Simplicial complex, homology of surfaces and translation surfaces
In this module are implemented simple homology computation for translation
surfaces. There are three main classes:
- :class:`RibbonGraph`: decomposition of a surface into polygons. The
combinatorics is stored as a triple of permutations `v` (vertices), `e`
(edges), `f` (faces) so that the product `vef` is the identity. The domain of
the permutations correspond to the half edges or *darts*. The permutation `e`
is an involution so that `e(i)` is the other half of the edge starting at
`i`. The fixed points of `e` corresponds to edge glued to themselves. The
permutation `v` is obtained by turning around a vertex, while `f` turning
around a face.
- :class:`RibbonGraphWithAngles`: a ribbon graph with an additional angle
- :class:`RibbonGraphWithHolonomies`: a ribbon graph with an additional holonomy
structure on its edges.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
To create a ribbon graph you just need to fix two of the permutations `v`, `e`,
sage: R = RibbonGraph(vertices='(0,1,4,3)(5,2)',edges='(0,3)(1,2)(4,5)')
sage: R
Ribbon graph with 2 vertices, 3 edges and 3 faces
The vertices, edges and faces are by definition the cycles of the permutation.
Calling the method :meth:`~RibbonGraph.vertices`, :meth:`~RibbonGraph.edges` or
:meth:`~RibbonGraph.faces` gives you access to these cycles::
sage: R.vertices()
[[0, 1, 4, 3], [2, 5]]
sage: R.edges()
[[0, 3], [1, 2], [4, 5]]
sage: R.faces()
[[0, 4, 2], [1, 5], [3]]
Given a half edge (i.e. a dart), you can get the index of the vertex, edge or
face it belongs with the methods :meth:`~RibbonGraph.dart_to_vertex`,
:meth:`~RibbonGraph.dart_to_edge` and :meth:`~RibbonGraph.dart_to_edge`::
sage: R.dart_to_vertex(1)
sage: 1 in R.vertices()[0]
sage: R.dart_to_vertex(2)
sage: 2 in R.vertices()[1]
sage: R.dart_to_edge(3)
sage: R.dart_to_edge(4)
sage: R.dart_to_face(4)
sage: R.dart_to_face(3)
To initialize a ribbon graph with angles, you have to input the standard data to
initialize a ribbon graph plus a list of positive rational numbers which
corresponds to the angles between darts (more precisely, the number at position
i is the angle between i and v(i))::
sage: e = '(0,1)(2,3)'
sage: f = '(0,2,1,3)'
sage: a = [1/2,1/2,1/2,1/2]
sage: r = RibbonGraphWithAngles(edges=e,faces=f,angles=a)
sage: r.spin_parity()
- Oriented ribbon graphs are *exactly* separatrix diagrams. An orientation on a Ribbon
graphs is a choice of orientation for each vertex so that each face has all of its
edges oriented in the same direction as we go along the boundaries.
# Copyright (C) 2019 Vincent Delecroix <20100.delecroix@gmail.com>
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# https://www.gnu.org/licenses/
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
from six.moves import range, map, filter, zip
from surface_dynamics.misc.permutation import (perm_init, constellation_init, perm_cycles, perm_invert,
perm_check, perm_compose, equalize_perms, perm_orbit)
from sage.misc.cachefunc import cached_method
from sage.modules.free_module import FreeModule
from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix, identity_matrix
from sage.structure.sage_object import SageObject
from sage.rings.integer_ring import ZZ
from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ
# TODO: introduce an oriented ribbon graph class
# an oriented ribbon graph is a ribbon graph such that one can choose
# coherently an orientation of each edge so that each face gets
# all its edges oriented the same way
# (the dual corresponds in having all vertices being either sources or sinks)
# we encode this by choosing by labeling for each edge with the smaller edge index
class RibbonGraph(SageObject):
Generic class for Ribbon graph.
A Ribbon graph (or fat graph or combinatorial map) is a graph embedded in a
surface. This class uses representation as a triple ``(v,e,f)`` of
permutations such that `vef = 1` and the action of the group generated by
`v,e,f` acts transitively in the domain. The cycles of ``v`` are
considered as vertices, the ones of ``e`` are considered as edges and the
ones of ``f`` as the faces. Each element of the domain is a half-edge which
is called a *dart*. A dart is also associated to an oriented edge.
The domain of the permutations must be a subset of [0, ..., N-1] for some N.
The edges are always considered to be (i, ~i) where i is the bit complement
of the integer i (~0 = -1, ~-3 = 2). So that an edge always has a canonical
representative number given by the non-negative version.
A dense ribbon graph has the following attributes
- total_darts - non negative integer - the total number darts
- num_darts - non negative integer - the number of active darts
- active_darts - bitset - list of lengths _total_darts with True or
False. The position i is True if i is an active dart.
