sage: p = Partition([3,2,2])
sage: rcc.check_std_marking(p, (1,3,1))
(1, 3, 1)
sage: rcc.check_std_marking(p, (1,3,0))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: marking[2] is not good
if len(marking) != 3:
raise ValueError("marking must be a 3-tuple (t,i,j)")
if marking[0] == 1:
if marking[1] not in p:
raise ValueError("marking[1] not in p")
if marking[2] < 1 or marking[2] > marking[1]-2:
raise ValueError("marking[2] is not good")
elif marking[0] == 2:
if marking[1] == marking[2]:
if not p.to_exp()[marking[1]-1] > 1:
raise ValueError("wrong marking type 2")
elif marking[1] not in p or marking[2] not in p:
raise ValueError("marking not in p")
raise ValueError("marking[0] must be 1 or 2")
return tuple(marking)
def check_marking(p, marking):
Tiny internal function that checks that ``marking`` is compatible with ``p``.
A 3-tuple.
sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc
sage: p = Partition([3,2,2])
sage: rcc.check_marking(p, (1,3,1))
(1, 3, 1)
sage: rcc.check_marking(p, (1,3,2))
(1, 3, 2)
sage: rcc.check_marking(p, (1,3,3))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: marking[2] is not good
sage: rcc.check_marking(p, (1,3,-1))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: marking[2] is not good
sage: rcc.check_marking(p, (2,3,2))
(2, 3, 2)
sage: rcc.check_marking(p, (2,3,3))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: wrong marking type 2
if len(marking) != 3:
raise ValueError("marking must be a 3-tuple (t,i,j)")
if marking[0] == 1:
if marking[1] not in p:
raise ValueError("marking[1] not in p")
if marking[2] < 0 or marking[2] > marking[1]-1:
raise ValueError("marking[2] is not good")
elif marking[0] == 2:
if marking[1] == marking[2]:
if not p.to_exp()[marking[1]-1] > 1:
raise ValueError("wrong marking type 2")
elif marking[1] not in p or marking[2] not in p:
raise ValueError("marking not in p")
raise ValueError("marking[0] must be 1 or 2")
return tuple(marking)
def bidecompositions(p):
Iterator through the pair of partitions ``(q1,q2)`` such that the union of
the parts of ``q1`` and ``q2`` equal ``p``.
sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc
sage: list(rcc.bidecompositions(Partition([3,1])))
[([], [3, 1]), ([3], [1]), ([1], [3]), ([3, 1], [])]
sage: list(rcc.bidecompositions(Partition([2,1,1])))
[([], [2, 1, 1]),
([2], [1, 1]),
([1], [2, 1]),
([2, 1], [1]),
([1, 1], [2]),
([2, 1, 1], [])]
from itertools import product
exp = p.to_exp()
for i in product(*tuple(range(i+1) for i in exp)):
p1 = Partition(exp=i)
p2 = Partition(exp=[exp[j]-i[j] for j in range(len(exp))])
yield p1,p2
# number of permutations
def _c_rec(p):
Recurrence function that is called by :func:`c`.
if p[0] == 1: return factorial(len(p)-1)
return (
sum(_c_rec(split(p,k)) for k in range(1,p[0]-1)) +
sum(p[i]*_c_rec(collapse(p,0,i)) for i in range(1,len(p))))
def c(p):
Number of labeled standard permutations with given profile
There is an explicit formula for this number
.. MATH::
c(p) = \frac{2 (n-1)!}{n+1} \left( \sum_{q \subset (p_2,p_3,\ldots,p_k)} (-1)^{s(q)-l(q)} \binom{n}{s(q)}^{-1} \right).
Though, for huge partition `p` this is not very useful. This function
implements an induction formula to compute `c(p)`.
sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc
Partition of length 1::
sage: n = 7
sage: rcc.c([n]) == 2 * factorial(n-1) / (n+1)
sage: all(rcc.c([n]) == 2 * factorial(n-1) / (n+1) for n in range(11,18,2))
Partitions of length 2 with two odd numbers::
sage: p = [5,3]
sage: n = sum(p)
sage: b = binomial(n,p[0])
sage: rcc.c(p) == 2 * factorial(n-1) * (1 + 1 / binomial(n,p[0])) / (n+1)
sage: p = [13,5]
sage: n = sum(p)
sage: b = binomial(n,p[0])
sage: rcc.c(p) == 2 * factorial(n-1) * (1 + 1 / binomial(n,p[0])) / (n+1)
Partitions of length 2 with even numbers::
sage: p = [4,4]
sage: n = sum(p)
sage: b = binomial(n,p[0])
sage: rcc.c(p) == 2 * factorial(n-1) * (1 - 1 / binomial(n,p[0])) / (n+1)
sage: p = [10,2]
sage: n = sum(p)
sage: b = binomial(n,p[0])
sage: rcc.c(p) == 2 * factorial(n-1) * (1 - 1 / binomial(n,p[0])) / (n+1)
Add marked points to an integer partition::
sage: p = [3,2,2]
sage: n = sum(p)
sage: all(rcc.c(p + [1]*k) == factorial(n+k-1) / factorial(n-1) * rcc.c(p) for k in range(1,6))
return _c_rec(Partition(p))
def gamma_std(profile, marking=None):
Return the number of standard permutations of given profile
- ``profile`` - an integer partition such that the its sum plus its length
is congruent to 0 modulo 2
- ``marking`` - either None, an element of the profile or a 3-tuple ``(1, n1, a)`` or ``(2, n1, n2)``
sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc
A ValueError is raised if the partition does not satisfy the requirement::
sage: rcc.gamma_std([5,2])
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: the sum of the profile (=[5, 2]) plus its length must be congruent to 0 modulo 2
The Rauzy classes associated to connected strata in genus 3::
sage: from surface_dynamics import Stratum
sage: cc = Stratum([1,1,1,1], k=1).unique_component()
sage: d = cc.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d
Rauzy diagram with 1255 permutations
sage: sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d)) == rcc.gamma_std([2,2,2,2])
sage: cc = Stratum([2,1,1], k=1).unique_component()
sage: d = cc.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d
Rauzy diagram with 2177 permutations
sage: sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d)) == rcc.gamma_std([3,2,2])
sage: cc = Stratum([3,1], k=1).unique_component()
sage: d = cc.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d
Rauzy diagram with 770 permutations
sage: sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d)) == rcc.gamma_std([4,2])
The non connected strata in genus 3::
sage: cc_odd = Stratum([2,2], k=1).odd_component()
sage: cc_hyp = Stratum([2,2], k=1).hyperelliptic_component()
sage: d_odd = cc_odd.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d_hyp = cc_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d_odd
Rauzy diagram with 294 permutations
sage: d_hyp
Rauzy diagram with 63 permutations
sage: n_odd = sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d_odd))
sage: n_hyp = sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d_hyp))
sage: n_odd + n_hyp == rcc.gamma_std([3,3])
sage: cc_odd = Stratum([4], k=1).odd_component()
sage: cc_hyp = Stratum([4], k=1).hyperelliptic_component()
sage: d_odd = cc_odd.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d_hyp = cc_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d_odd
Rauzy diagram with 134 permutations
sage: d_hyp
Rauzy diagram with 31 permutations
sage: n_odd = sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d_odd))
sage: n_hyp = sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d_hyp))
sage: n_odd + n_hyp == rcc.gamma_std([5])
p = Partition(sorted(profile, reverse=True))
if (sum(p) + len(p)) % 2 != 0:
raise ValueError("the sum of the profile (=%s) plus its length must be congruent to 0 modulo 2" % p)
if not p and marking == (1, 0, 0):
return 1
if marking is None:
return sum(gamma_std(p,m) for m in marking_iterator(p,left=None,standard=True))
elif isinstance(marking, (int,Integer)):
return sum(gamma_std(p,m) for m in marking_iterator(p,left=marking,standard=True))
marking = check_std_marking(p, marking)
l = list(p)
if marking[0] == 1: # marking of type 1
i = l.index(marking[1])
del l[i]
return _c_rec(split(p,marking[2],i)) / Partition(l).centralizer_size()
else: # marking of type 2
i0 = l.index(marking[1])
if marking[2] <= marking[1]:
i1 = i0 + 1 + l[i0+1:].index(marking[2])
i1 = l.index(marking[2])
i0,i1 = i1,i0
del l[i1]
del l[i0]
return _c_rec(collapse(p,i0,i1)) / Partition(l).centralizer_size()
number_of_standard_permutations = gamma_std
# spin difference
def d(p):
Difference between the number of odd spin parity and even spin parity
standard labeled permutations with given profile
There is an explicit formula
.. MATH::
d(p) = \frac{(n-1)!}{2^{(n-k)/2}}
where `n` is the sum of the partition `p` and `k` is its length.
sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc
sage: p = [3,3,1]
sage: rcc.d([3,3,1]) == factorial(6) / 2**2
sage: rcc.d([13]) == factorial(12) / 2**6
Adding marked points::
sage: p = [5,3,3]
sage: n = sum(p)
sage: all(rcc.d(p + [1]*k) == factorial(n+k-1) / factorial(n-1) * rcc.d(p) for k in range(1,6))
n = sum(p)
k = len(p)
return factorial(n-1) / 2**((n-k)/2)
def delta_std(profile, marking=None):
Return the difference odd-even in the given stratum
- ``p`` - partition with odd terms
- ``marking`` - a 3-tuple ``(1, n1, a)`` or ``(2, n1, n2)``
sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc
A ValueError is raised if the partition does not fulfill the requirement::
sage: rcc.delta_std([5,2])
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: the profile (=[5, 2]) must contain only odd numbers
Non connected strata in genus 3 has two connected components distinguished
by their spin parity::
sage: from surface_dynamics import Stratum
sage: cc_odd = Stratum([2,2], k=1).odd_component()
sage: cc_hyp = Stratum([2,2], k=1).hyperelliptic_component()
sage: d_odd = cc_odd.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d_hyp = cc_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d_odd
Rauzy diagram with 294 permutations
sage: d_hyp
Rauzy diagram with 63 permutations
sage: n_odd = sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d_odd))
sage: n_hyp = sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d_hyp))
sage: n_odd - n_hyp == rcc.delta_std([3,3])
sage: cc_odd = Stratum([4], k=1).odd_component()
sage: cc_hyp = Stratum([4], k=1).hyperelliptic_component()
sage: d_odd = cc_odd.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d_hyp = cc_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
sage: d_odd
Rauzy diagram with 134 permutations
sage: d_hyp
Rauzy diagram with 31 permutations
sage: n_odd = sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d_odd))
sage: n_hyp = sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x: x.is_standard(), d_hyp))
sage: n_odd - n_hyp == rcc.delta_std([5])
p = Partition(sorted(profile,reverse=True))
if any(not x%2 for x in p):
raise ValueError("the profile (=%s) must contain only odd numbers" % p)
if marking is None:
return sum(delta_std(p,m) for m in marking_iterator(p,left=None,standard=True))
elif isinstance(marking, (int,Integer)):
return sum(delta_std(p,m) for m in marking_iterator(p,left=marking,standard=True))
marking = check_std_marking(p, marking)
l = list(p)
if marking[0] == 1: # marking of type 1
if marking[2]%2 == 0: return 0
i = l.index(marking[1])
del l[i]
return d(split(p,marking[2],i)) / Partition(l).centralizer_size()
else: # marking of type 2
i0 = l.index(marking[1])
if marking[2] <= marking[1]:
i1 = i0 + 1 + l[i0+1:].index(marking[2])
i1 = l.index(marking[2])
i0,i1 = i1,i0
del l[i1]
del l[i0]
return d(collapse(p,i0,i1)) / Partition(l).centralizer_size()
spin_difference_for_standard_permutations = delta_std
def _gamma_irr_rec(p, marking):
Internal recursive function called by :func:`gamma_irr`
if len(p) == 0:
return 1
if marking[0] == 1:
m = marking[1]
a = marking[2]
i = p.index(m)
pp = Partition(p._list[:i]+p._list[i+1:]) # the partition p'
N = gamma_std(pp._list + [m+2],(1,m+2,m-a))
for m1 in range(1,m-1):
m2 = m-m1-1
for a1 in range(max(0,a-m2),min(a,m1)):
a2 = a - a1 - 1
for p1,p2 in bidecompositions(pp):
l1 = sorted([m1]+p1._list,reverse=True)
l2 = sorted([m2+2]+p2._list,reverse=True)
if (sum(l1)+len(l1)) % 2 == 0 and (sum(l2)+len(l2)) % 2 == 0:
N -= (_gamma_irr_rec(Partition(l1), (1,m1,a1)) *
return N
elif marking[0] == 2:
m1 = marking[1]
m2 = marking[2]
i1 = p.index(m1)
i2 = p.index(m2)
if m1 == m2: i2 += 1
if i2 < i1: i1,i2 = i2,i1
pp = Partition(p._list[:i1] + p._list[i1+1:i2] + p._list[i2+1:])
N = gamma_std(pp._list + [m1+1,m2+1],(2,m1+1,m2+1))
for p1,p2 in bidecompositions(pp):
for k1 in range(1,m1): # remove (m'_1|.) (m''_1 o m_2)
k2 = m1-k1-1
l1 = sorted(p1._list+[k1],reverse=True)
l2 = sorted(p2._list+[k2+1,m2+1],reverse=True)
if (sum(l1)+len(l1)) %2 == 0 and (sum(l2)+len(l2)) %2 == 0:
for a in range(k1): # a is an angle
N -= (_gamma_irr_rec(Partition(l1), (1,k1,a))*
for k1 in range(1,m2): # remove (m_1 o m'_2) (m''_2|.)
