renf.h — Real Embedded Number Fields

This header defines one of the basic objects of e-antic, renf_t a real embedded number field and the functions that interact with it.

Memory Layout

Struct renf

struct renf{
  nf_t nf;
  fmpz_poly_t der;
  mp_limb_signed_t prec;
  arb_t emb;
  int immutable;

Internal representation of a real embedded number field.

The attributes are not part of the API and should be accessed directly. The exact structure here is only of interest for those who want to work on e-antic itself. To interact with a real embedded number field, use the renf_ functions described below.

Typical users of e-antic will never instantiate a renf directly but instead work with a renf_t.

Member Variable nf

An algebraic number field, provided by ANTIC.

Member Variable der

The derivative of the defining polynomial (without denominator) as a FLINT polynomial over the integers.

Member Variable prec

Precision (number of bits) used for binary operations on enclosures.

Member Variable emb

The real embedding of the generator of this number field, given as ball in the reals.

Member Variable immutable

A flag used during refinements to ensure thread-safety.

Type Alias renf_t

A real embedded number field.

Actually, this is an array of renf of length one.

Typically, users of e-antic should not worry about the exact definition of this and just treat this as the type that represents a number field in e-antic.

Using an array of length one instead of a plain renf or a renf* is a common trick in C which is probably best known from MPFR and GMP but also used in the FLINT and Arb libraries that we build upon. Essentially, this gives much better semantics than a plain renf. E.g., a renf_t is not assignable. (Directly assigning a renf to another renf does not do what one would expect as the heap-allocated parts of a renf are not duplicated correctly.) Also, calling a function that accepts a renf_t passes the value with reference semantics, as if it were a renf*, i.e., without copying the underlying value. Since a renf_t is always stack allocated and cannot be returned from a function, it is also much harder to produce dangling pointers which one would get when using renf* everywhere instead.

Initialization, Allocation, Deallocation

void renf_init(renf_t nf, fmpq_poly_t pol, arb_t emb, slong prec)

Set nf to be the real embedded number field define by the minimal polynomial pol and the (approximate) embedding emb. The parameter prec is used as the default precision for binary operations on enclosures.

void renf_init_nth_root_fmpq(renf_t nf, fmpq_t d, mp_limb_t n, slong prec)

Set nf to be the real embedded number field defined as the n-th root of the rational number d. prec is the default precision.

void renf_init_set(renf_t dest, const renf_t src)

Copy src to dest.

void renf_clear(renf_t nf)

Deallocate the number field nf originally allocated with one of the renf_init above.

slong renf_set_embeddings_fmpz_poly(renf* nf, fmpz_poly_t pol, slong lim, slong prec)

Set the lim first elements of the array nf to the real embeddings of the irreducible polynomial pol. Each number field is initialized with a default prec of bit precision for binary operations.

Other Functions

void renf_refine_embedding(renf_t nf, slong prec)

Refine the embedding of nf to prec bits of precision.

int renf_set_immutable(renf_t nf, int immutable)

Change the mutability of the number field.

If immutable is zero, make the number field mutable. Otherwise, make the number field immutable. Returns the previous value. It is not possible to refine the embedding of an immutable number field. This method is used internally as a sanity-check in multi-threaded code.

int renf_equal(const renf_t nf1, const renf_t nf2)

Return whether the two number fields are equal.

Two embedded number field are considered equal if they define the same subfield of the real numbers. The precision of the embedding or the precision of bit operations do not matter in this comparison.

slong renf_degree(renf_t nf)

Return the degree of the number field.

void renf_randtest(renf_t nf, flint_rand_t state, slong len, slong prec, ulong bits)

Set nf to a random number field.

Used internally in unit tests.

char* renf_get_str(const renf_t nf, char* var, slong prec)

Return a printable representation of this number field.

Returns a C string which uses var as the name of the variable and the precision is given with prec bits. The returned string has to be deallocated with flint_free after usage.

void renf_print(const renf_t nf)

Print the number field on the standard output.