- vertices, vertices_inv - list - partial permutations of [0,N] which are
inverse of each other
- vertex_cycles - the cycles of the partial permutation vertices
- dart_to_vertex_index
- edges, edges_inv - list - partial permutations of [0,N] which are
inverse of each other
- edge_cycles - the cycles of the partial permutation edge
- dart_to_edge_index
- faces, faces_inv - list - partial permutations of [0,N] which are
inverse of each other
- face_cycles - the cycles of the partial permutation faces
- dart_to_face_index
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: RibbonGraph([],[],[])
Ribbon graph with 1 vertex, 0 edge and 1 face
sage: RibbonGraph('()','(0,1)','(0,1)')
Ribbon graph with 2 vertices, 1 edge and 1 face
sage: G = RibbonGraph('(0,3)(1,2)','(0,1)(2,3)','(0,2)(1,3)')
sage: G
Ribbon graph with 2 vertices, 2 edges and 2 faces
sage: G.darts()
[0, 1, 2, 3]
sage: G.genus()
sage: G = RibbonGraph(edges='(0,2)(1,3)(4,6)(5,7)',faces='(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)')
sage: G
Ribbon graph with 1 vertex, 4 edges and 1 face
sage: G.darts()
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
sage: G.genus()
sage: G = RibbonGraph(vertices='(0,2,3,6)(1,4,5,7)')
sage: G
Ribbon graph with 2 vertices, 4 edges and 4 faces
sage: G.edges()
[[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7]]
sage: G.genus()
def __init__(self, vertices=None, edges=None, faces=None, connected=True, check=True):
sage: from surface_dynamics import RibbonGraph
sage: RibbonGraph([0r,1r],[1r,0r],[1r,0r])
Ribbon graph with 2 vertices, 1 edge and 1 face
sage: RibbonGraph([-1,1,-1,3],[-1,3,-1,1],[-1,3,-1,1])
Ribbon graph with 2 vertices, 1 edge and 1 face
sage: RibbonGraph(vertices='(1)(5)', edges='(1,5)', faces='(1,5)')
Ribbon graph with 2 vertices, 1 edge and 1 face
vertices, edges, faces = constellation_init(vertices, edges, faces, check=check)
self._total_darts = total_darts = len(vertices)
num_darts = 0
self._active_darts = [True] * total_darts
for i,(jv, je, jf) in enumerate(zip(vertices, edges, faces)):
if jv == -1:
if je != -1 or jf != -1:
raise ValueError("inconsistent permutations")
self._active_darts[i] = False
if je == -1 or jf == -1:
raise ValueError("inconsistent permutations")
num_darts += 1
self._num_darts = num_darts
self._vertices = vertices
self._vertex_cycles = perm_cycles(vertices, singletons=True)
self._dart_to_vertex_index = [None] * total_darts
for i,c in enumerate(self._vertex_cycles):
for j in c:
self._dart_to_vertex_index[j] = i
self._edges = edges
self._edge_cycles = perm_cycles(edges, singletons=True)
self._dart_to_edge_index = [None] * total_darts
for i,edge in enumerate(self._edge_cycles):
for e in edge:
self._dart_to_edge_index[e] = i
self._faces = faces
self._face_cycles = perm_cycles(faces, singletons=True)
self._dart_to_face_index = [None] * total_darts
for i,c in enumerate(self._face_cycles):
for j in c:
self._dart_to_face_index[j] = i
self._vertices_inv = [None] * total_darts
self._edges_inv = [None] * total_darts
self._faces_inv = [None] * total_darts
for i in range(total_darts):
if self._vertices[i] != -1:
self._vertices_inv[self._vertices[i]] = i
self._edges_inv[self._edges[i]] = i
self._faces_inv[self._faces[i]] = i
self._connected = bool(connected)
if check:
def _repr_(self):
String representation.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: RibbonGraph(edges='(0,1)(2,3)',faces='(0,1,2,3)')._repr_()
'Ribbon graph with 3 vertices, 2 edges and 1 face'
sage: RibbonGraph(edges='(0,1)',faces='(0)(1)')._repr_()
'Ribbon graph with 1 vertex, 1 edge and 2 faces'
sage: RibbonGraph(edges='(0,1)(2,3)',faces='(0,2)(1,3)')._repr_()
'Ribbon graph with 2 vertices, 2 edges and 2 faces'
n = self.num_vertices()
if n <= 1:
vert_str = "%d vertex" %n
vert_str = "%d vertices" %n
n = self.num_edges()
if n <= 1:
edge_str = "%d edge" %n
edge_str = "%d edges" %n
n = self.num_faces()
if n <= 1:
face_str = "%d face" %n
face_str = "%d faces" %n
return "Ribbon graph with %s, %s and %s" %(vert_str,edge_str,face_str)
def _symmetric_group(self):
from sage.groups.perm_gps.permgroup_named import SymmetricGroup
return SymmetricGroup([i for i,j in enumerate(self._active_darts) if j])
def monodromy_group(self):
Return the group generated by the three defining permutations.
sage: from surface_dynamics import RibbonGraph
sage: r1 = RibbonGraph(vertices='(0)(2)(1,3,4,5)', edges='(0,1)(2,3)(4,5)')
sage: G1 = r1.monodromy_group()
sage: G1
Subgroup ...
sage: G1.is_isomorphic(SymmetricGroup(5))
sage: r2 = RibbonGraph(vertices='(0)(2)(1,3,4)(5,6,7)', edges='(0,1)(2,3)(4,5)(6,7)')
sage: G2 = r2.monodromy_group()
sage: G2
Subgroup ...
sage: G2.is_isomorphic(PSL(2,7))
sage: r3 = RibbonGraph(vertices='(1)(5)', edges='(1,5)', faces='(1,5)')
sage: r3.monodromy_group()
Subgroup ...