k2 = m2-k1-1
l1 = sorted(p1._list+[m1,k1],reverse=True)
l2 = sorted(p2._list+[k2+2],reverse=True)
if (sum(l1)+len(l1)) %2 == 0 and (sum(l2)+len(l2)) %2 == 0:
for a in range(1,k2+1): # a is an angle for standard perm
N -= (_gamma_irr_rec(Partition(l1), (2,m1,k1)) *
for m in pp.to_exp_dict(): # remove (m_1, k_1) (k_2, m_2) for k1+k2+1 an other zero
q = pp._list[:]
del q[q.index(m)]
for p1,p2 in bidecompositions(Partition(q)):
for k1 in range(1,m):
k2 = m-k1-1
l1 = sorted(p1._list+[m1,k1],reverse=True)
l2 = sorted(p2._list+[k2+1,m2+1],reverse=True)
if (sum(l1)+len(l1))%2 == 0 and (sum(l2)+len(l2))%2 == 0:
N -= (_gamma_irr_rec(Partition(l1), (2,m1,k1)) *
return N
raise ValueError("marking must be a 3-tuple of the form (1,m,a) or (2,m1,m2)")
def gamma_irr(profile=None, marking=None):
Number of permutations for the given profile and marking
- ``profile`` - an integer partition such that its sum plus its length is
congruent to 0 modulo 2
- ``markings`` - None, an element of the profile or a 3-tuple
sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc
The connected strata in genus 3::
sage: from surface_dynamics import Stratum
sage: c = Stratum([1,1,1,1], k=1).unique_component()
sage: c.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 1255 permutations
sage: rcc.gamma_irr([2,2,2,2])
sage: c = Stratum([2,1,1], k=1).unique_component()
sage: c.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 2177 permutations
sage: rcc.gamma_irr([3,2,2])
sage: c = Stratum([3,1], k=1).unique_component()
sage: c.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 770 permutations
sage: rcc.gamma_irr([4,2])
The non connected strata in genus 3::
sage: c_odd = Stratum([2,2], k=1).odd_component()
sage: c_hyp = Stratum([2,2], k=1).hyperelliptic_component()
sage: c_odd.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 294 permutations
sage: c_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 63 permutations
sage: rcc.gamma_irr([3,3]) == 294 + 63
sage: c_odd = Stratum([4], k=1).odd_component()
sage: c_hyp = Stratum([4], k=1).hyperelliptic_component()
sage: c_odd.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 134 permutations
sage: c_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 31 permutations
sage: rcc.gamma_irr([5]) == 134 + 31
p = Partition(sorted(profile,reverse=True))
if marking is None:
return sum(gamma_irr(profile,m) for m in marking_iterator(profile,left=None))
elif isinstance(marking, (int,Integer)):
return sum(gamma_irr(profile,m) for m in marking_iterator(profile,left=marking))
marking = check_marking(p, marking)
return _gamma_irr_rec(p, marking)
number_of_irreducible_permutations = gamma_irr
def _delta_irr_rec(p, marking):
Internal recursive function called by :func:`delta_irr`.