S = self._symmetric_group()
v = S([i for i in self._vertices if i != -1])
e = S([i for i in self._edges if i != -1])
f = S([i for i in self._faces if i != -1])
assert (v*e*f).is_one()
return S.subgroup([v,e,f])
def automorphism_group(self, fix_vertices=False, fix_edges=False, fix_faces=False):
Return the automorphism group of this ribbon graph.
The automorphism is simply the intersection of the centralizers
of the defining permutations.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: r = RibbonGraph('(1,6,5)(2,3,4)', '(1,2)(3,4)(5,6)', '(1,4,2,5)(3)(6)')
sage: r.automorphism_group().cardinality()
sage: r.automorphism_group(fix_faces=True).cardinality()
sage: r = RibbonGraph('(1,4,5)(2,6,3)', '(1,2)(3,4)(5,6)', '(1,3)(2,5)(4,6)')
sage: r.automorphism_group().cardinality()
Examples in genus 1::
sage: r = RibbonGraph('(1,5,4)(6,3,2)', '(1,2)(3,4)(5,6)', '(1,3,5,2,4,6)')
sage: A = r.automorphism_group()
sage: A
Subgroup ...
sage: A.cardinality()
sage: r.automorphism_group(fix_faces=True) == A
sage: r = RibbonGraph('(1,3,2,4)', '(1,2)(3,4)', '(1,3,2,4)')
sage: r.automorphism_group().cardinality()
C = self._symmetric_group().centralizer(self.monodromy_group())
if C.cardinality().is_one():
return C
if fix_vertices or fix_edges or fix_faces:
S = self._symmetric_group()
B = []
if fix_vertices:
if fix_edges:
if fix_faces:
for BB in B:
gens = []
for s in BB:
if len(s) == 1:
gens.append(S([(s[0], s[1])]))
if len(s) > 2:
C = C.intersection(S.subgroup(gens))
return C
# TODO: perform the expansion as quasi-polynomial
# TODO: see how the recursion formula translates on this generating series
def length_rational_fraction(self, var='b'):
Return the generating series for the number of lengths with the given boundaries
from sage.symbolic.ring import SR
F = SR.one()
for dart in range(self._total_darts):
if not self._active_darts[dart]:
i = self._dart_to_edge_index[dart]
j1, j2 = self._edge_cycles[i]
if j1 == dart:
assert j2 == dart
f1 = self._dart_to_face_index[j1]
f2 = self._dart_to_face_index[j2]
b1 = SR.var('%s%d' %(var, f1))
b2 = SR.var('%s%d' %(var, f2))
F *= b1*b2 / (1 - b1*b2)
return F
def _check(self):
Check that the data of the Ribbon graph is coherent
if len(self._active_darts) != self._total_darts:
raise ValueError("the length of active darts is not total_darts")
if self._active_darts.count(True) != self._num_darts:
raise ValueError("the number of darts do not coincide with active darts")
for i in range(self._total_darts):
if self._active_darts[i]:
if self._vertices[i] == -1 or self._vertices_inv[i] is None:
raise ValueError("dart %d is active but has no vertex" %i)
if self._edges[i] == -1 or self._edges_inv[i] is None:
raise ValueError("dart %d is active but has no edge" %i)
if self._faces[i] == -1 or self._faces_inv[i] is None:
raise ValueError("dart %d is active but has no face" %i)
if self._vertices[self._vertices_inv[i]] != i:
raise ValueError("vertices is not the inverse of vertices_inv")
if self._edges[self._edges_inv[i]] != i:
raise ValueError("edges is not the inverse of edges_inv")
if self._faces[self._faces_inv[i]] != i:
raise ValueError("faces is not the inverse of faces_inv")
if self._faces[self._edges[self._vertices[i]]] != i:
raise ValueError("the Ribbon graph condition vef=() is not satisfied for %d" %i)
if self._vertices[i] != -1 or self._vertices_inv[i] is not None:
raise ValueError("dart %d is not active but has a vertex" %i)
if self._edges[i] != -1 or self._edges_inv[i] is not None:
raise ValueError("dart %d is not active but has an edge" %i)
if self._faces[i] != -1 or self._faces_inv[i] is not None:
raise ValueError("dart %d is not active but has a face" %i)
if self._connected and not self.is_connected(force_computation=True):
raise ValueError("the graph is not connected")
def is_connected(self, force_computation=False):
if not force_computation and self._connected:
return True
from sage.graphs.graph import Graph
G = Graph(loops=True, multiedges=True)
for i in range(self._total_darts):
if self._active_darts[i]:
return G.is_connected()
def relabel(self, perm=None):
perm is a of range(0,N)
If ``perm`` is None, relabel the darts on 0,2M keeping the relative
order of the darts.
if perm is None:
k = 0
for i in range(self.num_darts()):
if self._active_darts[i]:
perm[i] = k
k += 1
vertices = [None] * self.num_darts()
edges = [None] * self.num_darts()
faces = [None] * self.num_darts()
for i in range(self.num_darts()):
if self._active_darts[i]:
vertices[perm[i]] = perm[self._vertices[i]]
edges[perm[i]] = perm[self._edges[i]]
faces[perm[i]] = perm[self._faces[i]]
return RibbonGraph(vertices,edges,faces)
# Darts
def num_darts(self):
Returns the number of darts.
return self._num_darts
def darts(self):
Return the list of darts
return [i for i in range(self._total_darts) if self._active_darts[i]]
def num_vertices(self):
Returns the number of vertices.
return max(1,len(self._vertex_cycles))
def vertex_perm(self):
Returns the permutation that define the vertices.
return self._vertices
def vertex_orbit(self, i):
Return the orbit of ``i`` under the permutation that define the
if self._active_darts[i]:
return perm_orbit(self._vertices,i)
return None
def vertices(self):
Return the list of vertices as cycles decomposition of the vertex
return self._vertex_cycles
def dart_to_vertex(self,i):
Return the vertex on which the dart ``i`` is attached.
if self._active_darts[i]:
return self._dart_to_vertex_index[i]
raise ValueError("dart %d is not active" %i)
# Edges
def num_edges(self):
Returns the number of edges.
return len(self._edge_cycles)
def edge_perm(self):
Return the permutation that define the edges.
return self._edges
def edge_orbit(self, i):
Return the orbit of the dart ``i`` under the permutation that defines
the edges.
if self._active_darts[i]:
return perm_orbit(self._edges,i)
return None
def edges(self):
Return the set of edges.
return self._edge_cycles
def dart_to_edge(self, i, orientation=False):
Returns the edge the darts ``i`` belongs to.
If orientation is set to ``True`` then the output is a `2`-tuple
``(e,o)`` where ``e`` is the index of the edge and ``o`` is its
orientation as ``+1`` or ``-1``.
if self._active_darts[i]:
if not orientation:
return self._dart_to_edge_index[i]
j = self._dart_to_edge_index[i]
if i == self._edge_cycles[j][0]:
return (j,1)
elif i == self._edge_cycles[j][1]:
return (j,-1)
raise ValueError("this should not happen!")
raise ValueError("dart %d is not active" %i)
# Faces
def num_faces(self):
Return the number of faces.
return max(1,len(self._face_cycles))
def face_perm(self):
Return the permutation that defines the face.
return self._faces
def face_orbit(self, i):
Return the orbit of ``i`` under the permutation associated to faces.
if self._active_darts[i]:
return perm_orbit(self._faces,i)
return None
def faces(self):
Return the list of faces.
return self._face_cycles
def dart_to_face(self, i):
if self._active_darts[i]:
return self._dart_to_face_index[i]
raise ValueError("dart {} is not active".format(i))
def dual(self):
Returns the dual Ribbon graph.
The *dual* ribbon graph of `(v,e,f)` is `(f^{-1}, e, v^{-1})`.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: r = RibbonGraph(edges='(0,1)',faces='(0)(1)'); r
Ribbon graph with 1 vertex, 1 edge and 2 faces
sage: r.dual()
Ribbon graph with 2 vertices, 1 edge and 1 face
return RibbonGraph(
# euler characteristic
def euler_characteristic(self):
Returns the Euler characteristic of the embedded surface.