if len(p) == 0:
return 0
if marking[0] == 1:
m = marking[1]
a = marking[2]
i = p.index(m)
pp = Partition(p._list[:i]+p._list[i+1:]) # the partition p'
N = (-1)**a* delta_std(
pp._list + [m+2],
for m1 in range(1,m-1,2):
m2 = m-m1-1
for a1 in range(max(0,a-m2),min(a,m1)):
a2 = a - a1 - 1
for p1,p2 in bidecompositions(pp):
l1 = sorted([m1]+p1._list,reverse=True)
l2 = sorted([m2+2]+p2._list,reverse=True)
N += (-1)**a2*(_delta_irr_rec(Partition(l1),(1,m1,a1)) *
return N
elif marking[0] == 2:
m1 = marking[1]
m2 = marking[2]
i1 = p.index(m1)
i2 = p.index(m2)
if m1 == m2: i2 += 1
if i2 < i1: i1,i2 = i2,i1
pp = Partition(p._list[:i1] + p._list[i1+1:i2] + p._list[i2+1:])
N = d(Partition(sorted(pp._list+[m1+m2+1],reverse=True))) / pp.centralizer_size()
# nb of standard permutations that corresponds to extension of good
# guys
for p1,p2 in bidecompositions(Partition(pp)):
for k1 in range(1,m1,2): # remove (k1|.) (k2 o m_2)
k2 = m1-k1-1
q1 = Partition(sorted(p1._list+[k1],reverse=True))
q2 = Partition(sorted(p2._list+[k2+m2+1],reverse=True))
for a in range(k1): # a is a angle
N += _delta_irr_rec(q1, (1,k1,a)) * d(q2) / p2.centralizer_size()
for k1 in range(1,m2,2): # remove (m_1 o k1) (k2|.)
k2 = m2-k1-1
l1 = sorted(p1._list+[m1,k1],reverse=True)
l2 = sorted(p2._list+[k2+2],reverse=True)
for a in range(1,k2+1): # a is an angle for standard perm
N += (_delta_irr_rec(Partition(l1), (2,m1,k1)) *
spin_difference_for_standard_permutations(Partition(l2), (1,k2+2,a)))
for m in pp.to_exp_dict(): # remove (m_1 o k_1) (k_2 o m_2) for k1+k2+1 an other zero
q = pp._list[:]
del q[q.index(m)]
for p1,p2 in bidecompositions(Partition(q)):
for k1 in range(1,m,2):
k2 = m-k1-1
q1 = Partition(sorted(p1._list+[m1,k1],reverse=True))
q2 = Partition(sorted(p2._list+[k2+m2+1],reverse=True))
N += _delta_irr_rec(q1, (2,m1,k1)) * d(q2) / p2.centralizer_size()
return N
def delta_irr(profile, marking=None):
Spin difference for the given profile and marking
sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc
The non connected strata in genus 3::
sage: from surface_dynamics import Stratum
sage: c_odd = Stratum([2,2], k=1).odd_component()
sage: c_hyp = Stratum([2,2], k=1).hyperelliptic_component()
sage: c_odd.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 294 permutations
sage: c_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 63 permutations
sage: rcc.delta_irr([3,3]) == 294 - 63
sage: c_odd = Stratum([4], k=1).odd_component()
sage: c_hyp = Stratum([4], k=1).hyperelliptic_component()
sage: c_odd.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 134 permutations
sage: c_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 31 permutations
sage: rcc.delta_irr([5]) == 134 - 31
A non connected strata in genus 4::
sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rdc
sage: a = Stratum([6], k=1)
sage: c_hyp = a.hyperelliptic_component()
sage: c_odd = a.odd_component()
sage: c_even = a.even_component()
sage: c_hyp.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 127 permutations
sage: c_hyp.rauzy_class_cardinality()
sage: c_odd.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 5209 permutations
sage: c_odd.rauzy_class_cardinality()
sage: c_even = a.even_component()
sage: c_even.rauzy_diagram()
Rauzy diagram with 2327 permutations
sage: c_even.rauzy_class_cardinality()
sage: 5209 - 2327 - 127
sage: rdc.delta_irr([7])
An example with a very big Rauzy class::
sage: c = Stratum([6,6], k=1).odd_component()
sage: c.rauzy_class_cardinality()
p = Partition(sorted(profile,reverse=True))
if marking is None:
return sum(delta_irr(profile,m) for m in marking_iterator(profile,left=None))
elif isinstance(marking, (int,Integer)):
return sum(delta_irr(profile,m) for m in marking_iterator(profile,left=marking))
marking = check_marking(p, marking)
return _delta_irr_rec(p, marking)
spin_difference_for_irreducible_permutations = delta_irr