The *Euler characteristic* of a surface complex is `V - E + F`, where
`V` is the number of vertices, `E` the number of edges and `F` the
number of faces.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: r = RibbonGraph(edges='(0,1)(2,3)(4,5)',faces='(0,2,4)(1)(3,5)')
sage: r.euler_characteristic()
sage: r = RibbonGraph(edges='(0,1)(2,3)',faces='(0,2,1,3)')
sage: r.euler_characteristic()
return self.num_vertices() - self.num_edges() + self.num_faces()
def is_plane(self):
Returns true if and only if the ribbon graph belongs in a sphere. In
other words if it has genus 0.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: r = RibbonGraph(vertices='(0)(1)',edges='(0,1)')
sage: r.is_plane()
sage: r = RibbonGraph(vertices='(0,1)',edges='(0,1)')
sage: r.is_plane()
sage: r = RibbonGraph(edges='(0,1)(2,3)',faces='(0,2)(1,3)')
sage: r.is_plane()
sage: r = RibbonGraph(edges='(0,1)(2,3)',faces='(0,2,1,3)')
sage: r.is_plane()
return self.euler_characteristic() == 2
def is_plane_tree(self):
Returns True if and only if the ribbon graph is a planar tree. In other
words, it has genus 0 and only one face.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: r = RibbonGraph(vertices='(0)(1)',edges='(0,1)')
sage: r.is_plane_tree()
sage: r = RibbonGraph(vertices='(0)(1,2,4)(3)(5)',edges='(0,1)(2,3)(4,5)')
sage: r.is_plane_tree()
sage: r = RibbonGraph(vertices='(0,1)',edges='(0,1)')
sage: r.is_plane_tree()
sage: r.is_plane()
return (self.num_faces() == 1 and self.genus() == 0)
def is_triangulated(self):
Returns True if the surface is triangulated. In other words, faces
consist only of the product of 3-cycles.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: r = RibbonGraph(edges='(0,1)(2,3)(4,5)',faces='(0,2,4)(1,5,3)')
sage: r.is_triangulated()
sage: r = RibbonGraph(edges='(0,1)(2,3)',faces='(0,2,1,3)')
sage: r.is_triangulated()
return all(len(c) == 3 for c in self.faces())
def genus(self):
Return the genus of the surface associated to this Ribbon graph.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: R = RibbonGraph(vertices='(1)(2)',edges='(1,2)')
sage: R.genus()
sage: e='(1,3)(2,4)'
sage: f='(1,2,3,4)'
sage: RibbonGraph(edges=e,faces=f).genus()
sage: e='(1,3)(2,4)(5,7)(6,8)'
sage: f='(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)'
sage: RibbonGraph(edges=e,faces=f).genus()
sage: e='(1,3)(2,4)(5,7)(6,8)(9,11)(10,12)'
sage: f='(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)'
sage: RibbonGraph(edges=e,faces=f).genus()
return 1 - self.euler_characteristic()//2
# cycles and fundamental group
def spanning_tree(self):
Return a spanning tree
- spanning tree as a DiGraph
- remaining edges as 2-tuples ``(i,e[i])``
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: R = RibbonGraph('(1,2,3)','(1,2)(3,4)')
sage: R
Ribbon graph with 2 vertices, 2 edges and 2 faces
sage: T,o = R.spanning_tree()
sage: T
Digraph on 2 vertices
sage: T.edges(sort=True)
[(0, 1, (3, 4))]
sage: o
[(1, 2)]
sage: R = RibbonGraph('(1,2,3)(4,5,6)','(1,2)(3,4)(5,6)')
sage: R
Ribbon graph with 2 vertices, 3 edges and 3 faces
sage: T,o = R.spanning_tree()
sage: T
Digraph on 2 vertices
sage: T.edges(sort=True)
[(0, 1, (3, 4))]
sage: o
[(1, 2), (5, 6)]
sage: e = '(1,3)(5,7)(2,4)(6,8)'
sage: f = '(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)'
sage: R = RibbonGraph(edges=e, faces=f)
sage: T,o = R.spanning_tree()
sage: T
Digraph on 1 vertex
sage: o
[[1, 3], [2, 4], [5, 7], [6, 8]]
from sage.graphs.digraph import DiGraph
d = self.darts()
v = self.vertices()
e = self.edge_perm()
if self.num_darts() == 0:
return DiGraph(),[]
if self.num_vertices() == 1:
return DiGraph({0:[]}),self.edges()
T = DiGraph()
v0 = 0
for root in v[0]:
v1 = self.dart_to_vertex(e[root])
if v1 != 0:
o = []
seen = set([v0,v1]) # seen vertices
waiting = [e[root],root] # waiting darts
cc = []
while waiting:
ii = waiting.pop() # this is a dart
v0 = self.dart_to_vertex(ii)
for j in self.vertex_orbit(ii)[1:]:
v1 = self.dart_to_vertex(e[j])
if v1 in seen:
if j < e[j]:
return T, sorted(o)
def collapse(self, spanning_tree=None):
Return a ribbon graph callapsed along a spanning tree.
The resulting graph is on the same surface as the preceding but has only
one vertex. It could be used twice to provide a polygonal representation
with one vertex and one face.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: R = RibbonGraph(vertices='(0,1,2,5)(3,7)(4,10,9)(6,11,12)(8,13)')
sage: R.genus()
sage: R.num_vertices()
sage: R.num_edges()
sage: R.num_faces()
sage: R2 = R.collapse()
sage: R2
Ribbon graph with 1 vertex, 3 edges and 2 faces
sage: R
Ribbon graph with 5 vertices, 7 edges and 2 faces
sage: R3 = R2.dual().collapse().dual()
sage: R3
Ribbon graph with 1 vertex, 2 edges and 1 face
from copy import deepcopy
if spanning_tree is None:
spanning_tree,_ = self.spanning_tree()
darts_to_kill = set([])
for v0,v1,e in spanning_tree.edges(sort=True):
new_edges = []
for e in self.edges():
if e[0] not in darts_to_kill:
new_faces = []
for f in self.faces():
ff = tuple(i for i in f if i not in darts_to_kill)
if ff:
return RibbonGraph(edges=tuple(new_edges), faces=tuple(new_faces))
def boundaries(self):
Return the list of cycles which are boundaries.
A cycle is a *boundary* if it bounds a face.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: r = RibbonGraph('(1,2,3)(4,5,6)','(1,2)(3,4)(5,6)')
sage: r.boundaries()
[[(1, 2)], [(2, 1), (3, 4), (6, 5), (4, 3)], [(5, 6)]]
sage: r = RibbonGraph('(1,2,3)(4,5)(6,7,8)',edges='(1,2)(3,4)(5,6)(7,8)')
sage: r.boundaries()
[[(1, 2)], [(2, 1), (3, 4), (5, 6), (8, 7), (6, 5), (4, 3)], [(7, 8)]]
e = self.edge_perm()
return sorted([[(i,e[i]) for i in f] for f in self.faces()])
def cycle_basis(self, intersection=False, verbose=False):
Returns a base of oriented cycles of the Ribbon graph modulo boundaries.
If ``intersection`` is set to True then the method also returns the
intersection matrix of the cycles.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: r = RibbonGraph('(1,2,3)(4,5,6)','(1,2)(3,4)(5,6)')
sage: r.cycle_basis()
sage: r = RibbonGraph('(1,2,3)(4,5)(6,7,8)',edges='(1,2)(3,4)(5,6)(7,8)')
sage: r.cycle_basis()
sage: r = RibbonGraph('(1,4,5)(2,3)(6,7,8)',edges='(1,2)(3,4)(5,6)(7,8)')
sage: r.cycle_basis()
sage: e = '(1,3)(2,4)(5,7)(6,8)'
sage: f = '(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)'
sage: r = RibbonGraph(edges=e,faces=f)
sage: r.cycle_basis()
[[[1, 3]], [[2, 4]], [[5, 7]], [[6, 8]]]
sage: f = '(0,10,13)(6,17,11)(2,14,7)(15,12,3)(16,20,19)(18,1,9)(4,22,21)(23,8,5)'
sage: e = tuple((i,i+1) for i in range(0,24,2))
sage: r = RibbonGraph(edges=e,faces=f); r
Ribbon graph with 2 vertices, 12 edges and 8 faces
sage: c,m = r.cycle_basis(intersection=True)
sage: c
[[(0, 1), [4, 5]], [[8, 9]], [[12, 13]], [[14, 15], (1, 0)]]
sage: m
[ 0 1 0 0]
[-1 0 0 0]
[ 0 0 0 1]
[ 0 0 -1 0]
T,o = self.spanning_tree()
# build a Ribbon graph with one vertex and one face
r = self.collapse(T).dual().collapse().dual()
if T is None:
return r.edges()
if intersection:
c = r.vertices()[0]
M = len(c)
I = []
cycles = [] # the cycles
for e in r.edges():
if verbose:
print("build cycle from edge %s between vertex v0=%d and v1=%d" %(str(e),self.dart_to_vertex(e[0]),self.dart_to_vertex(e[1])))
# build the branch to the root from v0
v0 = self.dart_to_vertex(e[0])
if verbose:
print(" build branch from v0=%d" % v0)
p0 = []
while v0 != 0:
v0,_,e0 = T.incoming_edges(v0)[0] # (v_in,v_out,label)
if verbose:
print(" add %d" % v0)
if verbose:
print(" branch is %s" % str(p0))
# build the branch to the root from v1
v1 = self.dart_to_vertex(e[1])
if verbose:
print(" build branch from v1=%d" % v1)
p1 = []
while v1 != 0:
v1,_,e1 = T.incoming_edges(v1)[0]
if verbose:
print(" add %d" % v1)
if verbose:
print(" branch is %s" % str(p1))
# clean the branches by removing common part
while p0 and p1 and p0[-1] == p1[-1]:
if verbose:
print("find common element", p0[-1])
# add the cycle to the list
# compute algebraic intersection with preceding cycles
if intersection:
i = []
for _,ee,_ in cycles:
if verbose:
print("compute intersection")
p_in = c.index(e[1])
p_out = (c.index(e[0]) - p_in) % M
q_in = (c.index(ee[1]) - p_in) % M
q_out = (c.index(ee[0]) - p_in) % M
if verbose:
print(" after reduction: p_out = %d, q_in = %d, q_out = %d" % (p_out, q_in, q_out))
# compute intersection
# p_in = 0 and the others 3 are positive
if q_in < p_out and p_out < q_out:
elif q_out < p_out and p_out < q_in:
# make cycle as list
cycles = [p0[::-1]+[e]+[c[::-1] for c in p1] for p0,e,p1 in cycles]
if intersection:
m = matrix(len(cycles))
for j in range(len(I)):
for jj in range(len(I[j])):
m[j,jj] = I[j][jj]
m[jj,j] = -I[j][jj]
return cycles, m
return cycles
def is_cycle(self,c):
Test whether ``c`` is a cycle.
A *path* is a sequence of oriented edges such that each edge starts
where the preceding one ends. A *cycle* is a path which starts where it
for i in range(len(c)-1):
if self.dart_to_vertex(c[i][1]) != self.dart_to_vertex(c[i+1][0]):
return False
if self.dart_to_vertex(c[-1][1]) != self.dart_to_vertex(c[0][0]):
return False
return True
class RibbonGraphWithAngles(RibbonGraph):
A Ribbon graph with angles between edges
Currently angles can only be *rational* multiples of pi.
- allows any kind of angles by providing a sum for the total and considering
each angle as a (projective) portion of the total angle.
def __init__(self, vertices=None, edges=None, faces=None, angles=None):
r = RibbonGraph(vertices,edges,faces)
if len(angles) != self.num_darts():
raise ValueError("there are %d angles and %d darts" %(len(angles),self.num_darts()))
self._angles = list(map(QQ,angles))
# angle between a dart and its vertex-neighbour
# (rational number as multiple of pi)
self._total_angle = []
# total angle around vertices
# (integer which corresponds to a multiple of pi)
for v in self.vertices():
self._total_angle.append(sum(angles[i] for i in v))
for f in self.faces():
a = sum(self._angles[i] for i in f)
if a != len(f)-2:
raise ValueError("the angle of a face should be (nb_edges - 2) x pi")
def angle_between_darts(self, d1, d2):
Return the angle between the darts ``d1`` and ``d2``
v = self.vertex_orbit(d1)
if d2 not in v:
raise ValueError("d1=%s and d2=%s are not at the same vertex" %(str(d1),str(d2)))
a = 0
i = 0
while v[i] != d2:
a += self._angles[v[i]]
i += 1
return a
def angle_at_vertex(self,v):
Angle at a vertex (coefficient of pi)
return self._total_angle[v]
def angle_at_vertices(self):
Return the list of angles at a vertex.
return self._total_angle
def winding(self, c):
Return winding number along the cycle ``c``.
This is NOT well defined because it depends on the way we choose to pass
on the left or on the right at singularity.
a = 0
for i in range(len(c)-1):
d1 = c[i][1]
d2 = c[i+1][0]
if self.dart_to_vertex(d1) != self.dart_to_vertex(d2):
raise ValueError("c is not a cycle")
a += self.angle_between_darts(d1,d2)-1
d1 = c[-1][1]
d2 = c[0][0]
if self.dart_to_vertex(d1) != self.dart_to_vertex(d2):
raise ValueError("c is not a cycle")
a += self.angle_between_darts(d1,d2)-1
return a
def holonomy_representation(self):
Return the holonomy representation in `SO(2)` as two lists.
The first list correspond to cycles around vertices, while the second
correspond to a cycle basis that generate homology.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: e = '(0,1)(2,3)'
sage: f = '(0,2,1,3)'
sage: a = [1/2,1/2,1/2,1/2]
sage: r = RibbonGraphWithAngles(edges=e,faces=f,angles=a)
sage: r.holonomy_representation()
([0], [0, 0])
The standard cube::
sage: e = tuple((i,i+1) for i in range(0,24,2))
sage: f = '(0,20,7,10)(16,22,19,21)(2,9,5,23)(14,3,17,1)(12,8,15,11)(18,4,13,6)'
sage: a = [1/2]*24
sage: r = RibbonGraphWithAngles(edges=e,faces=f,angles=a)
sage: r.holonomy_representation()
([3/2, 3/2, 3/2, 3/2, 3/2, 3/2, 3/2, 3/2], [])
Two copies of a triangle::
sage: e = '(0,1)(2,3)(4,5)'
sage: f = '(0,2,4)(1,5,3)'
sage: a = [1/2,1/6,1/3,1/3,1/6,1/2]
sage: r = RibbonGraphWithAngles(edges=e,faces=f,angles=a)
sage: r.holonomy_representation()
([1, 1/2, 1/2], [])
sage: a = [1/3,7/15,1/5,1/5,7/15,1/3]
sage: r = RibbonGraphWithAngles(edges=e,faces=f,angles=a)
sage: r.holonomy_representation()
([2/3, 2/3, 2/3], [])
from sage.functions.other import floor
l1 = []
for c in range(self.num_vertices()):
w = self.angle_at_vertex(c)
l1.append(w - 2*floor(w/2))
l2 = []
for c in self.cycle_basis():
w = self.winding(c)
l2.append(w - 2*floor(w/2))
return l1,l2
def has_trivial_holonomy(self):
Test whether self has trivial holonomy representation
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
sage: e = '(0,1)(2,3)'
sage: f = '(0,2,1,3)'
sage: a = [1/2,1/2,1/2,1/2]
sage: r = RibbonGraphWithAngles(edges=e,faces=f,angles=a)
sage: r.has_trivial_holonomy()
sage: e = '(0,1)(2,3)(4,5)'
sage: f = '(0,2,4)(1,5,3)'
sage: a = [1/3,7/15,1/5,1/5,7/15,1/3]
sage: r = RibbonGraphWithAngles(edges=e,faces=f,angles=a)
sage: r.has_trivial_holonomy()
l1,l2 = self.holonomy_representation()
return all(i==0 for i in l1) and all(i==0 for i in l2)
def spin_parity(self,check=True,verbose=False):
Return the spin parity of the Ribbon graph with angles.
The surface should be holonomy free and with odd multiple of 2 pi
angles. Implements the formula of [Joh80]_.
sage: from surface_dynamics import *
We first consider the case of the torus::
sage: e = '(0,1)(2,3)'
sage: f = '(0,2,1,3)'
sage: a = [1/2,1/2,1/2,1/2]
sage: r = RibbonGraphWithAngles(edges=e,faces=f,angles=a)
sage: r.spin_parity()
Then the case of genus 2 surface (with an angle of 6pi)::
sage: e = '(0,1)(2,3)(4,5)(6,7)'
sage: f = '(0,2,4,3,6,1,7,5)'
sage: a = [1/2,1/2,1,1/2,1/2,1,3/2,1/2]
sage: r = RibbonGraphWithAngles(edges=e,faces=f,angles=a)
sage: r.spin_parity()
sage: e = '(0,1)(2,3)(4,5)(6,7)'
sage: f = '(0,2,4,6,1,3,5,7)'
sage: a = [1/2,1/2,1,1,1,1,1/2,1/2]
sage: r = RibbonGraphWithAngles(edges=e,faces=f,angles=a)
sage: r.spin_parity()
sage: e = '(0,1)(2,3)(4,5)(6,7)'
sage: f = '(0,2,4,6,1,3,5,7)'
sage: a = [3/4]*8
sage: r = RibbonGraphWithAngles(edges=e,faces=f,angles=a)
sage: r.spin_parity()
In genus 3 two spin parities occur for one conical angle 10pi::
sage: e = '(0,1)(2,3)(4,5)(6,7)(8,9)(10,11)'
sage: f1 = '(0,4,6,8,10,2,1,9,11,5,7,3)'
sage: f2 = '(0,4,6,8,10,2,1,5,7,9,11,3)'
sage: a = [1/2,1/2,1/2,1/2] + [1]*8
sage: r1 = RibbonGraphWithAngles(edges=e,faces=f1,angles=a)
sage: r1.spin_parity()
sage: r2 = RibbonGraphWithAngles(edges=e,faces=f2,angles=a)
sage: r2.spin_parity()
from sage.rings.finite_rings.finite_field_constructor import GF
# mod F2 we have: q(x+y) = B(x,y) + q(x) + q(y)
if not self.has_trivial_holonomy():
raise ValueError("the surface does not have trivial holonomy")
if any((i+2)%4 for i in self.angle_at_vertices()):
raise ValueError("each angle should be odd multiple of 2pi")
GF2 = GF(2)
c,M = self.cycle_basis(intersection=True)
winding = []
for cc in c:
w = self.winding(cc)
if w % 2 != 0:
raise ValueError("fatal error ! each winding should be a multiple of 2")
if verbose:
print("cycles with winding")
for i in range(len(c)):
print(c[i], winding[i])
print("intersection matrix on Z")
# compute a base change to get a symplectic basis
_,P = M.symplectic_form()
M = M.change_ring(GF2)
P = P.change_ring(GF2)
if verbose:
print("base change for symplectic basis on GF(2)")
g = self.genus()
s = GF2(0)
for i in range(g):
# 1. computation of q(P.row(i))
a = P.row(i)
a_indices = [j for j in range(2*g) if a[j] != 0]
## winding + nb_components
t_a = sum(winding[i]+1 for i in a_indices)
## self intersection
for j1 in range(len(a_indices)):
for j2 in range(j1+1,len(a_indices)):
t_a += M[a_indices[j1],a_indices[j2]]
# 2. computation of q(P.row(g+i))
b = P.row(g+i)
b_indices = [j for j in range(2*g) if b[j] != 0]
## winding + nb_components
t_b = sum(winding[i]+1 for i in b_indices)
## self intersection
for j1 in range(len(b_indices)):
for j2 in range(j1+1,len(b_indices)):
t_b += M[b_indices[j1],b_indices[j2]]
# 3. add to s the contribution of the couple
if verbose:
print("contribution from %d is %d * %d = %d" % (i, t_a, t_b, t_a * t_b))
s += t_a*t_b
return s
def angle(v):
Return the argument of the vector ``v``.
from math import acos,asin,sqrt,pi
x = float(v[0])
y = float(v[1])
r = sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
if abs(x) >= abs(y):
if x >= 0:
return asin(y / r) / pi
return -asin(y / r) / pi
if y >= 0:
return acos(x / r) / pi
return -acos(x / r) / pi
class RibbonGraphWithHolonomies(RibbonGraph):
A Ribbon graph with holonomies.
For now
def __init__(self, vertices=None, edges=None, faces=None, holonomies=None):
r = RibbonGraph(vertices,edges,faces)
if len(holonomies) != self.num_darts():
raise ValueError("there are %d angles and %d darts" %(len(angles),self.num_darts()))
V = FreeModule(ZZ, 2)
self._holonomies = list(map(V, holonomies))
#self._angles = map(angle, self._holonomies)